module Route.BasicAuth exposing (ActionData, Data, Model, Msg, route) import Base64 import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import ErrorPage exposing (ErrorPage) import Head import Html exposing (div, text) import Pages.Msg import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import RouteBuilder exposing (StatelessRoute, StaticPayload) import Server.Request as Request exposing (Parser) import Server.Response as Response exposing (Response) import Shared import View exposing (View) type alias Model = {} type alias Msg = () type alias RouteParams = {} route : StatelessRoute RouteParams Data ActionData route = RouteBuilder.serverRender { head = head , data = data , action = \_ -> Request.skip "No action" } |> RouteBuilder.buildNoState { view = view } type alias Data = { greeting : String } type alias ActionData = {} data : RouteParams -> Parser (DataSource (Response Data ErrorPage)) data routeParams = withBasicAuth (\{ username, password } -> (username == "asdf" && password == "qwer") |> DataSource.succeed ) (Data "Login success!" |> Response.render |> DataSource.succeed ) head : StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = [] view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> View (Pages.Msg.Msg Msg) view maybeUrl sharedModel static = { title = "Basic Auth Test" , body = [ text "Basic Auth Test" , div [] [ text ] ] } parseAuth : String -> Maybe { username : String, password : String } parseAuth base64Auth = case base64Auth |> String.dropLeft 6 |> Base64.toString |> (String.split ":") of Just [ username, password ] -> Just { username = username , password = password } _ -> Nothing withBasicAuth : ({ username : String, password : String } -> DataSource Bool) -> DataSource (Response data ErrorPage) -> Parser (DataSource (Response data ErrorPage)) withBasicAuth checkAuth successResponse = Request.optionalHeader "authorization" |> (\base64Auth -> case base64Auth |> Maybe.andThen parseAuth of Just userPass -> checkAuth userPass |> DataSource.andThen (\authSucceeded -> if authSucceeded then successResponse else requireBasicAuth |> DataSource.succeed ) Nothing -> requireBasicAuth |> DataSource.succeed ) requireBasicAuth : Response data ErrorPage requireBasicAuth = Response.emptyBody |> Response.withStatusCode 401 |> Response.withHeader "WWW-Authenticate" "Basic" |> Response.mapError never