const fs = require("fs"); async function run({ renderFunctionFilePath, routePatterns }) { fs.mkdirSync("functions/render"); fs.mkdirSync("functions/server-render"); fs.copyFileSync( renderFunctionFilePath, "./functions/render/elm-pages-cli.js" ); fs.copyFileSync( renderFunctionFilePath, "./functions/server-render/elm-pages-cli.js" ); fs.writeFileSync("./functions/render/index.js", rendererCode(true)); fs.writeFileSync("./functions/server-render/index.js", rendererCode(false)); // TODO rename functions/render to functions/fallback-render // TODO prepend instead of writing file console.log(routePatterns); const redirectsFile = routePatterns .filter(isServerSide) .map((route) => { if (route.kind === "prerender-with-fallback") { return `${route.pathPattern} /.netlify/functions/render 200 ${route.pathPattern}/content.json /.netlify/functions/render 200`; } else { return `${route.pathPattern} /.netlify/functions/server-render 200 ${route.pathPattern}/content.json /.netlify/functions/server-render 200`; } }) .join("\n") + "\n"; fs.writeFileSync("dist/_redirects", redirectsFile); } function isServerSide(route) { return ( route.kind === "prerender-with-fallback" || route.kind === "serverless" ); } run({ renderFunctionFilePath: "./elm-stuff/elm-pages/elm.js", routePatterns: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("dist/route-patterns.json")), }); /** * @param {boolean} isOnDemand */ function rendererCode(isOnDemand) { return `const path = require("path"); ${ isOnDemand ? `const { builder } = require("@netlify/functions"); exports.handler = builder(render);` : ` exports.handler = render;` } /** * @param {import('aws-lambda').APIGatewayProxyEvent} event * @param {any} context */ async function render(event, context) { console.log(JSON.stringify(event)); global.staticHttpCache = {}; const compiledElmPath = path.join(__dirname, "elm-pages-cli.js"); const renderer = require("../../../../generator/src/render"); try { const basePath = "/"; const mode = "build"; const addWatcher = () => {}; const renderResult = await renderer( basePath, require(compiledElmPath), mode, event.path, reqToJson(event), addWatcher ); const statusCode = renderResult.is404 ? 404 : 200; if (renderResult.kind === "json") { return { body: renderResult.contentJson, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "x-powered-by": "elm-pages", }, statusCode, }; } else { return { body: renderResult.htmlString, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", "x-powered-by": "elm-pages", }, statusCode, }; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); return { body: \`
\${error.toString()}\`, statusCode: 500, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", "x-powered-by": "elm-pages", }, }; } } // * @param {import('aws-lambda').APIGatewayProxyEvent} event /** * @param {import('aws-lambda').APIGatewayProxyEvent} req * @returns {{ method: string; hostname: string; query: string; headers: Object; host: string; pathname: string; port: number | null; protocol: string; rawUrl: string; }} */ function reqToJson(req) { return { method: req.httpMethod, hostname: "TODO", // query: req.queryStringParameters, // ? : "", query: "", // ? : "", headers: req.headers, host: "", // TODO pathname: req.path, port: 80, // TODO protocol: "https", // TODO rawUrl: "", // TODO }; } `; }