module Effect exposing (Effect(..), batch, fromCmd, map, none, perform) import Browser.Navigation import Http import Json.Decode as Decode import Url exposing (Url) type Effect msg = None | Cmd (Cmd msg) | Batch (List (Effect msg)) | GetStargazers (Result Http.Error Int -> msg) | FetchRouteData { body : Maybe { contentType : String, body : String } , path : Maybe String , toMsg : Result Http.Error Url -> msg } type alias RequestInfo = { contentType : String , body : String } none : Effect msg none = None batch : List (Effect msg) -> Effect msg batch = Batch fromCmd : Cmd msg -> Effect msg fromCmd = Cmd map : (a -> b) -> Effect a -> Effect b map fn effect = case effect of None -> None Cmd cmd -> Cmd ( fn cmd) Batch list -> Batch ( (map fn) list) GetStargazers toMsg -> GetStargazers (toMsg >> fn) FetchRouteData fetchInfo -> FetchRouteData { body = fetchInfo.body , path = fetchInfo.path , toMsg = fetchInfo.toMsg >> fn } perform : { fetchRouteData : { body : Maybe { contentType : String, body : String } , path : Maybe String , toMsg : Result Http.Error Url -> pageMsg } -> Cmd msg } -> (pageMsg -> msg) -> Browser.Navigation.Key -> Effect pageMsg -> Cmd msg perform helpers fromPageMsg key effect = case effect of None -> Cmd.none Cmd cmd -> fromPageMsg cmd Batch list -> Cmd.batch ( (perform helpers fromPageMsg key) list) GetStargazers toMsg -> Http.get { url = "" , expect = Http.expectJson (toMsg >> fromPageMsg) (Decode.field "stargazers_count" } FetchRouteData fetchInfo -> helpers.fetchRouteData { body = fetchInfo.body , path = fetchInfo.path , toMsg = fetchInfo.toMsg }