module StaticHttpUnitTests exposing (all) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Expect import Json.Decode as Decode import Pages.Internal.Secrets import Pages.StaticHttpRequest as StaticHttpRequest import StaticHttp import Test exposing (Test, describe, only, test) all : Test all = describe "Static Http Requests" [ test "andThen" <| \() -> StaticHttp.get "first" (Decode.succeed "NEXT") |> StaticHttp.andThen (\continueUrl -> -- StaticHttp.get continueUrl (Decode.succeed ()) StaticHttp.get "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (Dict.fromList [ ( "[GET]first", "null" ) , ( "[GET]NEXT", "null" ) ] ) |> Tuple.mapSecond ( Pages.Internal.Secrets.useFakeSecrets) |> Expect.equal ( True, [ "first", "NEXT" ] ) ) , test "andThen staring with done" <| \() -> StaticHttp.succeed () |> StaticHttp.andThen (\_ -> StaticHttp.get "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (Dict.fromList [ ( "[GET]NEXT", "null" ) ] ) |> Tuple.mapSecond ( Pages.Internal.Secrets.useFakeSecrets) |> Expect.equal ( True, [ "NEXT" ] ) ) , test "map" <| \() -> StaticHttp.get "first" (Decode.succeed "NEXT") |> StaticHttp.andThen (\continueUrl -> -- StaticHttp.get continueUrl (Decode.succeed ()) StaticHttp.get "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\_ -> ()) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (Dict.fromList [ ( "[GET]first", "null" ) , ( "[GET]NEXT", "null" ) ] ) |> Tuple.mapSecond ( Pages.Internal.Secrets.useFakeSecrets) |> Expect.equal ( True, [ "first", "NEXT" ] ) ) , test "andThen chain with 1 response available and 1 pending" <| \() -> StaticHttp.get "first" (Decode.succeed "NEXT") |> StaticHttp.andThen (\continueUrl -> StaticHttp.get "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (Dict.fromList [ ( "[GET]first", "null" ) ] ) |> Tuple.mapSecond ( Pages.Internal.Secrets.useFakeSecrets) |> Expect.equal ( False, [ "first", "NEXT" ] ) ) , test "andThen chain with 1 response available and 2 pending" <| \() -> StaticHttp.get "first" |> StaticHttp.andThen (\continueUrl -> StaticHttp.get "NEXT" Decode.string |> StaticHttp.andThen (\_ -> StaticHttp.get "LAST" Decode.string ) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (Dict.fromList [ ( "[GET]first", "1" ) ]) |> Tuple.mapSecond ( Pages.Internal.Secrets.useFakeSecrets) |> Expect.equal ( False, [ "first", "NEXT" ] ) ) ]