module Route.Stories.Id_ exposing (ActionData, Data, Model, Msg, route) import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import DataSource.Http import Effect exposing (Effect) import ErrorPage exposing (ErrorPage) import Head import Head.Seo as Seo import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Html.Keyed import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Pages.Msg import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import Pages.Url import Path exposing (Path) import RouteBuilder exposing (StatefulRoute, StatelessRoute, StaticPayload) import Server.Request as Request import Server.Response as Response exposing (Response) import Shared import Story exposing (Entry(..), Item(..)) import View exposing (View) type alias Model = {} type Msg = NoOp type alias RouteParams = { id : String } route : StatefulRoute RouteParams Data ActionData Model Msg route = RouteBuilder.serverRender { head = head , data = data , action = \_ -> Request.skip "No action." } |> RouteBuilder.buildWithLocalState { view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , init = init } init : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init maybePageUrl sharedModel static = ( {}, Effect.none ) update : PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update pageUrl sharedModel static msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Effect.none ) subscriptions : Maybe PageUrl -> RouteParams -> Path -> Shared.Model -> Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions maybePageUrl routeParams path sharedModel model = Sub.none pages : DataSource (List RouteParams) pages = DataSource.succeed [] type alias Data = { story : ( Item, String ) } type alias ActionData = {} data : RouteParams -> Request.Parser (DataSource (Response Data ErrorPage)) data routeParams = Request.succeed (DataSource.Http.get ("" ++ (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair Story.decoder (Decode.field "comments" (Decode.value |> (Encode.encode 0))) ) |> (\story -> Response.render (Data story) ) ) head : StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = Seo.summary { canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing , siteName = "elm-pages Hacker News" , image = { url = [ "images", "icon-png.png" ] |> Path.join |> Pages.Url.fromPath , alt = "elm-pages logo" , dimensions = Nothing , mimeType = Nothing } , description = "A demo of elm-pages 3 server-rendered routes." , locale = Nothing , title = |> Tuple.first |> (\(Item common _) -> common.title) } |> view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> Model -> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams -> View (Pages.Msg.Msg Msg) view maybeUrl sharedModel model static = { title = |> Tuple.first |> (\(Item common _) -> common.title) , body = [ storyView ] } storyView : ( Item, String ) -> Html msg storyView ( Item story entry, commentsJson ) = Html.div [ Attr.class "item-view" ] [ Html.div [ Attr.class "item-view-header" ] [ Html.a [ Attr.href story.url , "_blank" , Attr.rel "noreferrer" ] [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text story.title ] ] , Html.text " " , Story.domainView story.domain , Html.p [ Attr.class "meta" ] ((case entry of Story { points, user } -> [ Html.text <| (String.fromInt points ++ " points | ") , Html.text "by " , Html.a [ Attr.href <| "/users/" ++ user ] [ Html.text user ] ] _ -> [] ) ++ [ Html.text <| " " ++ story.time_ago ++ " ago" ] ) ] , Html.div [ Attr.class "item-view-comments" ] [ Html.p [ Attr.class "item-view-comments-header" ] [ if story.comments_count > 0 then Html.text <| String.fromInt story.comments_count ++ " comments" else Html.text "No comments yet." ] , Html.Keyed.ul [ Attr.class "comment-children" ] ((commentsJson |> Decode.decodeString (Decode.list Decode.value) |> Result.withDefault [] ) |> List.indexedMap (\index comment -> ( String.fromInt index, Html.node "news-comment" [ "commentBody" comment ] [] ) ) ) ] ]