module FieldTests exposing (all) import Date import Expect import Form.Field as Field exposing (Field(..)) import Form.Value as Value import Test exposing (Test, test) all : List Test all = [ test "options" <| \() -> ( [ ( "link", Link ) , ( "post", Post ) ] (\_ -> "Invalid") |> Field.required "Required" ) |> expect [ ( Just "link", Ok Link ) , ( Just "post", Ok Post ) , ( Just "unexpected", Err [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "validates optional ints" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> expect [ ( Just "", Ok Nothing ) , ( Nothing, Ok Nothing ) , ( Just "1", Ok (Just 1) ) , ( Just "1.23", Err [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "required int" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required" |> expect [ ( Just "", Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Nothing, Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Just "1", Ok 1 ) , ( Just "1.23", Err [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "required int with range" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withMin ( 100) "Must be at least 100" --|> Field.withMax ( 200) |> expect [ ( Just "", Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Nothing, Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Just "1", Err [ "Must be at least 100" ] ) , ( Just "100", Ok 100 ) , ( Just "1.23", Err [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "required float with range" <| \() -> Field.float { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withMin (Value.float 100) "Must be at least 100" |> Field.withMax (Value.float 200) "Too large" |> expect [ ( Just "", Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Nothing, Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Just "1", Err [ "Must be at least 100" ] ) , ( Just "100.1", Ok 100.1 ) , ( Just "200", Ok 200 ) , ( Just "200.1", Err [ "Too large" ] ) , ( Just "201", Err [ "Too large" ] ) , ( Just "99.9", Err [ "Must be at least 100" ] ) ] , test "optional text" <| \() -> Field.text |> expect [ ( Just "", Ok Nothing ) , ( Nothing, Ok Nothing ) , ( Just "Hello", Ok (Just "Hello") ) ] , test "text with minlength and maxlength" <| \() -> Field.text |> Field.withMinLength 4 "Must be at least 4 characters" |> Field.withMaxLength 10 "Must be at most 10 characters" |> expect [ ( Just "", Err [ "Must be at least 4 characters" ] ) , ( Nothing, Err [ "Must be at least 4 characters" ] ) , ( Just "abc", Err [ "Must be at least 4 characters" ] ) , ( Just "abcd", Ok (Just "abcd") ) , ( Just "abcde", Ok (Just "abcde") ) , ( Just "1234567890", Ok (Just "1234567890") ) , ( Just "1234567890a", Err [ "Must be at most 10 characters" ] ) ] , test "required date with range" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withMin ( (Date.fromRataDie 738156)) "Must be 2022 or later" |> Field.withMax ( (Date.fromRataDie 738158)) "Choose an earlier date" |> expect [ ( Just "", Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Nothing, Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Just "2021-12-31", Err [ "Must be 2022 or later" ] ) , ( Just "2022-01-01", Ok (Date.fromRataDie 738156) ) , ( Just "2022-01-02", Ok (Date.fromRataDie 738157) ) , ( Just "2022-01-04", Err [ "Choose an earlier date" ] ) , ( Just "1.23", Err [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "optional date with range" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.withMin ( (Date.fromRataDie 738156)) "Must be 2022 or later" |> Field.withMax ( (Date.fromRataDie 738158)) "Choose an earlier date" |> expect [ ( Just "", Ok Nothing ) , ( Nothing, Ok Nothing ) , ( Just "2021-12-31", Err [ "Must be 2022 or later" ] ) , ( Just "2022-01-01", Ok (Just (Date.fromRataDie 738156)) ) , ( Just "2022-01-02", Ok (Just (Date.fromRataDie 738157)) ) , ( Just "2022-01-04", Err [ "Choose an earlier date" ] ) , ( Just "1.23", Err [ "Invalid" ] ) ] , test "optional date" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> expect [ ( Just "", Ok Nothing ) , ( Nothing, Ok Nothing ) , ( Just "2022-01-01", Ok (Just (Date.fromRataDie 738156)) ) ] , test "required date" <| \() -> { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> Field.required "Required" |> expect [ ( Just "", Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Nothing, Err [ "Required" ] ) , ( Just "2022-01-01", Ok (Date.fromRataDie 738156) ) ] , test "optional time" <| \() -> Field.time { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid" } |> expect [ ( Just "", Ok Nothing ) , ( Nothing, Ok Nothing ) , ( Just "13:45", Ok (Just { hours = 13, minutes = 45 }) ) ] ] expect : List ( Maybe String, Result (List error) parsed ) -> Field error parsed data kind constraints -> Expect.Expectation expect expectations (Field info _) = Expect.all (expectations |> (\( rawInput, expectedOutput ) -> \() -> (case info.decode rawInput of ( Just parsed, [] ) -> Ok parsed ( _, errors ) -> Err errors ) |> Expect.equal expectedOutput ) ) () type PostKind = Link | Post