module StaticHttpRequestsTests exposing (all) import ApiRoute import Codec import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import DataSource.File import DataSource.Glob as Glob import DataSource.Http import Dict import Expect import Html import Json.Decode as JD import Json.Encode as Encode import List.Extra import NotFoundReason import OptimizedDecoder as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Pages.ContentCache as ContentCache exposing (ContentCache) import Pages.Internal.Platform.Cli exposing (..) import Pages.Internal.Platform.Effect as Effect exposing (Effect) import Pages.Internal.Platform.ToJsPayload as ToJsPayload exposing (ToJsPayload) import Pages.Internal.StaticHttpBody as StaticHttpBody import Pages.Manifest as Manifest import Pages.ProgramConfig exposing (ProgramConfig) import Pages.StaticHttp.Request as Request import PagesHttp import Path import ProgramTest exposing (ProgramTest) import Regex import RenderRequest import Secrets import Serialize import SimulatedEffect.Cmd import SimulatedEffect.Http as Http import SimulatedEffect.Ports import SimulatedEffect.Task import Test exposing (Test, describe, only, test) import Test.Http all : Test all = describe "Static Http Requests" [ test "initial requests are sent out" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] , test "StaticHttp request for initial are resolved" <| \() -> start [ ( [ "post-1" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder --, StaticHttp.succeed 86 ) ] --|> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk -- "GET" -- "" -- """{ "posts": ["post-1"] }""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "post-1" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] , describe "single page renders" [ test "single pages that are pre-rendered" <| \() -> startWithRoutes [ "post-1" ] [ [ "post-1" ] ] [] [ ( [ "post-1" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.PageProgress portData ] -> portData.is404 |> Expect.false "Expected page to be found and rendered" _ -> <| "Expected exactly 1 port of type PageProgress. Instead, got \n" ++ Debug.toString actualPorts ) , test "data sources are not resolved 404 pages with matching route but not pre-rendered" <| \() -> startWithRoutes [ "post-2" ] [ [ "post-1" ] ] [] [ ( [ "post-2" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.PageProgress portData ] -> portData.is404 |> Expect.true "Expected 404 not found page" _ -> <| "Expected exactly 1 port of type PageProgress. Instead, got \n" ++ Debug.toString actualPorts ) ] , test "the stripped JSON from the same request with different decoders is merged so the decoders succeed" <| \() -> start [ ( [ "post-1" ] , DataSource.map2 Tuple.pair (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "stargazer_count" ) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "language" Decode.string) ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86, "language": "Elm" }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "post-1" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86,"language":"Elm"}""" ) ] ) ] , test "andThen" <| \() -> start [ ( [ "elm-pages" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.succeed ()) |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "NEXT-REQUEST") (Decode.succeed ()) ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """null""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "NEXT-REQUEST" """null""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "elm-pages" , [ ( get "" , """null""" ) , ( get "NEXT-REQUEST" , """null""" ) ] ) ] , test "andThen chain avoids repeat requests" <| \() -> let getReq : String -> Decoder a -> DataSource a getReq url decoder = DataSource.Http.request (Secrets.succeed (get url)) decoder pokemonDetailRequest : DataSource () pokemonDetailRequest = getReq "" (Decode.list (Decode.field "url" Decode.string |> (\url -> getReq url (Decode.field "image" Decode.string) ) ) ) |> DataSource.resolve |> (\_ -> ()) in start [ ( [ "elm-pages" ], pokemonDetailRequest ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """[ {"url": "url1"}, {"url": "url2"}, {"url": "url3"}, {"url": "url4"}, {"url": "url5"}, {"url": "url6"}, {"url": "url7"}, {"url": "url8"}, {"url": "url9"}, {"url": "url10"} ]""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url1" """{"image": "image1.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url2" """{"image": "image2.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url3" """{"image": "image3.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url4" """{"image": "image4.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url5" """{"image": "image5.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url6" """{"image": "image6.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url7" """{"image": "image7.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url8" """{"image": "image8.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url9" """{"image": "image9.jpg"}""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "url10" """{"image": "image10.jpg"}""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "elm-pages" , [ ( get "" , """[{"url":"url1"},{"url":"url2"},{"url":"url3"},{"url":"url4"},{"url":"url5"},{"url":"url6"},{"url":"url7"},{"url":"url8"},{"url":"url9"},{"url":"url10"}]""" ) , ( get "url1" , """{"image":"image1.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url2" , """{"image":"image2.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url3" , """{"image":"image3.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url4" , """{"image":"image4.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url5" , """{"image":"image5.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url6" , """{"image":"image6.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url7" , """{"image":"image7.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url8" , """{"image":"image8.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url9" , """{"image":"image9.jpg"}""" ) , ( get "url10" , """{"image":"image10.jpg"}""" ) ] ) ] , test "port is sent out once all requests are finished" <| \() -> start [ ( [ "elm-pages" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) , ( [ "elm-pages-starter" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 22 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "elm-pages" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) , ( "elm-pages-starter" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":22}""" ) ] ) ] , test "reduced JSON is sent out" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "stargazer_count" ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86, "unused_field": 123 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] , test "you can use elm/json decoders with StaticHttp.unoptimizedRequest" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.unoptimizedRequest (Secrets.succeed { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } ) (DataSource.Http.expectUnoptimizedJson (JD.field "stargazer_count" ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86, "unused_field": 123 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{ "stargazer_count": 86, "unused_field": 123 }""" ) ] ) ] , test "plain string" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.unoptimizedRequest (Secrets.succeed { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } ) (DataSource.Http.expectString Ok) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" "This is a raw text file." |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , "This is a raw text file." ) ] ) ] , test "Err in String to Result function turns into decode error" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.unoptimizedRequest (Secrets.succeed { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } ) (DataSource.Http.expectString (\string -> if String.toUpper string == string then Ok string else Err "String was not uppercased" ) ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" "This is a raw text file." |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) (expectErrorsPort """-- STATIC HTTP DECODING ERROR ----------------------------------------------------- elm-pages String was not uppercased""" ) , test "POST method works" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.request (Secrets.succeed { method = "POST" , url = "" , headers = [] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } ) (Decode.field "stargazer_count" ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "POST" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86, "unused_field": 123 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( { method = "POST" , url = "" , headers = [] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] , test "json is reduced from andThen chains" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "stargazer_count" |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "stargazer_count" ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 100, "unused_field": 123 }""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 50, "unused_field": 456 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":100}""" ) , ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":50}""" ) ] ) ] , test "reduced json is preserved by StaticHttp.map2" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.map2 (\_ _ -> ()) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "stargazer_count" (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.field "stargazer_count" ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 100, "unused_field": 123 }""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 50, "unused_field": 456 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":100}""" ) , ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":50}""" ) ] ) ] , test "the port sends out even if there are no http requests" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.succeed () ) ] |> expectSuccess [ ( "", [] ) ] , test "the port sends out when there are duplicate http requests for the same page" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.map2 (\_ _ -> ()) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.succeed ())) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.succeed ())) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """null""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """null""" ) ] ) ] , test "an error is sent out for decoder failures" <| \() -> start [ ( [ "elm-pages" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") ( "The user should get this message from the CLI.") ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) (expectErrorsPort """-- STATIC HTTP DECODING ERROR ----------------------------------------------------- elm-pages I encountered some errors while decoding this JSON: The user should get this message from the CLI. { "stargazer_count": 86 }""" ) , test "an error is sent for missing secrets from continuation requests" <| \() -> start [ ( [ "elm-pages" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed (\apiKey -> "" ++ apiKey ) |> Secrets.with "API_KEY" ) Decode.string |> DataSource.andThen (\url -> DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed (\missingSecret -> url ++ "?apiKey=" ++ missingSecret ) |> Secrets.with "MISSING" ) (Decode.succeed ()) ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """ "continuation-url" """ |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) (expectErrorsPort """-- MISSING SECRET ----------------------------------------------------- elm-pages I expected to find this Secret in your environment variables but didn't find a match: Secrets.get "MISSING" ^^^^^^^ So maybe MISSING should be API_KEY""" ) , test "an error is sent for HTTP errors" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (Decode.succeed ()) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpResponse "GET" "" (Test.Http.httpResponse { statusCode = 404 , headers = [] , body = "" } ) |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) (expectErrorsPort """-- STATIC HTTP ERROR ----------------------------------------------------- elm-pages I got an error making an HTTP request to this URL: Bad status: 404 Status message: TODO: if you need this, please report to Body: -- STATIC HTTP DECODING ERROR ----------------------------------------------------- elm-pages Payload sent back invalid JSON TODO """) , test "uses real secrets to perform request and masked secrets to store and lookup response" <| \() -> start [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.request (Secrets.succeed (\apiKey bearer -> { url = "" ++ apiKey , method = "GET" , headers = [ ( "Authorization", "Bearer " ++ bearer ) ] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } ) |> Secrets.with "API_KEY" |> Secrets.with "BEARER" ) (Decode.succeed ()) ) ] |> ProgramTest.ensureHttpRequest "GET" "" (\request -> request.headers |> Expect.equal [ ( "Authorization", "Bearer XYZ789" ) ] ) |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpResponse "GET" "" (Test.Http.httpResponse { statusCode = 200 , headers = [] , body = """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" } ) |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( { method = "GET" , url = "" , headers = [ ( "Authorization", "Bearer " ) ] , body = DataSource.emptyBody } , """{}""" ) ] ) ] , describe "staticHttpCache" [ test "it doesn't perform http requests that are provided in the http cache flag" <| \() -> startWithHttpCache [ ( { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = StaticHttpBody.EmptyBody } , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] , test "it ignores unused cache" <| \() -> startWithHttpCache [ ( { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = StaticHttpBody.EmptyBody } , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> expectSuccess [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] , test "validate DataSource is not stored for any pages" <| \() -> startWithRoutes [ "hello" ] [ [ "hello" ] ] [] [ ( [ "hello" ] , DataSource.succeed "hello" |> DataSource.validate identity (\word -> DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed ("" ++ word)) (Decode.field "isCorrect" Decode.bool |> (\isCorrect -> if isCorrect then Ok () else Err "Spelling error" ) ) ) |> (\_ -> ()) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "isCorrect": true }""" |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.PageProgress portData ] -> portData.contentJson |> Expect.equalDicts Dict.empty _ -> <| "Expected exactly 1 port of type PageProgress. Instead, got \n" ++ Debug.toString actualPorts ) , test "distill stores encoded JSON but not original DataSource" <| \() -> startWithRoutes [ "hello" ] [ [ "hello" ] ] [] [ ( [ "hello" ] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder |> DataSource.distill "abc123" (JD.decodeValue >> Result.mapError JD.errorToString) |> (\_ -> ()) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.PageProgress portData ] -> portData.contentJson |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( "abc123", "86" ) ]) _ -> <| "Expected exactly 1 port of type PageProgress. Instead, got \n" ++ Debug.toString actualPorts ) , test "distill with andThen chains resolves successfully" <| \() -> let andThenExample : DataSource (List ( String, String )) andThenExample = Glob.succeed identity |> Glob.match (Glob.literal "content/glossary/") |> Glob.capture Glob.wildcard |> Glob.match (Glob.literal ".md") |> Glob.toDataSource |> ( (\topic -> DataSource.File.bodyWithoutFrontmatter ("content/glossary/" ++ topic ++ ".md" |> Debug.log "glossary-file") |> (Tuple.pair topic) ) ) |> DataSource.resolve |> (\allNotes -> allNotes |> (\note -> DataSource.succeed note ) ) |> DataSource.resolve in startWithRoutes [ "hello" ] [ [ "hello" ] ] [] [ ( [ "hello" ] , andThenExample |> (\_ -> ()) ) ] |> ProgramTest.ensureOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.Glob _ ] -> Expect.pass _ -> <| "Expected a glob, but got\n" ++ (actualPorts |> List.indexedMap (\index item -> "(" ++ String.fromInt (index + 1) ++ ") " ++ Debug.toString item) |> String.join "\n\n" ) ++ "\n\n" ) |> ProgramTest.simulateIncomingPort "fromJsPort" (Encode.object [ ( "tag", Encode.string "GotGlob" ) , ( "data" , Encode.object [ ( "pattern", Encode.string "content/glossary/*.md" ) , ( "result", Encode.list Encode.string [ "content/glossary/" ] ) ] ) ] ) |> ProgramTest.ensureOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.ReadFile _ ] -> Expect.pass _ -> <| "Expected a ReadFile, but got\n" ++ (actualPorts |> List.indexedMap (\index item -> "(" ++ String.fromInt (index + 1) ++ ") " ++ Debug.toString item) |> String.join "\n\n" ) ++ "\n\n" ) |> ProgramTest.simulateIncomingPort "fromJsPort" (Encode.object [ ( "tag", Encode.string "GotFile" ) , ( "data" , Encode.object [ ( "filePath", Encode.string "content/glossary/" ) , ( "withoutFrontmatter", Encode.string "BODY" ) ] ) ] ) |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ {- ToJsPayload.Glob _, ToJsPayload.ReadFile _ -} ToJsPayload.PageProgress portData ] -> portData.contentJson |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( "{\"method\":\"GET\",\"url\":\"file://content/glossary/\",\"headers\":[],\"body\":{\"type\":\"empty\"}}", "{\"withoutFrontmatter\":\"BODY\"}" ), ( "{\"method\":\"GET\",\"url\":\"glob://content/glossary/*.md\",\"headers\":[],\"body\":{\"type\":\"empty\"}}", "[\"content/glossary/\"]" ) ]) _ -> <| "Expected exactly 1 port of type PageProgress. Instead, got \n\n" ++ (actualPorts |> List.indexedMap (\index item -> "(" ++ String.fromInt (index + 1) ++ ") " ++ Debug.toString item) |> String.join "\n\n" ) ++ "\n\n" ) , test "distill successfully merges data sources with same key and same encoded JSON" <| \() -> startWithRoutes [ "hello" ] [ [ "hello" ] ] [] [ ( [ "hello" ] , DataSource.map2 (\_ _ -> ()) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder |> DataSource.distill "abc123" (JD.decodeValue >> Result.mapError JD.errorToString) ) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder |> DataSource.distill "abc123" (JD.decodeValue >> Result.mapError JD.errorToString) ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) (\actualPorts -> case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.PageProgress portData ] -> portData.contentJson |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( "abc123", "86" ) ]) _ -> <| "Expected exactly 1 port of type PageProgress. Instead, got \n" ++ Debug.toString actualPorts ) , test "distill gives an error if there are matching keys with different encoded JSON" <| \() -> startWithRoutes [ "hello" ] [ [ "hello" ] ] [] [ ( [ "hello" ] , DataSource.map2 (\_ _ -> ()) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder |> DataSource.distill "stars" (JD.decodeValue >> Result.mapError JD.errorToString) ) (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder |> DataSource.distill "stars" (JD.decodeValue >> Result.mapError JD.errorToString) ) ) ] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 123 }""" |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) (expectErrorsPort """-- NON-UNIQUE DISTILL KEYS ----------------------------------------------------- elm-pages I encountered DataSource.distill with two matching keys that had differing encoded values. Look for DataSource.distill with the key "stars" The first encoded value was: 86 ------------------------------- The second encoded value was: 123""") ] , describe "generateFiles" [ test "initial requests are sent out" <| \() -> startLowLevel [ ApiRoute.succeed (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (starDecoder |> (\starCount -> { body = "Star count: " ++ String.fromInt starCount } ) ) ) |> ApiRoute.literal "test.txt" |> ApiRoute.single ] [] [] |> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk "GET" "" """{ "stargazer_count": 86 }""" |> expectSuccessNew [] [ \success -> success.filesToGenerate |> Expect.equal [ { path = [ "test.txt" ] , content = "Star count: 86" } ] ] , test "it sends success port when no HTTP requests are needed because they're all cached" <| \() -> startLowLevel [ ApiRoute.succeed (DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") (starDecoder |> (\starCount -> { body = "Star count: " ++ String.fromInt starCount } ) ) ) |> ApiRoute.literal "test.txt" |> ApiRoute.single ] [ ( { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = StaticHttpBody.EmptyBody } , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) , ( { url = "" , method = "GET" , headers = [] , body = StaticHttpBody.EmptyBody } , """{"stargazer_count":23}""" ) ] [ ( [] , DataSource.Http.get (Secrets.succeed "") starDecoder ) ] |> expectSuccessNew [ ( "" , [ ( get "" , """{"stargazer_count":86}""" ) ] ) ] [ \success -> success.filesToGenerate |> Expect.equal [ { path = [ "test.txt" ] , content = "Star count: 23" } ] ] ] ] type Route = Route String start : List ( List String, DataSource a ) -> ProgramTest (Model Route) Msg Effect start pages = startWithHttpCache [] pages startWithHttpCache : List ( Request.Request, String ) -> List ( List String, DataSource a ) -> ProgramTest (Model Route) Msg Effect startWithHttpCache = startLowLevel [] startLowLevel : List (ApiRoute.Done ApiRoute.Response) -> List ( Request.Request, String ) -> List ( List String, DataSource a ) -> ProgramTest (Model Route) Msg Effect startLowLevel apiRoutes staticHttpCache pages = let contentCache : ContentCache contentCache = ContentCache.init Nothing config : ProgramConfig Msg () Route () () () config = { toJsPort = toJsPort , fromJsPort = fromJsPort , init = \_ _ _ _ _ -> ( (), Cmd.none ) , getStaticRoutes = --StaticHttp.get (Secrets.succeed "") -- (Decode.field "posts" (Decode.list (Decode.string |> Route))) pages |> Tuple.first |> (String.join "/") |> Route |> DataSource.succeed , handleRoute = \_ -> DataSource.succeed Nothing , urlToRoute = .path >> Route , update = \_ _ _ _ _ -> ( (), Cmd.none ) , data = \(Route pageRoute) -> let thing : Maybe (DataSource a) thing = pages |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get (pageRoute |> String.split "/" |> List.filter (\pathPart -> pathPart /= "") ) in case thing of Just request -> request |> (\_ -> ()) Nothing -> Debug.todo <| "Couldn't find page: " ++ pageRoute ++ "\npages: " ++ Debug.toString pages , site = \_ -> { data = DataSource.succeed () , canonicalUrl = "canonical-site-url" , manifest = \_ -> manifest , head = \_ -> [] } , view = \page _ -> let thing : Maybe (DataSource a) thing = pages |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get (page.path |> Path.toSegments) in case thing of Just _ -> \_ _ -> { view = \_ -> { title = "Title", body = Html.text "" }, head = [] } Nothing -> Debug.todo <| "Couldn't find page: " ++ Debug.toString page ++ "\npages: " ++ Debug.toString pages , subscriptions = \_ _ _ -> Sub.none , routeToPath = \(Route route) -> route |> String.split "/" , sharedData = DataSource.succeed () , onPageChange = \_ -> Continue , apiRoutes = \_ -> apiRoutes , pathPatterns = [] } encodedFlags : Encode.Value encodedFlags = --{"secrets": -- {"API_KEY": "ABCD1234","BEARER": "XYZ789"}, "mode": "prod", "staticHttpCache": {} -- } Encode.object [ ( "secrets" , [ ( "API_KEY", "ABCD1234" ) , ( "BEARER", "XYZ789" ) ] |> Dict.fromList |> Encode.dict identity Encode.string ) , ( "mode", Encode.string "prod" ) , ( "staticHttpCache", encodedStaticHttpCache ) ] encodedStaticHttpCache : Encode.Value encodedStaticHttpCache = staticHttpCache |> (\( request, httpResponseString ) -> ( Request.hash request, Encode.string httpResponseString ) ) |> Encode.object in {- (Model -> model) -> ContentCache.ContentCache metadata view -> Result (List BuildError) (List ( PagePath, metadata )) -> Config pathKey userMsg userModel metadata view -> Decode.Value -> ( model, Effect pathKey ) -} ProgramTest.createDocument { init = init RenderRequest.FullBuild contentCache config , update = update contentCache config , view = \_ -> { title = "", body = [] } } |> ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects simulateEffects |> ProgramTest.start (flags (Encode.encode 0 encodedFlags)) startWithRoutes : List String -> List (List String) -> List ( Request.Request, String ) -> List ( List String, DataSource a ) -> ProgramTest (Model Route) Msg Effect startWithRoutes pageToLoad staticRoutes staticHttpCache pages = let contentCache : ContentCache contentCache = ContentCache.init Nothing config : ProgramConfig Msg () Route () () () config = { toJsPort = toJsPort , fromJsPort = fromJsPort , init = \_ _ _ _ _ -> ( (), Cmd.none ) , getStaticRoutes = staticRoutes |> (String.join "/") |> Route |> DataSource.succeed , handleRoute = \(Route route) -> staticRoutes |> (String.join "/") |> List.member route |> (\found -> if found then Nothing else Just NotFoundReason.NoMatchingRoute ) |> DataSource.succeed , urlToRoute = .path >> Route , update = \_ _ _ _ _ -> ( (), Cmd.none ) , data = \(Route pageRoute) -> let thing : Maybe (DataSource a) thing = pages |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get (pageRoute |> String.split "/" |> List.filter (\pathPart -> pathPart /= "") ) in case thing of Just request -> request |> (\_ -> ()) Nothing -> <| "Couldn't find page: " ++ pageRoute ++ "\npages: " ++ Debug.toString pages , site = \_ -> { data = DataSource.succeed () , canonicalUrl = "canonical-site-url" , manifest = \_ -> manifest , head = \_ -> [] } , view = \page _ -> let thing : Maybe (DataSource a) thing = pages |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get (page.path |> Path.toSegments) in case thing of Just _ -> \_ _ -> { view = \_ -> { title = "Title", body = Html.text "" }, head = [] } Nothing -> Debug.todo <| "Couldn't find page: " ++ Debug.toString page ++ "\npages: " ++ Debug.toString pages , subscriptions = \_ _ _ -> Sub.none , routeToPath = \(Route route) -> route |> String.split "/" , sharedData = DataSource.succeed () , onPageChange = \_ -> Continue , apiRoutes = \_ -> [] , pathPatterns = [] } encodedFlags : Encode.Value encodedFlags = --{"secrets": -- {"API_KEY": "ABCD1234","BEARER": "XYZ789"}, "mode": "prod", "staticHttpCache": {} -- } Encode.object [ ( "secrets" , [ ( "API_KEY", "ABCD1234" ) , ( "BEARER", "XYZ789" ) ] |> Dict.fromList |> Encode.dict identity Encode.string ) , ( "mode", Encode.string "elm-to-html-beta" ) , ( "staticHttpCache", encodedStaticHttpCache ) ] encodedStaticHttpCache : Encode.Value encodedStaticHttpCache = staticHttpCache |> (\( request, httpResponseString ) -> ( Request.hash request, Encode.string httpResponseString ) ) |> Encode.object in {- (Model -> model) -> ContentCache.ContentCache metadata view -> Result (List BuildError) (List ( PagePath, metadata )) -> Config pathKey userMsg userModel metadata view -> Decode.Value -> ( model, Effect pathKey ) -} ProgramTest.createDocument { init = init (RenderRequest.SinglePage RenderRequest.OnlyJson (RenderRequest.Page { path = Path.fromString (pageToLoad |> String.join "/") , frontmatter = Route (pageToLoad |> String.join "/") } ) (Encode.object []) ) contentCache config , update = update contentCache config , view = \_ -> { title = "", body = [] } } |> ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects simulateEffects |> ProgramTest.withSimulatedSubscriptions simulateSubscriptions |> ProgramTest.start (flags (Encode.encode 0 encodedFlags)) flags : String -> JD.Value flags jsonString = case JD.decodeString JD.value jsonString of Ok value -> value Err _ -> Debug.todo "Invalid JSON value." sendToJsPort value = SimulatedEffect.Ports.send "toJsPort" (value |> Codec.encoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "")) simulateEffects : Effect -> ProgramTest.SimulatedEffect Msg simulateEffects effect = case effect of Effect.NoEffect -> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none Effect.SendJsData value -> SimulatedEffect.Ports.send "toJsPort" (value |> Codec.encoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) -- toJsPort value |> never Effect.Batch list -> list |> simulateEffects |> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.batch Effect.FetchHttp ({ unmasked } as requests) -> let _ = Debug.log "Fetching " unmasked.url in if unmasked.url |> String.startsWith "file://" then let filePath : String filePath = String.dropLeft 7 unmasked.url in ToJsPayload.ReadFile filePath |> sendToJsPort |> never else if unmasked.url |> String.startsWith "glob://" then let globPattern : String globPattern = String.dropLeft 7 unmasked.url in ToJsPayload.Glob globPattern |> sendToJsPort |> never else if unmasked.url |> String.startsWith "port://" then let portName : String portName = String.dropLeft 7 unmasked.url in ToJsPayload.Port portName |> sendToJsPort |> never else let _ = Debug.log "Fetching" unmasked.url in Http.request { method = unmasked.method , url = unmasked.url , headers = unmasked.headers |> (\( key, value ) -> Http.header key value) , body = case unmasked.body of StaticHttpBody.EmptyBody -> Http.emptyBody StaticHttpBody.StringBody contentType string -> Http.stringBody contentType string StaticHttpBody.JsonBody value -> Http.jsonBody value , expect = PagesHttp.expectString (\response -> GotStaticHttpResponse { request = requests , response = response } ) , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } Effect.SendSinglePage done info -> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.batch [ info |> Codec.encoder (ToJsPayload.successCodecNew2 "" "") |> SimulatedEffect.Ports.send "toJsPort" , if done then SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none else SimulatedEffect.Task.succeed () |> SimulatedEffect.Task.perform (\_ -> Continue) ] Effect.Continue -> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none Effect.ReadFile _ -> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none Effect.GetGlob _ -> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.none expectErrorsPort : String -> List ToJsPayload -> Expect.Expectation expectErrorsPort expectedPlainString actualPorts = case actualPorts of [ ToJsPayload.Errors actualRichTerminalString ] -> actualRichTerminalString |> .title |> String.join "\n" |> normalizeErrorExpectEqual expectedPlainString [] -> "Expected single error port. Didn't receive any ports." _ -> <| "Expected single error port. Got\n" ++ String.join "\n\n" ( Debug.toString actualPorts) normalizeErrorExpectEqual : String -> String -> Expect.Expectation normalizeErrorExpectEqual expectedPlainString actualRichTerminalString = actualRichTerminalString |> Regex.replace (Regex.fromString "\u{001B}\\[[0-9;]+m" |> Maybe.withDefault Regex.never ) (\_ -> "") |> normalizeNewlines |> Expect.equal (expectedPlainString |> normalizeNewlines) normalizeNewlines : String -> String normalizeNewlines string = string |> Regex.replace (Regex.fromString "(\n)+" |> Maybe.withDefault Regex.never) (\_ -> "") |> Regex.replace (Regex.fromString "( )+" |> Maybe.withDefault Regex.never) (\_ -> " ") toJsPort : a -> Cmd msg toJsPort _ = Cmd.none fromJsPort : Sub msg fromJsPort = Sub.none manifest : Manifest.Config manifest = Manifest.init { description = "elm-pages - A statically typed site generator." , name = "elm-pages docs" , startUrl = Path.join [] , icons = [] } starDecoder : Decoder Int starDecoder = Decode.field "stargazer_count" expectSuccess : List ( String, List ( Request.Request, String ) ) -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> Expect.Expectation expectSuccess expectedRequests previous = expectSuccessNew expectedRequests [] previous expectSuccessNew : List ( String, List ( Request.Request, String ) ) -> List (ToJsPayload.ToJsSuccessPayload -> Expect.Expectation) -> ProgramTest model msg effect -> Expect.Expectation expectSuccessNew expectedRequests expectations previous = previous |> ProgramTest.expectOutgoingPortValues "toJsPort" (Codec.decoder ToJsPayload.toJsCodec) (\value -> case value of (ToJsPayload.Success portPayload) :: _ -> portPayload |> Expect.all ((\subject -> subject.pages |> Expect.equalDicts (expectedRequests |> (\( url, requests ) -> ( url , requests |> (\( request, response ) -> ( Request.hash request, response ) ) |> Dict.fromList ) ) |> Dict.fromList ) ) :: expectations ) [ errorPort ] -> <| "Expected success port. Got:\n" ++ Debug.toString errorPort _ -> ("Expected ports to be called once, but instead there were " ++ String.fromInt (List.length value) ++ " calls.") ) simulateSubscriptions : a -> ProgramTest.SimulatedSub Msg simulateSubscriptions _ = SimulatedEffect.Ports.subscribe "fromJsPort" (JD.field "tag" JD.string |> JD.andThen (\tag -> case tag of "GotGlob" -> JD.field "data" (JD.map2 Tuple.pair (JD.field "pattern" JD.string) (JD.field "result" JD.value) ) |> GotGlob "GotFile" -> JD.field "data" (JD.map2 Tuple.pair (JD.field "filePath" JD.string) JD.value ) |> GotStaticFile _ -> "Unexpected subscription tag." ) ) identity get : String -> Request.Request get url = { method = "GET" , url = url , headers = [] , body = DataSource.emptyBody }