context("dev server 404 page", () => { it("gives error when route doesn't match", () => { cy.visit("http://localhost:1234/asdf", { failOnStatusCode: false }); cy.contains("No route found for /asdf"); }); it("gives error when route matches but page isn't pre-rendered", () => { cy.visit("http://localhost:1234/blog/non-existent-page", { failOnStatusCode: false, }); cy.contains( `/blog/non-existent-page successfully matched the route /blog/:slug from the Route Module src/Blog/Slug_.elm` ); cy.contains( `But this Page module has no pre-rendered routes! If you want to pre-render this page, add these RouteParams to the module's routes` ); cy.contains(`{ slug = "non-existent-page" }`); }); });