module FormTests exposing (all) import Date import Dict import Expect import Form import Form.Value import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Time all : Test all = describe "Form" [ test "succeed" <| \() -> let form = Form.succeed () in form |> Form.runClientValidations (Form.init form) |> expectDecodeNoErrors () , test "single field" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.text "first" toInput |> Form.required "Required" ) |> Form.runClientValidations { fields = Dict.fromList [ ( "first", field "Jane" ) ] , isSubmitting = Form.NotSubmitted , formErrors = Dict.empty } |> expectDecodeNoErrors "Jane" , test "run a single field's validation on blur" <| \() -> let form = Form.succeed identity |> Form.with ( "dob" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } toInput ) in form |> Form.init |> updateField form ( "dob", "This is not a valid date" ) |> expectErrors [ ( "dob", [ "Invalid date" ] ) ] , test "custom client validation" <| \() -> let form = Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.text "first" toInput |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withClientValidation (\first -> if first |> String.toList |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault 'a' |> Char.isUpper then Ok first else Err "Needs to be capitalized" ) ) in form |> Form.init |> updateField form ( "first", "jane" ) |> expectErrors [ ( "first", [ "Needs to be capitalized" ] ) ] , test "init dict includes default values" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.text "first" toInput |> Form.withInitialValue ("Jane" |> Form.Value.string) ) |> Form.init |> Form.rawValues |> Expect.equal (Dict.fromList [ ( "first", "Jane" ) ]) , test "client validations are available on init" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.text "first" toInput |> Form.withInitialValue ("Jane" |> Form.Value.string) |> Form.withClientValidation (\_ -> Err "This error always occurs") ) |> Form.init |> Form.hasErrors |> Expect.true "expected errors" , test "dependent validations" <| \() -> Form.succeed Tuple.pair |> Form.with ( "checkin" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } toInput |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue (Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 1 |> ) |> Form.with ( "checkout" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } toInput |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue (Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 1 |> ) |> Form.validate (\_ -> [ ( "checkin", [ "Must be before checkout date." ] ) ] ) |> Form.init |> expectErrors [ ( "checkin", [ "Must be before checkout date." ] ) , ( "checkout", [] ) ] , test "initial validations only run once" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.text "name" toInput |> Form.required "Required" ) |> expectErrorsAfterUpdates [ ( "name", [ "Required" ] ) ] , test "parses time" <| \() -> let form = Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.time "checkin-time" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid time" } toInput |> Form.required "Required" ) in form |> expectDecodeNoErrors2 [ ( "checkin-time", "08:45" ) ] { hours = 8 , minutes = 45 } , test "no duplicate validation errors from update call" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.text "name" toInput |> Form.required "Required" ) |> expectErrorsAfterUpdates [ ( "name", [ "Required" ] ) ] , test "runs proceeding validations even when there are prior errors" <| \() -> Form.succeed Tuple.pair |> Form.with (Form.text "first" toInput |> Form.required "Required" ) |> Form.with (Form.text "last" toInput |> Form.required "Required" ) |> expectErrorsAfterUpdates [ ( "first", [ "Required" ] ) , ( "last", [ "Required" ] ) ] --, test "form-level validations are run when there are recoverable field-level errors" <| -- \() -> -- let -- form = -- Form.succeed Tuple.pair -- |> Form.with -- (Form.text "password" toInput -- |> Form.required "Required" -- ) -- |> Form.with -- (Form.text "password-confirmation" toInput -- |> Form.required "Required" -- ) -- |> Form.validate -- (\( password, passwordConfirmation ) -> -- if password == passwordConfirmation then -- [] -- -- else -- [ ( "password-confirmation", [ "Passwords must match." ] ) -- ] -- ) -- |> Form.appendForm Tuple.pair -- (Form.succeed identity -- |> Form.with -- (Form.text "name" toInput -- |> Form.required "Required" -- ) -- ) -- in -- form -- |> Form.init -- |> updateField form ( "password", "abcd" ) -- |> updateField form ( "password-confirmation", "abcd" ) -- |> expectErrors -- [ ( "name", [ "Required" ] ) -- , ( "password", [] ) -- , ( "password-confirmation", [ "Passwords must match." ] ) -- ] --, test "dependent validations are run when other fields have recoverable errors" <| -- \() -> -- Form.succeed Tuple.pair -- |> Form.with -- ( "checkin" -- { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } -- toInput -- |> Form.required "Required" -- |> Form.withInitialValue (Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 1 |> -- ) -- |> Form.with -- ( "checkout" -- { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } -- toInput -- |> Form.required "Required" -- |> Form.withInitialValue (Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 1 |> -- ) -- |> Form.validate -- (\_ -> -- [ ( "checkin", [ "Must be before checkout date." ] ) -- ] -- ) -- |> Form.appendForm Tuple.pair -- (Form.succeed identity -- |> Form.with -- (Form.text "name" toInput -- |> Form.required "Required" -- ) -- ) -- |> expectErrorsAfterUpdates -- [ ( "checkin", [ "Must be before checkout date." ] ) -- , ( "checkout", [] ) -- , ( "name", [ "Required" ] ) -- ] , test "min validation runs in pure elm" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.range "rating" { missing = "Missing" , invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } { initial = 3, min = 1, max = 5 } toInput ) |> performUpdatesThenExpectErrors [ ( "rating", "-1" ) ] [ ( "rating", [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "invalid floats give error for float input" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with (Form.float "factor" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } toInput ) |> performUpdatesThenExpectErrors [ ( "factor", "abc" ) ] [ ( "factor", [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "invalid ints give error for float input" <| \() -> Form.succeed identity |> Form.with ( "factor" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } toInput ) |> performUpdatesThenExpectErrors [ ( "factor", "abc" ) ] [ ( "factor", [ "Invalid" ] ) ] ] expectDecodeNoErrors2 : List ( String, String ) -> decoded -> Form.Form () String decoded view -> Expect.Expectation expectDecodeNoErrors2 updates expected form = let formModel = form |> Form.init |> updateFieldsWithValues updates form in Form.runClientValidations formModel form |> Expect.equal (Ok ( expected, [] )) expectDecodeNoErrors : decoded -> Result error ( decoded, List b ) -> Expect.Expectation expectDecodeNoErrors decoded actual = actual |> Expect.equal (Ok ( decoded, [] )) updateField : Form.Form () String value view -> ( String, String ) -> Form.Model -> Form.Model updateField form ( name, value ) model = model |> Form.update (\_ -> ()) () (\_ -> ()) form (Form.OnFieldInput { name = name, value = value }) |> Tuple.first expectErrors : List ( String, List String ) -> Form.Model -> Expect.Expectation expectErrors expected form = form.fields |> (\key value -> value.errors ++ (form.formErrors |> Dict.get key |> Maybe.withDefault [] ) ) |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList expected) updateAllFields : List String -> Form.Form () String value view -> Form.Model -> Form.Model updateAllFields fields form model = fields |> List.foldl (\fieldName modelSoFar -> modelSoFar |> updateField form ( fieldName, "" ) ) model updateFieldsWithValues : List ( String, String ) -> Form.Form () String value view -> Form.Model -> Form.Model updateFieldsWithValues fields form model = fields |> List.foldl (\( fieldName, fieldValue ) modelSoFar -> modelSoFar |> updateField form ( fieldName, fieldValue ) ) model expectErrorsAfterUpdates : List ( String, List String ) -> Form.Form () String value view -> Expect.Expectation expectErrorsAfterUpdates expected form = let fieldsToUpdate : List String fieldsToUpdate = expected |> Tuple.first model : Form.Model model = Form.init form in Expect.all ([ model , updateAllFields fieldsToUpdate form model ] |> (\formModel () -> formModel.fields |> (\_ value -> value.errors) |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList expected) ) ) () performUpdatesThenExpectErrors : List ( String, String ) -> List ( String, List String ) -> Form.Form () String value view -> Expect.Expectation performUpdatesThenExpectErrors updatesToPerform expected form = let model : Form.Model model = Form.init form in Expect.all ([ updateFieldsWithValues updatesToPerform form model ] |> (\formModel () -> formModel.fields |> (\_ value -> value.errors) |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList expected) ) ) () field : a -> { raw : Maybe a, errors : List b, status : Form.FieldStatus } field value = { raw = Just value, errors = [], status = Form.NotVisited } toInput : a -> () toInput _ = ()