module StaticHttpUnitTests exposing (all) import DataSource import DataSource.Http import Dict import Expect import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Pages.StaticHttp.Request as Request import Pages.StaticHttpRequest as StaticHttpRequest import RequestsAndPending import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) getWithoutSecrets : String -> Decode.Decoder a -> DataSource.DataSource a getWithoutSecrets url = DataSource.Http.get url requestsDict : List ( Request.Request, b ) -> Dict.Dict String (Maybe b) requestsDict requestMap = requestMap |> (\( request, response ) -> ( request |> Request.hash , Just response ) ) |> Dict.fromList get : String -> Request.Request get url = { method = "GET" , url = url -- TODO try to abstract away hardcoding of elm-pages-internal in test code , headers = [ ( "elm-pages-internal", "ExpectJson" ) ] , body = DataSource.Http.emptyBody } all : Test all = describe "Static Http Requests unit tests" [ test "andThen" <| \() -> DataSource.Http.get "first" (Decode.succeed "NEXT") |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> getWithoutSecrets "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (requestsDict [ ( get "first", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody Encode.null) ) , ( get "NEXT", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody Encode.null) ) ] ) |> Expect.equal [ getReq "first", getReq "NEXT" ] ) , test "andThen staring with done" <| \() -> DataSource.succeed () |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> getWithoutSecrets "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (requestsDict [ ( get "NEXT", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody Encode.null) ) ] ) |> Expect.equal [ getReq "NEXT" ] ) , test "map" <| \() -> getWithoutSecrets "first" (Decode.succeed "NEXT") |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> -- StaticHttp.get continueUrl (Decode.succeed ()) getWithoutSecrets "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\_ -> ()) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (requestsDict [ ( get "first", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody Encode.null) ) , ( get "NEXT", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody Encode.null) ) ] ) |> Expect.equal [ getReq "first", getReq "NEXT" ] ) , test "andThen chain with 1 response available and 1 pending" <| \() -> getWithoutSecrets "first" (Decode.succeed "NEXT") |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> getWithoutSecrets "NEXT" (Decode.succeed ()) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (requestsDict [ ( get "first", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody Encode.null) ) ] ) |> Expect.equal [ getReq "first", getReq "NEXT" ] ) , test "andThen chain with 1 response available and 2 pending" <| \() -> getWithoutSecrets "first" |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> getWithoutSecrets "NEXT" Decode.string |> DataSource.andThen (\_ -> getWithoutSecrets "LAST" Decode.string ) ) |> (\request -> StaticHttpRequest.resolveUrls request (requestsDict [ ( get "first", RequestsAndPending.Response Nothing (RequestsAndPending.JsonBody ( 1)) ) ] ) |> Expect.equal [ getReq "first", getReq "NEXT" ] ) ] getReq : String -> DataSource.Http.RequestDetails getReq url = { url = url , method = "GET" -- TODO try to abstract away hardcoding of elm-pages-internal in test code , headers = [ ( "elm-pages-internal", "ExpectJson" ) ] , body = DataSource.Http.emptyBody }