Change glob API to use same type between matchers and top-level glob type.

This commit is contained in:
Dillon Kearns 2021-03-30 19:43:37 -07:00
parent 8cfa4be975
commit bb1ee9b7c0
2 changed files with 117 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ type Glob a
= Glob String (List String -> a)
type NewGlob a
= NewGlob String (List String -> ( a, List String ))
type GlobMatcher a
= GlobMatcher String (CaptureToValue a)
@ -16,11 +20,57 @@ type CaptureToValue a
| Dynamic (String -> a)
map : (a -> b) -> NewGlob a -> NewGlob b
map mapFn (NewGlob pattern applyCapture) =
NewGlob pattern
(\captures ->
|> applyCapture
|> Tuple.mapFirst mapFn
succeed : constructor -> Glob constructor
succeed constructor =
Glob "" (\captures -> constructor)
succeed2 : constructor -> NewGlob constructor
succeed2 constructor =
NewGlob "" (\captures -> ( constructor, captures ))
star2 : NewGlob String
star2 =
NewGlob "*"
(\captures ->
case captures of
first :: rest ->
( first, rest )
--applyCapture rest (toValueFn first)
[] ->
( "ERROR", [] )
--applyCapture [] (toValueFn "ERROR")
literal2 : String -> NewGlob String
literal2 string =
NewGlob string (\captures -> ( string, captures ))
runNew : List String -> NewGlob a -> { match : a, pattern : String }
runNew captures (NewGlob pattern applyCapture) =
{ match =
|> List.reverse
|> applyCapture
|> Tuple.first
, pattern = pattern
run : List String -> Glob a -> { match : a, pattern : String }
run captures (Glob pattern applyCapture) =
{ match =
@ -65,6 +115,37 @@ popCapture toValueFn applyCapture =
applyCapture [] (toValueFn "ERROR")
drop2 : NewGlob a -> NewGlob value -> NewGlob value
drop2 (NewGlob matcherPattern apply1) (NewGlob pattern apply2) =
(pattern ++ matcherPattern)
--keep : GlobMatcher a -> Glob (a -> value) -> Glob value
keep2 : NewGlob a -> NewGlob (a -> value) -> NewGlob value
keep2 (NewGlob matcherPattern apply1) (NewGlob pattern apply2) =
(pattern ++ matcherPattern)
(\captures ->
( applied1, captured1 ) =
|> apply1
( applied2, captured2 ) =
|> apply2
( applied1 |> applied2
, captured2
drop : GlobMatcher a -> Glob value -> Glob value
drop (GlobMatcher matcherPattern toValue) (Glob pattern applyCapture) =

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@ -74,6 +74,26 @@ all =
, expectedMatch = Just "ba"
, expectedPattern = "test/a*(a|b)/x.js"
, test "new star" <|
\() ->
|> expect2
{ captures = [ "star-pattern" ]
, expectedMatch = "star-pattern"
, expectedPattern = "*"
, test "new star with literal" <|
\() ->
Glob.succeed2 Tuple.pair
|> Glob.keep2 Glob.star2
|> Glob.drop2 (Glob.literal2 "/")
|> Glob.keep2 (Glob.star2 |> String.toUpper)
|> Glob.drop2 (Glob.literal2 ".txt")
|> expect2
{ captures = [ "before-slash", "after-slash" ]
, expectedMatch = ( "before-slash", "AFTER-SLASH" )
, expectedPattern = "*/*.txt"
@ -104,3 +124,19 @@ expect { captures, expectedMatch, expectedPattern } glob =
{ pattern = expectedPattern
, match = expectedMatch
expect2 :
{ captures : List String
, expectedMatch : match
, expectedPattern : String
-> Glob.NewGlob match
-> Expect.Expectation
expect2 { captures, expectedMatch, expectedPattern } glob =
|> Glob.runNew captures
|> Expect.equal
{ pattern = expectedPattern
, match = expectedMatch