module ServerRequestTest exposing (all) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import OptimizedDecoder import Server.Request as Request import Test exposing (Test, describe, only, test) all : Test all = describe "Server.Request matching" [ test "succeed always matches" <| \() -> Request.succeed () |> expectMatch { method = Request.Get , headers = [] } , test "accept GET" <| \() -> Request.succeed () |> Request.acceptMethod ( Request.Get, [] ) |> expectMatch { method = Request.Get , headers = [] } , test "accept GET doesn't match POST" <| \() -> Request.succeed () |> Request.acceptMethod ( Request.Post, [] ) |> expectNoMatch { method = Request.Get , headers = [] } "Expected HTTP method POST but was GET" , test "unexpected method for form POST" <| \() -> Request.expectFormPost (\_ -> Request.succeed () ) |> expectNoMatch { method = Request.Get , headers = [ ( "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ] } """Did not match formPost because - Form post must have method POST, but the method was GET - Forms must have Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but the Content-Type was TODO""" , test "one of no match" <| \() -> Request.oneOf [ Request.expectFormPost (\{ field, optionalField } -> field "first" ) , Request.expectJsonBody (OptimizedDecoder.field "first" OptimizedDecoder.string) , Request.expectQueryParam "first" , Request.expectMultiPartFormPost (\{ field, optionalField } -> field "first" ) ] |> expectNoMatch { method = Request.Get , headers = [ ( "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ] } """Server.Request.oneOf failed in the following 4 ways: (1) Did not match formPost because - Form post must have method POST, but the method was GET - Forms must have Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but the Content-Type was TODO (2) Unable to parse JSON body Problem with the given value: null Expecting an OBJECT with a field named `first` (3) Missing query param "first" (4) Missing form field first Expected content-type to be multipart/form-data but it was application/x-www-form-urlencoded Expected HTTP method POST but was GET""" ] type alias Request = { method : Request.Method , headers : List ( String, String ) } expectMatch : Request -> Request.Request value -> Expectation expectMatch request (Request.Request decoder) = case request |> requestToJson |> OptimizedDecoder.decodeValue decoder of Ok ok -> case ok of ( Ok inner, [] ) -> Expect.pass ( Err innerError, otherErrors ) -> (innerError :: otherErrors) |> Request.errorToString |> String.join "\n" |> ( Ok _, nonEmptyErrors ) -> nonEmptyErrors |> Request.errorToString |> String.join "\n" |> Err error -> (Json.Decode.errorToString error) expectNoMatch : Request -> String -> Request.Request value -> Expectation expectNoMatch request expectedErrorString (Request.Request decoder) = case request |> requestToJson |> OptimizedDecoder.decodeValue decoder of Ok ok -> case ok of ( Ok inner, [] ) -> "Expected this request not to match, but instead it did match." ( Err innerError, otherErrors ) -> (innerError :: otherErrors) |> Request.errorToString |> String.join "\n" |> Expect.equal expectedErrorString ( Ok _, nonEmptyErrors ) -> nonEmptyErrors |> Request.errorToString |> String.join "\n" |> Expect.equal expectedErrorString Err error -> ("Expected this request to not match, but instead there was an internal error: " ++ Json.Decode.errorToString error ) requestToJson : Request -> Json.Encode.Value requestToJson request = Json.Encode.object [ ( "method" , request.method |> Request.methodToString |> Json.Encode.string ) , ( "headers" , Json.Encode.object ( (Tuple.mapSecond Json.Encode.string ) request.headers ) ) , ( "jsonBody", Json.Encode.null ) , ( "query", Json.Encode.null ) , ( "multiPartFormData", Json.Encode.null ) ]