module Route.TailwindForm exposing (ActionData, Data, Model, Msg, route) import Browser.Dom import Css exposing (Color) import Css.Global import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Effect exposing (Effect) import ErrorPage exposing (ErrorPage) import Form import Form.Field as Field import Form.FieldView import Form.Validation as Validation exposing (Validation) import Form.Value import Head import Head.Seo as Seo import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr exposing (css) import Http import Icon import Pages.FormState import Pages.Msg import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import Pages.Url import RouteBuilder exposing (StatefulRoute, StatelessRoute, StaticPayload) import Server.Request as Request exposing (Parser) import Server.Response as Response exposing (Response) import Shared import Tailwind.Breakpoints as Bp import Tailwind.Utilities as Tw import Task import Time import Url exposing (Url) import View exposing (View) type alias Model = {} type Msg = MovedToTop type alias RouteParams = {} type alias User = { first : String , last : String , username : String , email : String , birthDay : Date , checkIn : Date , checkOut : Date , rating : Int , password : ( String, String ) , notificationPreferences : NotificationPreferences } type alias NotificationPreferences = { comments : Bool , candidates : Bool , offers : Bool , pushNotificationsSetting : PushNotificationsSetting } defaultUser : User defaultUser = { first = "jane" , last = "Doe" , username = "janedoe" , email = "" , birthDay = Date.fromCalendarDate 1969 Time.Jul 20 , checkIn = Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 11 , checkOut = Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 12 , rating = 5 , password = ( "", "" ) , notificationPreferences = { comments = False , candidates = False , offers = False , pushNotificationsSetting = PushNone } } styleAttrs attrs = Attr.fromUnstyled attrs usernameInput formState field = Html.div [] [ Html.div [ css [ [ Tw.grid , Tw.grid_cols_3 , Tw.gap_4 , Tw.items_start , Tw.border_t , Tw.border_gray_200 , Tw.pt_5 ] ] ] [ Html.label [ Attr.for "username" , css [ Tw.block , Tw.text_sm , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_700 , [ Tw.mt_px , Tw.pt_2 ] ] ] [ Html.text "Username" ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.mt_1 , [ Tw.mt_0 , Tw.col_span_2 ] ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.max_w_lg , Tw.flex , Tw.rounded_md , Tw.shadow_sm , Tw.relative ] ] [ Html.span [ css [ Tw.inline_flex , Tw.items_center , Tw.px_3 , Tw.rounded_l_md , Tw.border , Tw.border_r_0 , Tw.border_gray_300 , Tw.bg_gray_50 , Tw.text_gray_500 , [ Tw.text_sm ] ] ] [ Html.text "" ] , Form.FieldView.inputStyled2 [ Attr.type_ "text" , "username" , "username" , Attr.attribute "autocomplete" "username" , css [ Tw.flex_1 , Tw.block , Tw.w_full , Tw.min_w_0 , Tw.rounded_none , Tw.rounded_r_md , Tw.border_gray_300 , Css.focus [ Tw.ring_indigo_500 , Tw.border_indigo_500 ] , [ Tw.text_sm ] ] ] field , Html.div [ css [ Tw.absolute , Tw.inset_y_0 , Tw.right_0 , Tw.pr_3 , Tw.flex , Tw.items_center , Tw.pointer_events_none ] ] [ if formState.errors |> Form.errorsForField2 field |> List.isEmpty then Html.text "" else Icon.error ] ] ] ] , errorsView formState field ] validateCapitalized : String -> ( Maybe String, List String ) validateCapitalized string = if string |> String.toList |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault 'a' |> Char.isUpper then ( Just string, [] ) else ( Nothing, [ "Needs to be capitalized" ] ) form : Form.StyledHtmlForm String User data msg form = Form.init2 (\first last username email dob checkin checkout rating password passwordConfirmation comments candidates offers pushNotifications acceptTerms -> { combine = Validation.succeed User |> Validation.andMap first |> Validation.andMap last |> Validation.andMap username |> Validation.andMap email |> Validation.andMap dob |> Validation.andMap checkin |> Validation.andMap checkout |> Validation.andMap rating |> Validation.andMap (Validation.map2 (\passwordValue passwordConfirmationValue -> if passwordValue == passwordConfirmationValue then Validation.succeed ( passwordValue, passwordConfirmationValue ) else Validation.fail2 passwordConfirmation "Must match password" ) password passwordConfirmation |> Validation.andThen identity ) |> Validation.andMap (Validation.succeed NotificationPreferences |> Validation.andMap comments |> Validation.andMap candidates |> Validation.andMap offers |> Validation.andMap pushNotifications ) |> Validation.andThen (\validated -> if Date.toRataDie validated.checkIn >= Date.toRataDie validated.checkOut then Validation.succeed validated |> Validation.withError2 checkin "Must be before checkout" else Validation.succeed validated ) , view = \formState -> let fieldView labelText field = textInput formState labelText field in [ wrapSection [ fieldView "First name" first , fieldView "Last name" last , usernameInput formState username , fieldView "Email" email , fieldView "Date of Birth" dob , fieldView "Check-in" checkin , fieldView "Check-out" checkout , fieldView "Rating" rating ] , fieldView "Password" password , fieldView "Password Confirmation" passwordConfirmation , wrapEmailSection [ checkboxInput { name = "Comments", description = "Get notified when someones posts a comment on a posting." } formState comments , checkboxInput { name = "Candidates", description = "Get notified when a candidate applies for a job." } formState candidates , checkboxInput { name = "Offers", description = "Get notified when a candidate accepts or rejects an offer." } formState offers ] , wrapNotificationsSections [ wrapPushNotificationsSection formState pushNotifications [ Form.FieldView.radioStyled2 [ css [ Tw.mt_4 , Tw.space_y_4 ] ] (radioInput []) pushNotifications ] ] , checkboxInput { name = "Accept terms", description = "Please read the terms before proceeding." } formState acceptTerms , Html.div [ css [ Tw.pt_5 ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.flex , Tw.justify_end ] ] [ cancelButton , saveButton False [] ] ] ] } ) |> Form.field2 "first" (Field.text |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withInitialValue (always defaultUser.first >> Form.Value.string) |> Field.withClientValidation validateCapitalized ) |> Form.field2 "last" (Field.text |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withInitialValue (always defaultUser.last >> Form.Value.string) |> Field.withClientValidation validateCapitalized ) |> Form.field2 "username" (Field.text |> Field.withInitialValue (always defaultUser.username >> Form.Value.string) |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withClientValidation (\username -> ( Just username , if username |> String.contains "@" then [ "Cannot contain @ symbol" ] else [] ) ) |> Field.withClientValidation (\username -> ( Just username , if username |> String.contains "#" then [ "Cannot contain # symbol" ] else [] ) ) |> Field.withClientValidation (\username -> ( Just username , if (username |> String.length) < 3 then [ "Must be at least 3 characters long" ] else [] ) ) |> Field.withServerValidation (\username -> if username == "asdf" then DataSource.succeed [ "username is taken" ] else DataSource.succeed [] ) ) |> Form.field2 "email" (Field.text |> Field.withInitialValue (always >> Form.Value.string) |> |> Field.required "Required" ) |> Form.field2 "dob" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withMin (Date.fromCalendarDate 1900 Time.Jan 1 |> "Choose a later date" |> Field.withMax (Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 1 |> "Choose an earlier date" |> Field.withInitialValue (always defaultUser.birthDay >> |> Field.withServerValidation (\birthDate -> if birthDate == Date.fromCalendarDate 1969 Time.Jul 20 then DataSource.succeed [ "No way, that's when the moon landing happened!" ] else DataSource.succeed [] ) ) |> Form.field2 "checkin" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withInitialValue (always defaultUser.checkIn >> ) |> Form.field2 "checkout" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } |> Field.required "Required" |> Field.withInitialValue (always defaultUser.checkOut >> ) |> Form.field2 "rating" ( { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid number" } |> Field.range { missing = "Required" , invalid = \_ -> "Outside range" , initial = \_ -> 3 , min = 1 , max = 5 } ) |> Form.field2 "password" (Field.text |> Field.password |> Field.required "Required") |> Form.field2 "password-confirmation" (Field.text |> Field.password |> Field.required "Required") |> Form.field2 "comments" Field.checkbox |> Form.field2 "candidates" Field.checkbox |> Form.field2 "offers" Field.checkbox |> Form.field2 "push-notifications" ( [ ( "PushAll", PushAll ) , ( "PushEmail", PushEmail ) , ( "PushNone", PushNone ) ] (\_ -> "Invalid option") |> Field.required "Please select your notification preference." ) |> Form.field2 "acceptTerms" (Field.checkbox |> Field.withClientValidation (\checked -> ( Just () , if checked then [] else [ "Please agree to terms to proceed." ] ) ) ) type PushNotificationsSetting = PushAll | PushEmail | PushNone saveButton formHasErrors formAttrs = Html.button (styleAttrs formAttrs ++ [ css [ Tw.ml_3 , Tw.inline_flex , Tw.justify_center , Tw.py_2 , Tw.px_4 , Tw.border , Tw.border_transparent , Tw.shadow_sm , Tw.text_sm , Tw.font_medium , Tw.rounded_md , Tw.text_white , Tw.bg_indigo_600 , Css.focus [ Tw.outline_none , Tw.ring_2 , Tw.ring_offset_2 , Tw.ring_indigo_500 ] , --if formHasErrors then -- Css.batch -- [ Tw.text_gray_200 -- , Tw.bg_indigo_500 -- , Tw.cursor_default -- ] -- -- else Css.hover [ Tw.bg_indigo_700 ] ] ] ) [ Html.text "Save" ] cancelButton : Html msg cancelButton = Html.button [ Attr.type_ "button" , css [ Tw.bg_white , Tw.py_2 , Tw.px_4 , Tw.border , Tw.border_gray_300 , Tw.rounded_md , Tw.shadow_sm , Tw.text_sm , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_700 , Css.focus [ Tw.outline_none , Tw.ring_2 , Tw.ring_offset_2 , Tw.ring_indigo_500 ] , Css.hover [ Tw.bg_gray_50 ] ] ] [ Html.text "Cancel" ] route : StatefulRoute RouteParams Data ActionData Model Msg route = RouteBuilder.serverRender { head = head , data = data , action = action } |> RouteBuilder.buildWithLocalState { view = view , update = update , init = init , subscriptions = \_ _ _ _ _ -> Sub.none } action : RouteParams -> Parser (DataSource (Response ActionData ErrorPage)) action routeParams = Request.formData2 [ form ] |> (\toDataSource -> toDataSource |> DataSource.andThen (\result -> case result of Ok user -> DataSource.succeed { user = user , flashMessage = Ok ("Successfully updated profile for user " ++ user.first ++ " " ++ user.last) , formResponse = Nothing } |> Response.render Err error -> DataSource.succeed { flashMessage = Err "Got errors" , user = defaultUser , formResponse = Just error } |> Response.render ) ) update : a -> b -> c -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update _ _ _ msg model = case msg of MovedToTop -> ( model, Effect.none ) init _ _ static = ( {}, Effect.none ) type alias Data = {} type alias ActionData = { user : User , flashMessage : Result String String , formResponse : Maybe { fields : List ( String, String ), errors : Dict String (List String) } } data : RouteParams -> Parser (DataSource (Response Data ErrorPage)) data routeParams = Request.oneOf [ {} |> Response.render |> DataSource.succeed |> Request.succeed ] head : StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = Seo.summary { canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing , siteName = "elm-pages" , image = { url = Pages.Url.external "TODO" , alt = "elm-pages logo" , dimensions = Nothing , mimeType = Nothing } , description = "TODO" , locale = Nothing , title = "TODO title" -- metadata.title -- TODO } |> wrapSection : List (Html msg) -> Html msg wrapSection children = Html.div [] [ Html.div [] [ Html.h3 [ css [ Tw.text_lg , Tw.leading_6 , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_900 ] ] [ Html.text "Profile" ] , Html.p [ css [ Tw.mt_1 , Tw.max_w_2xl , Tw.text_sm , Tw.text_gray_500 ] ] [ Html.text "This information will be displayed publicly so be careful what you share." ] ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.mt_6 , Tw.space_y_6 , [ Tw.mt_5 , Tw.space_y_5 ] ] ] children ] --formModelView formModel = -- formModel -- |> Debug.toString -- |> Html.text -- |> List.singleton -- |> Html.pre -- [ "white-space" "break-spaces" -- ] view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> Model -> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> View (Pages.Msg.Msg Msg) view maybeUrl sharedModel model static = let user : User user = static.action |> .user |> Maybe.withDefault defaultUser in { title = "Form Example" , body = [ Html.div [] [ Tw.globalStyles , static.action |> .flashMessage |> flashView |> Maybe.withDefault (Html.p [] []) , Html.p [] [ -- TODO should this be calling a function in Form and passing in the form, like `Form.isSubmitting form`? if static.transition /= Nothing then Html.text "Submitting..." else Html.text "" ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.flex , Tw.flex_col , Tw.items_center , Tw.mt_8 , Tw.border_gray_700 , Tw.rounded_lg ] ] [ Html.text (static.action |> Maybe.andThen .formResponse |> Debug.toString ) , form |> Form.toDynamicTransitionNew "test" |> Form.renderStyledHtml [] (static.action |> Maybe.andThen .formResponse ) static () ] ] |> Html.toUnstyled ] } successColor : Color successColor = Css.rgb 163 251 163 errorColor : Color errorColor = Css.rgb 251 163 163 flashView : Result String String -> Html msg flashView message = Html.p [ css [ Css.backgroundColor (case message of Ok _ -> successColor Err _ -> errorColor ) , Tw.p_4 ] ] [ Html.text <| case message of Ok okMessage -> okMessage Err error -> "Something went wrong: " ++ error ] textInput info labelText field = Html.div [ css [ [ Tw.grid , Tw.grid_cols_3 , Tw.gap_4 , Tw.items_start , Tw.border_t , Tw.border_gray_200 , Tw.pt_5 ] ] ] [ --Html.text (Debug.toString submitStatus), Html.span [ css [ Tw.font_bold ] ] [-- @@@ TODO WIP need to add a way to get status from a Validation type field --Html.text (Pages.FormState.fieldStatusToString field.status) ] , Html.label ([ css [ Tw.block , Tw.text_sm , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_700 , [ Tw.mt_px , Tw.pt_2 ] ] ] -- TODO need for="..." attribute on label --++ styleAttrs toLabel ) [ Html.text labelText ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.mt_1 , [ Tw.mt_0 , Tw.col_span_2 ] ] ] [ field |> Form.FieldView.inputStyled2 [ --Attr.attribute "autocomplete" "given-name", css [ Tw.max_w_lg , Tw.block , Tw.w_full , Tw.shadow_sm , Tw.border_gray_300 , Tw.rounded_md , Css.focus [ Tw.ring_indigo_500 , Tw.border_indigo_500 ] , [ Tw.max_w_xs , Tw.text_sm ] ] ] ] , errorsView info field ] errorsView : Form.Context String data -> Validation String parsed kind -> Html msg errorsView formState field = let showErrors : Bool showErrors = --formState.submitAttempted True in Html.ul [ css [ Tw.mt_2 , Tw.text_sm , Tw.text_red_600 ] ] (if showErrors then formState.errors |> Form.errorsForField2 field |> (\error -> [ css [ Tw.list_disc ] ] [ Html.text error ] ) else [] ) checkboxInput { name, description } info field = Html.div [ css [ Tw.max_w_lg , Tw.space_y_4 ] ] [ Html.label [ css [ Tw.relative , Tw.flex , Tw.items_start ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.flex , Tw.items_center , Tw.h_5 ] ] [ field |> Form.FieldView.inputStyled2 [ css [ Tw.h_4 , Tw.w_4 , Tw.text_indigo_600 , Tw.border_gray_300 , Tw.rounded , Css.focus [ Tw.ring_indigo_500 ] ] ] ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.ml_3 , Tw.text_sm ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_700 ] ] [ Html.text name ] , Html.p [ css [ Tw.text_gray_500 ] ] [ Html.text description ] ] ] , errorsView info field ] wrapNotificationsSections children = Html.div [ css [ Tw.divide_y , Tw.divide_gray_200 , Tw.pt_8 , Tw.space_y_6 , [ Tw.pt_10 , Tw.space_y_5 ] ] ] [ Html.div [] [ Html.h3 [ css [ Tw.text_lg , Tw.leading_6 , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_900 ] ] [ Html.text "Notifications" ] , Html.p [ css [ Tw.mt_1 , Tw.max_w_2xl , Tw.text_sm , Tw.text_gray_500 ] ] [ Html.text "We'll always let you know about important changes, but you pick what else you want to hear about." ] ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.space_y_6 , Tw.divide_y , Tw.divide_gray_200 , [ Tw.space_y_5 ] ] ] children ] wrapEmailSection children = Html.div [ css [ Tw.pt_6 , [ Tw.pt_5 ] ] ] [ Html.div [ Attr.attribute "role" "group" , Attr.attribute "aria-labelledby" "label-email" ] [ Html.div [ css [ [ Tw.grid , Tw.grid_cols_3 , Tw.gap_4 , Tw.items_baseline ] ] ] [ Html.div [] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.text_base , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_900 , [ Tw.text_sm , Tw.text_gray_700 ] ] , "label-email" ] [ Html.text "By Email" ] ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.mt_4 , [ Tw.mt_0 , Tw.col_span_2 ] ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.max_w_lg , Tw.space_y_4 ] ] children ] ] ] ] radioInput errors item toRadio = Html.label [ css [ Tw.ml_3 , Tw.block , Tw.text_sm , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_700 ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.flex , Tw.items_center ] ] [ toRadio [ css [ Tw.h_4 , Tw.w_4 , Tw.text_indigo_600 , Tw.border_gray_300 , Tw.mr_2 , Css.focus [ Tw.ring_indigo_500 ] ] ] , (case item of PushAll -> "Everything" PushEmail -> "Same as email" PushNone -> "No push notifications" ) |> Html.text ] ] wrapPushNotificationsSection formState field children = Html.div [ css [ Tw.pt_6 , [ Tw.pt_5 ] ] ] [ Html.div [ Attr.attribute "role" "group" , Attr.attribute "aria-labelledby" "label-notifications" ] [ Html.span [ css [ Tw.font_bold ] ] [-- @@@ TODO WIP need to add a way to get status from a Validation type field --Html.text (Pages.FormState.fieldStatusToString field.status) ] , Html.div [ css [ [ Tw.grid , Tw.grid_cols_3 , Tw.gap_4 , Tw.items_baseline ] ] ] [ Html.div [] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.text_base , Tw.font_medium , Tw.text_gray_900 , [ Tw.text_sm , Tw.text_gray_700 ] ] , "label-notifications" ] [ Html.text "Push Notifications" ] ] , Html.div [ css [ [ Tw.col_span_2 ] ] ] [ Html.div [ css [ Tw.max_w_lg ] ] [ Html.p [ css [ Tw.text_sm , Tw.text_gray_500 ] ] [ Html.text "These are delivered via SMS to your mobile phone." ] , Html.div [ css [ Tw.mt_4 , Tw.space_y_4 ] ] children ] ] ] ] , errorsView formState field ]