2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
port module Generate exposing (main)
2022-09-12 20:16:00 +03:00
{-| -}
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
import Elm exposing (File)
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
import Elm.Annotation
2022-09-13 18:17:23 +03:00
import Elm.Case
2022-09-13 02:50:08 +03:00
import Elm.CodeGen
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
import Elm.Declare
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
import Elm.Op
2022-09-13 02:50:08 +03:00
import Elm.Pretty
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
import Gen.Basics
2022-09-12 22:16:18 +03:00
import Gen.CodeGen.Generate exposing (Error)
2022-09-13 20:38:16 +03:00
import Gen.Html
2022-09-13 20:31:01 +03:00
import Gen.Html.Attributes
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
import Gen.List
import Gen.Path
import Gen.Server.Response
import Gen.String
2022-09-13 01:01:59 +03:00
import Pages.Internal.RoutePattern as RoutePattern exposing (RoutePattern)
2022-09-13 02:50:08 +03:00
import Pretty
2022-09-12 20:16:00 +03:00
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
type alias Flags =
{ templates : List (List String)
2022-09-13 20:49:51 +03:00
, basePath : String
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
main : Program Flags () ()
2022-09-12 20:16:00 +03:00
main =
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
{ init =
2022-09-13 20:49:51 +03:00
\{ templates, basePath } ->
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
( ()
2022-09-13 20:49:51 +03:00
, onSuccessSend [ file templates basePath ]
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
, update =
\_ model ->
( model, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
2022-09-12 20:16:00 +03:00
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
splitPath : { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
splitPath =
Elm.Declare.fn "splitPath"
( "path", Just Gen.Path.annotation_.path )
(\path ->
(Elm.fn ( "item", Just Elm.Annotation.string )
(\item -> Elm.Op.notEqual item (Elm.string ""))
(Gen.String.call_.split (Elm.string "/") path)
2022-09-13 18:17:23 +03:00
maybeToList : { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
maybeToList =
Elm.Declare.fn "maybeToList"
( "maybeString", Just (Elm.Annotation.maybe Elm.Annotation.string) )
(\maybeString ->
Elm.Case.maybe maybeString
{ nothing = Elm.list []
, just = ( "string", \string -> Elm.list [ string ] )
|> Elm.withType (Elm.Annotation.list Elm.Annotation.string)
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
segmentsToRoute :
List RoutePattern
-> { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
segmentsToRoute routes =
Elm.Declare.fn "segmentsToRoute"
( "segments"
, Elm.Annotation.list Elm.Annotation.string |> Just
(\segments ->
2022-09-13 18:50:40 +03:00
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
|> List.concatMap RoutePattern.routeToBranch
|> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (\constructRoute -> Elm.CodeGen.apply [ Elm.CodeGen.val "Just", constructRoute ]))
2022-09-13 18:50:40 +03:00
++ [ ( Elm.CodeGen.allPattern, Elm.CodeGen.val "Nothing" )
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
|> Elm.CodeGen.caseExpr (Elm.CodeGen.val "segments")
|> Elm.Pretty.prettyExpression
|> Pretty.pretty 120
|> Elm.val
|> Elm.withType
(Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route"
|> Elm.Annotation.maybe
2022-09-13 18:17:23 +03:00
routeToPath : List RoutePattern -> { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
routeToPath routes =
Elm.Declare.fn "routeToPath"
( "route", Just (Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route") )
(\route_ ->
Elm.Case.custom route_
(Elm.Annotation.list Elm.Annotation.string)
|> List.map
(\route ->
RoutePattern.toVariantName route
|> .params
|> List.filter
(\param ->
case param of
RoutePattern.StaticParam _ ->
_ ->
[] ->
Elm.Case.branch0 (RoutePattern.toVariantName route |> .variantName)
(RoutePattern.toVariantName route
|> .params
|> List.map
(\param ->
case param of
RoutePattern.StaticParam name ->
[ Elm.string name ]
|> Elm.list
RoutePattern.DynamicParam name ->
Elm.list []
RoutePattern.OptionalParam2 name ->
Elm.list []
2022-09-14 00:25:51 +03:00
RoutePattern.RequiredSplatParam2 ->
Elm.val "TODO"
RoutePattern.OptionalSplatParam2 ->
Elm.val "TODO"
2022-09-13 18:17:23 +03:00
|> Elm.list
nonEmptyDynamicParams ->
Elm.Case.branch1 (RoutePattern.toVariantName route |> .variantName)
( "params", Elm.Annotation.record [] )
(\params ->
RoutePattern.toVariantName route
|> .params
|> List.map
(\param ->
case param of
RoutePattern.StaticParam name ->
[ Elm.string name ]
|> Elm.list
RoutePattern.DynamicParam name ->
[ Elm.get name params ]
|> Elm.list
RoutePattern.OptionalParam2 name ->
maybeToList.call (Elm.get name params)
2022-09-14 00:25:51 +03:00
RoutePattern.RequiredSplatParam2 ->
Elm.val "Debug.todo \"\""
RoutePattern.OptionalSplatParam2 ->
Elm.val "Debug.todo \"\""
2022-09-13 18:17:23 +03:00
|> Elm.list
|> Gen.List.call_.concat
|> Elm.withType (Elm.Annotation.list Elm.Annotation.string)
2022-09-13 20:49:51 +03:00
file : List (List String) -> String -> Elm.File
file templates basePath =
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
routes : List RoutePattern.RoutePattern
routes =
|> List.filterMap RoutePattern.fromModuleName
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
segmentsToRouteFn : { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
segmentsToRouteFn =
segmentsToRoute routes
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
[ "Route" ]
2022-09-12 20:16:00 +03:00
[ Elm.customType "Route"
2022-09-12 22:16:18 +03:00
(routes |> List.map RoutePattern.toVariant)
2022-09-12 23:43:02 +03:00
|> expose
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
, segmentsToRouteFn.declaration |> expose
, splitPath.declaration
2022-09-13 01:01:59 +03:00
, Elm.declaration "urlToRoute"
( "url"
, Elm.Annotation.extensible "url" [ ( "path", Elm.Annotation.string ) ]
|> Just
(\url ->
2022-09-13 17:11:41 +03:00
(url |> Elm.get "path")
|> Elm.withType (Elm.Annotation.maybe (Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route"))
2022-09-13 01:01:59 +03:00
|> expose
2022-09-13 20:49:51 +03:00
, Elm.declaration "baseUrl" (Elm.string basePath)
2022-09-12 23:43:02 +03:00
|> expose
2022-09-13 18:17:23 +03:00
, maybeToList.declaration
, routeToPath routes |> .declaration |> expose
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
, Elm.declaration "baseUrlAsPath"
(Elm.fn ( "item", Nothing )
(\item ->
(Gen.String.call_.isEmpty item)
(Gen.String.call_.split (Elm.string "/")
(Elm.val "baseUrl")
|> expose
, Elm.declaration "toPath"
(Elm.fn ( "route", Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route" |> Just )
(\route ->
(Elm.string "/")
(Elm.val "baseUrlAsPath")
(Elm.apply (Elm.val "routeToPath")
[ route ]
2022-09-13 18:42:12 +03:00
|> Elm.withType (Elm.Annotation.named [ "Path" ] "Path")
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
|> expose
2022-09-13 18:20:29 +03:00
, toString.declaration
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
|> expose
, Elm.declaration "redirectTo"
(Elm.fn ( "route", Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route" |> Just )
(\route ->
2022-09-13 18:20:29 +03:00
(toString.call route)
2022-09-13 18:42:12 +03:00
|> Elm.withType
(Elm.Annotation.namedWith [ "Server", "Response" ]
[ Elm.Annotation.var "data"
, Elm.Annotation.var "error"
2022-09-13 00:36:54 +03:00
|> expose
2022-09-13 20:31:01 +03:00
, Elm.declaration "toLink"
( "toAnchorTag", Nothing )
( "route", Just (Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route") )
(\toAnchorTag route ->
[ Elm.list
[ route |> toString.call |> Gen.Html.Attributes.call_.href
, Gen.Html.Attributes.attribute "elm-pages:prefetch" ""
|> expose
2022-09-13 20:38:16 +03:00
, Elm.declaration "link"
( "attributes", Nothing )
( "children", Nothing )
( "route", Just (Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route") )
(\attributes children route ->
( "anchorAttrs", Nothing )
(\anchorAttrs ->
(Elm.Op.append anchorAttrs attributes)
|> expose
2022-09-13 20:47:03 +03:00
, Elm.declaration "withoutBaseUrl"
(Elm.fn ( "path", Just Elm.Annotation.string )
(\path ->
(path |> Gen.String.call_.startsWith (Elm.val "baseUrl"))
(Gen.String.call_.length (Elm.val "baseUrl"))
|> expose
2022-09-12 20:16:00 +03:00
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
2022-09-13 20:38:16 +03:00
toLink : { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
toLink =
Elm.Declare.fn2 "toLink"
( "toAnchorTag", Nothing )
( "route", Just (Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route") )
(\toAnchorTag route ->
[ Elm.list
[ route |> toString.call |> Gen.Html.Attributes.call_.href
, Gen.Html.Attributes.attribute "elm-pages:prefetch" ""
2022-09-13 18:20:29 +03:00
toString : { declaration : Elm.Declaration, call : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression, callFrom : List String -> Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression }
toString =
Elm.Declare.fn "toString"
( "route", Elm.Annotation.named [] "Route" |> Just )
(\route ->
(Elm.apply (Elm.val "toPath") [ route ])
2022-09-12 23:43:02 +03:00
expose : Elm.Declaration -> Elm.Declaration
expose declaration =
|> Elm.exposeWith
{ exposeConstructor = True
, group = Nothing
2022-09-12 21:49:02 +03:00
port onSuccessSend : List File -> Cmd msg
port onFailureSend : List Error -> Cmd msg
port onInfoSend : String -> Cmd msg