module MarkdownCodec exposing (isPlaceholder, noteTitle, titleAndDescription, withFrontmatter, withoutFrontmatter) import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import DataSource.File as StaticFile import List.Extra import Markdown.Block as Block exposing (Block) import Markdown.Parser import Markdown.Renderer import OptimizedDecoder exposing (Decoder) import Serialize as S isPlaceholder : String -> DataSource (Maybe ()) isPlaceholder filePath = filePath |> StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter |> DataSource.andThen (\rawContent -> Markdown.Parser.parse rawContent |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Markdown error") |> (\blocks -> List.any (\block -> case block of Block.Heading _ inlines -> False _ -> True ) blocks |> not ) |> DataSource.fromResult ) |> DataSource.distillSerializeCodec (filePath ++ "-is-placeholder") S.bool |> (\bool -> if bool then Nothing else Just () ) noteTitle : String -> DataSource String noteTitle filePath = titleFromFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\maybeTitle -> maybeTitle |> DataSource.succeed |> Maybe.withDefault (StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\rawContent -> Markdown.Parser.parse rawContent |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Markdown error") |> (\blocks -> List.Extra.findMap (\block -> case block of Block.Heading Block.H1 inlines -> Just (Block.extractInlineText inlines) _ -> Nothing ) blocks ) |> Result.andThen (Result.fromMaybe <| "Expected to find an H1 heading for page " ++ filePath) |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) ) |> DataSource.distillSerializeCodec ("note-title-" ++ filePath) S.string titleAndDescription : String -> DataSource { title : String, description : String } titleAndDescription filePath = filePath |> StaticFile.onlyFrontmatter (OptimizedDecoder.map2 (\title description -> { title = title, description = description }) (OptimizedDecoder.optionalField "title" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.optionalField "description" OptimizedDecoder.string) ) |> DataSource.andThen (\metadata -> Maybe.map2 (\title description -> { title = title, description = description }) metadata.title metadata.description |> DataSource.succeed |> Maybe.withDefault (StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\rawContent -> Markdown.Parser.parse rawContent |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Markdown error") |> (\blocks -> (\title -> { title = title , description = case metadata.description of Just description -> description Nothing -> findDescription blocks } ) (case metadata.title of Just title -> Just title Nothing -> findH1 blocks ) ) |> Result.andThen (Result.fromMaybe <| "Expected to find an H1 heading for page " ++ filePath) |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) ) findH1 : List Block -> Maybe String findH1 blocks = List.Extra.findMap (\block -> case block of Block.Heading Block.H1 inlines -> Just (Block.extractInlineText inlines) _ -> Nothing ) blocks findDescription : List Block -> String findDescription blocks = blocks |> List.Extra.findMap (\block -> case block of Block.Paragraph inlines -> Just (Block.extractInlineText inlines) _ -> Nothing ) |> Maybe.withDefault "" titleFromFrontmatter : String -> DataSource (Maybe String) titleFromFrontmatter filePath = StaticFile.onlyFrontmatter (OptimizedDecoder.optionalField "title" OptimizedDecoder.string) filePath withoutFrontmatter : Markdown.Renderer.Renderer view -> String -> DataSource (List view) withoutFrontmatter renderer filePath = (filePath |> StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter |> DataSource.andThen (\rawBody -> rawBody |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Couldn't parse markdown.") |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) |> DataSource.distillSerializeCodec ("markdown-blocks-" ++ filePath) (S.list codec) |> DataSource.andThen (\blocks -> blocks |> Markdown.Renderer.render renderer |> DataSource.fromResult ) withFrontmatter : (frontmatter -> List view -> value) -> Decoder frontmatter -> Markdown.Renderer.Renderer view -> String -> DataSource value withFrontmatter constructor frontmatterDecoder renderer filePath = DataSource.map2 constructor (StaticFile.onlyFrontmatter frontmatterDecoder filePath ) ((StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\rawBody -> rawBody |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Couldn't parse markdown.") |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) |> DataSource.distillSerializeCodec ("markdown-blocks-" ++ filePath) (S.list codec) |> DataSource.andThen (\blocks -> blocks |> Markdown.Renderer.render renderer |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) codec : S.Codec Never Block codec = S.customType (\encodeThematicBreak encodeHtmlBlock encodeUnorderedList encodeOrderedList encodeBlockQuote encodeHeading encodeParagraph encodeTable encodeCodeBlock value -> case value of Block.ThematicBreak -> encodeThematicBreak Block.HtmlBlock html -> encodeHtmlBlock html Block.UnorderedList listItems -> encodeUnorderedList listItems Block.OrderedList int lists -> encodeOrderedList int lists Block.BlockQuote blocks -> encodeBlockQuote blocks Block.Heading headingLevel inlines -> encodeHeading headingLevel inlines Block.Paragraph inlines -> encodeParagraph inlines Block.Table header rows -> encodeTable header rows Block.CodeBlock record -> encodeCodeBlock record ) |> S.variant0 Block.ThematicBreak |> S.variant1 Block.HtmlBlock htmlCodec |> S.variant1 Block.UnorderedList (S.list listItemCodec) |> S.variant2 Block.OrderedList (S.list (S.list inlineCodec)) |> S.variant1 Block.BlockQuote (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> codec))) |> S.variant2 Block.Heading headingCodec (S.list inlineCodec) |> S.variant1 Block.Paragraph (S.list inlineCodec) |> S.variant2 Block.Table tableHeaderCodec (S.list (S.list (S.list inlineCodec))) |> S.variant1 Block.CodeBlock (S.record (\body language -> { body = body, language = language }) |> S.field .body S.string |> S.field .language (S.maybe S.string) |> S.finishRecord ) |> S.finishCustomType tableHeaderCodec : S.Codec Never (List { label : List Block.Inline , alignment : Maybe Block.Alignment } ) tableHeaderCodec = S.record (\label alignment -> { label = label, alignment = alignment }) |> S.field .label (S.list inlineCodec) |> S.field .alignment (S.maybe alignmentCodec) |> S.finishRecord |> S.list alignmentCodec : S.Codec Never Block.Alignment alignmentCodec = S.customType (\encodeAlignLeft encodeAlignRight encodeAlignCenter value -> case value of Block.AlignLeft -> encodeAlignLeft Block.AlignRight -> encodeAlignRight Block.AlignCenter -> encodeAlignCenter ) |> S.variant0 Block.AlignLeft |> S.variant0 Block.AlignRight |> S.variant0 Block.AlignCenter |> S.finishCustomType headingCodec : S.Codec Never Block.HeadingLevel headingCodec = S.customType (\encodeH1 encodeH2 encodeH3 encodeH4 encodeH5 encodeH6 value -> case value of Block.H1 -> encodeH1 Block.H2 -> encodeH2 Block.H3 -> encodeH3 Block.H4 -> encodeH4 Block.H5 -> encodeH5 Block.H6 -> encodeH6 ) |> S.variant0 Block.H1 |> S.variant0 Block.H2 |> S.variant0 Block.H3 |> S.variant0 Block.H4 |> S.variant0 Block.H5 |> S.variant0 Block.H6 |> S.finishCustomType inlineCodec : S.Codec Never Block.Inline inlineCodec = S.customType (\encodeHardLineBreak encodeHtmlInline encodeLink encodeImage encodeEmphasis encodeStrong encodeStrikethrough encodeCodeSpan encodeText value -> case value of Block.HardLineBreak -> encodeHardLineBreak Block.HtmlInline html -> encodeHtmlInline html Block.Link string maybeString inlines -> encodeLink string maybeString inlines Block.Image string maybeString inlines -> encodeImage string maybeString inlines Block.Emphasis inlines -> encodeEmphasis inlines Block.Strong inlines -> encodeStrong inlines Block.Strikethrough inlines -> encodeStrikethrough inlines Block.CodeSpan string -> encodeCodeSpan string Block.Text string -> encodeText string ) |> S.variant0 Block.HardLineBreak |> S.variant1 Block.HtmlInline htmlCodec |> S.variant3 Block.Link S.string (S.maybe S.string) (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> inlineCodec))) |> S.variant3 Block.Image S.string (S.maybe S.string) (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> inlineCodec))) |> S.variant1 Block.Emphasis (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> inlineCodec))) |> S.variant1 Block.Strong (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> inlineCodec))) |> S.variant1 Block.Strikethrough (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> inlineCodec))) |> S.variant1 Block.CodeSpan S.string |> S.variant1 Block.Text S.string |> S.finishCustomType htmlCodec : S.Codec Never (Block.Html Block) htmlCodec = S.customType (\encodeHtmlElement encodeHtmlComment encodeProcessingInstruction encodeHtmlDeclaration encodeCdata value -> case value of Block.HtmlElement tag attributes children -> encodeHtmlElement tag attributes children Block.HtmlComment comment -> encodeHtmlComment comment Block.ProcessingInstruction string -> encodeProcessingInstruction string Block.HtmlDeclaration string1 string2 -> encodeHtmlDeclaration string1 string2 Block.Cdata string -> encodeCdata string ) |> S.variant3 Block.HtmlElement S.string (S.list htmlAttributeCodec) (S.list (S.lazy (\() -> codec))) |> S.variant1 Block.HtmlComment S.string |> S.variant1 Block.ProcessingInstruction S.string |> S.variant2 Block.HtmlDeclaration S.string S.string |> S.variant1 Block.Cdata S.string |> S.finishCustomType htmlAttributeCodec : S.Codec Never { name : String, value : String } htmlAttributeCodec = S.record (\name value -> { name = name, value = value }) |> S.field .name S.string |> S.field .value S.string |> S.finishRecord listItemCodec : S.Codec Never (Block.ListItem Block.Inline) listItemCodec = S.customType (\encodeListItem value -> case value of Block.ListItem task children -> encodeListItem task children ) |> S.variant2 Block.ListItem taskCodec (S.list inlineCodec) |> S.finishCustomType taskCodec : S.Codec Never Block.Task taskCodec = S.customType (\encodeNoTask encodeIncompleteTask encodeCompletedTask value -> case value of Block.NoTask -> encodeNoTask Block.IncompleteTask -> encodeIncompleteTask Block.CompletedTask -> encodeCompletedTask ) |> S.variant0 Block.NoTask |> S.variant0 Block.IncompleteTask |> S.variant0 Block.CompletedTask |> S.finishCustomType