module FormTests exposing (all) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict import Expect import Form exposing (Form) import Form.Field as Field import Form.Validation as Validation exposing (Combined) import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) type Uuid = Uuid String type Action = Signout | SetQuantity ( Uuid, Int ) all : Test all = describe "Form Parser" <| let passwordConfirmationParser = Form.init (\password passwordConfirmation -> { combine = Validation.succeed (\passwordValue passwordConfirmationValue -> Validation.succeed { password = passwordValue } |> Validation.withErrorIf (passwordValue /= passwordConfirmationValue) passwordConfirmation "Must match password" ) |> Validation.andMap password |> Validation.andMap passwordConfirmation |> Validation.andThen identity , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.field "password" (Field.text |> Field.required "Password is required") |> Form.field "password-confirmation" (Field.text |> Field.required "Password confirmation is required") in [ test "matching password" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "password", "mypassword" ) , ( "password-confirmation", "mypassword" ) ] ) (passwordConfirmationParser |> Form.initCombined identity) |> Expect.equal ( Just { password = "mypassword" } , Dict.empty ) , test "non-matching password" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "password", "mypassword" ) , ( "password-confirmation", "doesnt-match-password" ) ] ) (passwordConfirmationParser |> Form.initCombined identity) |> Expect.equal ( Just { password = "mypassword" } , Dict.fromList [ ( "password-confirmation", [ "Must match password" ] ) ] ) , describe "oneOf" <| let oneOfParsers : Form.ServerForms String Action oneOfParsers = Form.initCombined SetQuantity (Form.init (\_ uuid quantity -> { combine = Validation.succeed Tuple.pair |> Validation.andMap (uuid |> Uuid) |> Validation.andMap quantity , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.hiddenField "kind" (Field.exactValue "setQuantity" "Expected setQuantity") |> Form.hiddenField "uuid" (Field.text |> Field.required "Required") |> Form.field "quantity" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Expected int" } |> Field.required "Required") ) |> Form.combine (\() -> Signout) (Form.init (\_ -> { combine = Validation.succeed () , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.hiddenField "kind" (Field.exactValue "signout" "Expected signout") ) in [ test "first branch" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "kind", "signout" ) ] ) oneOfParsers |> Expect.equal ( Just Signout , Dict.empty ) , test "second branch" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "kind", "setQuantity" ) , ( "uuid", "123" ) , ( "quantity", "1" ) ] ) oneOfParsers |> Expect.equal ( Just (SetQuantity ( Uuid "123", 1 )) , Dict.empty ) , test "3rd" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "kind", "toggle-all" ) , ( "toggleTo", "" ) ] ) todoForm |> Expect.equal ( Just (CheckAll False) , Dict.empty ) --, test "no match" <| -- \() -> -- Form.runOneOfServerSide -- (fields []) -- oneOfParsers -- |> Expect.equal -- ( Nothing -- , Dict.fromList [] -- ) , describe "select" <| let selectParser = Form.init (\media -> { combine = media , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.field "media" ( [ ( "book", Book ) , ( "article", Article ) , ( "video", Video ) ] (\_ -> "Invalid") ) in [ test "example" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "media", "book" ) ] ) (selectParser |> Form.initCombined identity) |> Expect.equal ( Just (Just Book) , Dict.empty ) ] , describe "dependent validations" <| let checkinFormParser : Form String { combine : Combined String ( Date, Date ), view : a -> MyView } data checkinFormParser = Form.init (\checkin checkout -> { combine = Validation.succeed (\checkinValue checkoutValue -> Validation.succeed ( checkinValue, checkoutValue ) |> (if Date.toRataDie checkinValue >= Date.toRataDie checkoutValue then Validation.withError checkin "Must be before checkout" else identity ) ) |> Validation.andMap checkin |> Validation.andMap checkout |> Validation.andThen identity , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.field "checkin" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required") |> Form.field "checkout" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required") in [ test "checkin must be before checkout" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "checkin", "2022-01-01" ) , ( "checkout", "2022-01-03" ) ] ) (checkinFormParser |> Form.initCombined identity) |> Expect.equal ( Just ( Date.fromRataDie 738156, Date.fromRataDie 738158 ) , Dict.empty ) , test "checkout is invalid because before checkin" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "checkin", "2022-01-03" ) , ( "checkout", "2022-01-01" ) ] ) (checkinFormParser |> Form.initCombined identity) |> Expect.equal ( Just ( Date.fromRataDie 738158, Date.fromRataDie 738156 ) , Dict.fromList [ ( "checkin", [ "Must be before checkout" ] ) ] ) , test "sub-form" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "password", "mypassword" ) , ( "password-confirmation", "doesnt-match" ) ] ) (Form.init (\postForm_ -> { combine = postForm_.combine () , view = \_ -> ( [], [ Div ] ) } ) |> Form.dynamic (\() -> Form.init (\password passwordConfirmation -> { combine = Validation.succeed (\passwordValue passwordConfirmationValue -> if passwordValue == passwordConfirmationValue then Validation.succeed { password = passwordValue } else passwordConfirmation |> "Must match password" ) |> Validation.andMap password |> Validation.andMap passwordConfirmation |> Validation.andThen identity , view = [ Div ] } ) |> Form.field "password" (Field.text |> Field.password |> Field.required "Required") |> Form.field "password-confirmation" (Field.text |> Field.password |> Field.required "Required") ) |> Form.initCombined identity ) |> Expect.equal ( Nothing , Dict.fromList [ ( "password-confirmation", [ "Must match password" ] ) ] ) ] ] , describe "dependent parsing" <| let linkForm : Form String { combine : Combined String PostAction, view : Form.Context String data -> MyView } data linkForm = Form.init (\url -> { combine = Validation.succeed ParsedLink |> Validation.andMap url , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.field "url" (Field.text |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.url ) postForm : Form String { combine : Combined String PostAction, view : Form.Context String data -> MyView } data postForm = Form.init (\title body -> { combine = Validation.succeed (\titleValue bodyValue -> { title = titleValue , body = bodyValue } ) |> Validation.andMap title |> Validation.andMap body |> ParsedPost , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.field "title" (Field.text |> Field.required "Required") |> Form.field "body" Field.text dependentParser : Form String { combine : Combined String PostAction, view : Form.Context String data -> MyView } data dependentParser = Form.init (\kind postForm_ -> { combine = kind |> Validation.andThen postForm_.combine , view = \_ -> Div } ) |> Form.field "kind" ( [ ( "link", Link ) , ( "post", Post ) ] (\_ -> "Invalid") |> Field.required "Required" ) |> Form.dynamic (\parsedKind -> case parsedKind of Link -> linkForm Post -> postForm ) in [ test "parses link" <| \() -> Form.runOneOfServerSide (fields [ ( "kind", "link" ) , ( "url", "" ) ] ) (dependentParser |> Form.initCombined identity) |> Expect.equal ( Just (ParsedLink "") , Dict.empty ) ] ] type PostAction = ParsedLink String | ParsedPost { title : String, body : Maybe String } type PostKind = Link | Post type Media = Book | Article | Video type MyView = Div fields : List ( String, String ) -> List ( String, String ) fields list = list todoForm : Form.ServerForms String TodoAction todoForm = editItemForm |> Form.initCombined UpdateEntry |> Form.combine Add newItemForm |> Form.combine Check completeItemForm |> Form.combine Delete deleteItemForm |> Form.combine (\_ -> DeleteComplete) clearCompletedForm |> Form.combine CheckAll toggleAllForm type TodoAction = UpdateEntry ( String, String ) | Add String | Delete String | DeleteComplete | Check ( Bool, String ) | CheckAll Bool editItemForm : Form.HtmlForm String ( String, String ) input msg editItemForm = Form.init (\itemId description -> { combine = Validation.succeed Tuple.pair |> Validation.andMap itemId |> Validation.andMap description , view = \_ -> [] } ) |> Form.hiddenField "itemId" (Field.text |> Field.required "Must be present" ) |> Form.field "description" (Field.text |> Field.required "Must be present" ) |> Form.hiddenKind ( "kind", "edit-item" ) "Expected kind" newItemForm : Form.HtmlForm String String input msg newItemForm = Form.init (\description -> { combine = Validation.succeed identity |> Validation.andMap description , view = \_ -> [] } ) |> Form.field "description" (Field.text |> Field.required "Must be present") |> Form.hiddenKind ( "kind", "new-item" ) "Expected kind" completeItemForm : Form.HtmlForm String ( Bool, String ) input msg completeItemForm = Form.init (\todoId complete -> { combine = Validation.succeed Tuple.pair |> Validation.andMap complete |> Validation.andMap todoId , view = \_ -> [] } ) |> Form.hiddenField "todoId" (Field.text |> Field.required "Must be present" ) |> Form.hiddenField "complete" Field.checkbox |> Form.hiddenKind ( "kind", "complete" ) "Expected kind" deleteItemForm : Form.HtmlForm String String input msg deleteItemForm = Form.init (\todoId -> { combine = Validation.succeed identity |> Validation.andMap todoId , view = \_ -> [] } ) |> Form.hiddenField "todoId" (Field.text |> Field.required "Must be present" --|> Field.withInitialValue (.id >> Form.Value.string) ) |> Form.hiddenKind ( "kind", "delete" ) "Expected kind" clearCompletedForm : Form.HtmlForm String () { entriesCompleted : Int } msg clearCompletedForm = Form.init { combine = Validation.succeed () , view = \_ -> [] } |> Form.hiddenKind ( "kind", "clear-completed" ) "Expected kind" toggleAllForm : Form.HtmlForm String Bool input msg toggleAllForm = Form.init (\toggleTo -> { combine = Validation.succeed identity |> Validation.andMap toggleTo , view = \_ -> [] } ) |> Form.hiddenField "toggleTo" Field.checkbox |> Form.hiddenKind ( "kind", "toggle-all" ) "Expected kind"