module ApiRouteTests exposing (all) import ApiRoute exposing (..) import DataSource import Expect import Internal.ApiRoute exposing (tryMatch, withRoutes) import Pattern exposing (Pattern(..)) import Server.Request import Server.Response import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "api routes" [ test "match top-level file with no extension" <| \() -> succeed (\userId -> "Data for user " ++ userId ) |> capture |> tryMatch "123" |> Expect.equal (Just "Data for user 123") , test "file with extension" <| \() -> succeed (\userId -> "Data for user " ++ userId ) |> capture |> literal ".json" |> tryMatch "124.json" |> Expect.equal (Just "Data for user 124") , test "file path with multiple segments" <| \() -> succeed (\userId -> "Data for user " ++ userId ) |> literal "users" |> slash |> capture |> literal ".json" |> tryMatch "users/123.json" |> Expect.equal (Just "Data for user 123") , test "integer matcher" <| \() -> succeed (\userId -> "Data for user " ++ userId ) |> literal "users" |> slash |> capture |> literal ".json" |> tryMatch "users/123.json" |> Expect.equal (Just "Data for user 123") , test "routes" <| \() -> succeed (\userId -> "Data for user " ++ userId ) |> literal "users" |> slash |> capture |> literal ".json" |> withRoutes (\constructor -> [ constructor "100" , constructor "101" ] ) |> Expect.equal [ "users/100.json" , "users/101.json" ] , describe "toPattern" [ test "no dynamic segments" <| \() -> succeed (Server.Request.succeed () |> (\() -> "" |> Server.Response.plainText |> DataSource.succeed ) ) |> literal "no-dynamic-segments.json" |> serverRender |> Internal.ApiRoute.toPattern |> Expect.equal (Pattern [ Pattern.Literal "no-dynamic-segments.json" ] Pattern.NoPendingSlash) , test "two literal segments" <| \() -> succeed (Server.Request.succeed () |> (\() -> "" |> Server.Response.plainText |> DataSource.succeed ) ) |> literal "api" |> slash |> literal "stars" |> serverRender |> Internal.ApiRoute.toPattern |> Expect.equal (Pattern [ Pattern.Literal "api" , Pattern.Literal "stars" ] Pattern.NoPendingSlash ) , test "routes to patterns" <| \() -> succeed (\userId -> DataSource.succeed ("Data for user " ++ userId) ) |> literal "users" |> slash |> capture |> literal ".json" |> preRender (\route -> DataSource.succeed [ route "100" , route "101" ] ) |> Internal.ApiRoute.toPattern |> Expect.equal (Pattern [ Pattern.Literal "users" , Pattern.HybridSegment ( Pattern.Dynamic , Pattern.Literal ".json" , [] ) ] Pattern.NoPendingSlash ) , test "hybrid route with multiple static segments" <| \() -> succeed (\repo -> Server.Request.succeed () |> (\() -> DataSource.succeed ("Data for repo " ++ repo |> Server.Response.plainText) ) ) |> literal "api" |> slash |> literal "repo" |> slash |> capture |> literal ".json" |> serverRender |> Internal.ApiRoute.toPattern |> Expect.equal (Pattern [ Pattern.Literal "api" , Pattern.Literal "repo" , Pattern.HybridSegment ( Pattern.Dynamic , Pattern.Literal ".json" , [] ) ] Pattern.NoPendingSlash ) ] , describe "multi-part" [ test "multi-level routes" <| \() -> succeed (\_ _ -> "Data for user" ) |> literal "repos" |> slash |> capture |> slash |> capture |> literal ".json" |> withRoutes (\a -> [ a "dillonkearns" "elm-pages" , a "dillonkearns" "elm-markdown" ] ) |> Expect.equal [ "repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages.json" , "repos/dillonkearns/elm-markdown.json" ] , test "3-level route" <| \() -> succeed (\username repo branch -> [ username, repo, branch ] |> String.join " - " ) |> literal "repos" |> slash |> capture |> slash |> capture |> slash |> capture |> withRoutes (\constructor -> [ constructor "dillonkearns" "elm-pages" "static-files" ] ) |> Expect.equal [ "repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages/static-files" ] ] ]