module PathTests exposing (all) import Expect import Path import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "Path" [ test "join two segments" <| \() -> Path.join [ "a", "b", "c" ] |> Path.toAbsolute |> Expect.equal "/a/b/c" , test "join segments that have paths in them" <| \() -> Path.join [ "a", "b", "c/d/e" ] |> Path.toAbsolute |> Expect.equal "/a/b/c/d/e" , test "removes trailing and leading slashes" <| \() -> Path.join [ "a/", "/b/", "/c/d/e/" ] |> Path.toAbsolute |> Expect.equal "/a/b/c/d/e" , test "fromString with trailing and leading" <| \() -> Path.fromString "/blog/post-1/" |> Path.toAbsolute |> Expect.equal "/blog/post-1" , test "fromString without trailing and leading" <| \() -> Path.fromString "blog/post-1" |> Path.toAbsolute |> Expect.equal "/blog/post-1" ]