Run validations on init. Make Int and Float ranges.

This commit is contained in:
Dillon Kearns 2022-01-10 18:33:24 -08:00
parent 7d5b999966
commit 95eff70f02
3 changed files with 111 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -265,12 +265,13 @@ form user =
|> Form.with
{ initial = 3
, min = 1
, max = 5
(textInput "Rating")
|> Form.withMin 1
|> Form.withMax 5
|> Form.range
|> Form.wrap wrapSection
|> Form.appendForm (|>)

View File

@ -289,22 +289,22 @@ update toMsg onResponse form msg model =
init : Form value view -> Model
init (Form fields decoder serverValidations modelToValue) =
init ((Form fields decoder serverValidations modelToValue) as form) =
{ fields =
|> List.concatMap Tuple.first
|> List.filterMap
(\field ->
(\initial ->
, { raw = Just initial
, errors =
, errors = runValidation form { name =, value = initial }
|> Maybe.withDefault (, { raw = Nothing, errors = runValidation form { name =, value = "" } } )
|> Dict.fromList
, isSubmitting = NotSubmitted
@ -723,6 +723,87 @@ requiredNumber name toHtmlFn =
range :
{ initial : Int
, min : Int
, max : Int
-> view
-> Field Int view {}
range name options toHtmlFn =
{ name = name
, initialValue = Just (String.fromInt options.initial)
, type_ = "range"
, required = True
, serverValidation = \_ -> DataSource.succeed []
, toHtml =
\formInfo _ fieldInfo info ->
toHtmlFn (toInputRecord formInfo name Nothing info fieldInfo)
, decode =
\rawString ->
case rawString of
Nothing ->
Err MissingRequired
Just string ->
-- TODO should be a required field missing error if this is empty string
|> String.toInt
-- TODO should this be a custom type instead of String error? That way users can customize the error messages
|> Result.fromMaybe (Error "Not a valid number")
, properties =
|> withStringProperty ( "min", String.fromInt options.min )
|> withStringProperty ( "max", String.fromInt options.max )
floatRange :
{ initial : Float
, min : Float
, max : Float
-> view
{ step : Float
floatRange name options toHtmlFn =
{ name = name
, initialValue = Just (String.fromFloat options.initial)
, type_ = "range"
, required = True
, serverValidation = \_ -> DataSource.succeed []
, toHtml =
\formInfo _ fieldInfo info ->
toHtmlFn (toInputRecord formInfo name Nothing info fieldInfo)
, decode =
\rawString ->
|> validateRequiredField
|> Result.andThen
-- TODO should this be a custom type instead of String error? That way users can customize the error messages
(String.toFloat >> Result.fromMaybe (Error "Not a valid number"))
, properties = []
|> withStringProperty ( "min", String.fromFloat options.min )
|> withStringProperty ( "max", String.fromFloat options.max )
date :
@ -843,6 +924,16 @@ withMax max field =
withStringProperty ( "max", String.fromInt max ) field
withStep : Int -> Field value view { constraints | step : Int } -> Field value view constraints
withStep max field =
withStringProperty ( "step", String.fromInt max ) field
withFloatStep : Float -> Field value view { constraints | step : Float } -> Field value view constraints
withFloatStep max field =
withStringProperty ( "step", String.fromFloat max ) field
withMinDate : Date -> Field value view { constraints | min : Date } -> Field value view constraints
withMinDate min field =
withStringProperty ( "min", Date.toIsoString min ) field
@ -889,11 +980,6 @@ telephone (Field field) =
Field { field | type_ = "tel" }
range : Field value view constraints -> Field value view constraints
range (Field field) =
Field { field | type_ = "range" }
search : Field value view constraints -> Field value view constraints
search (Field field) =
Field { field | type_ = "search" }

View File

@ -84,6 +84,17 @@ all =
|> Form.rawValues
|> Expect.equal
(Dict.fromList [ ( "first", "Jane" ) ])
, test "client validations are available on init" <|
\() ->
Form.succeed identity
|> Form.with
(Form.text "first" toInput
|> Form.withInitialValue "Jane"
|> Form.withClientValidation (\_ -> Err "This error always occurs")
|> Form.init
|> Form.hasErrors2
|> Expect.true "expected errors"