module GlobTests exposing (all) import Expect import Glob import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "glob" [ test "literal" <| \() -> Glob.literal "hello" |> expect { captures = [] , expectedMatch = "hello" , expectedPattern = "hello" } , test "capture" <| \() -> Glob.succeed identity |> Glob.keep Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".txt") |> expect { captures = [ "my-file" ] , expectedMatch = "my-file" , expectedPattern = "*.txt" } , test "oneOf" <| \() -> Glob.succeed Tuple.pair |> Glob.keep Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".") |> Glob.keep (Glob.oneOf ( ( "yml", Yml ) , [ ( "json", Json ) ] ) ) -- |> expect { captures = [ "data-file", "json" ] , expectedMatch = ( "data-file", Json ) , expectedPattern = "*.(yml|json)" } , test "at least one" <| \() -> Glob.succeed identity |> Glob.drop Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".") |> Glob.keep (Glob.atLeastOne ( ( "yml", Yml ) , [ ( "json", Json ) ] ) ) -- |> expect { captures = [ "data-file", "jsonymljsonjson" ] , expectedMatch = ( Json, [ Yml, Json, Json ] ) , expectedPattern = "*.+(yml|json)" } , test "optional group - no match" <| \() -> zeroOrMoreGlob |> expect -- test/a/x.js -- { captures = [ "" ] , expectedMatch = Nothing , expectedPattern = "test/a*(a|b)/x.js" } , test "optional group - single match" <| \() -> zeroOrMoreGlob |> expect -- test/ab/x.js -- { captures = [ "b" ] , expectedMatch = Just "b" , expectedPattern = "test/a*(a|b)/x.js" } , test "optional group - multiple matches" <| \() -> zeroOrMoreGlob |> expect -- test/aba/x.js -- { captures = [ "ba" ] , expectedMatch = Just "ba" , expectedPattern = "test/a*(a|b)/x.js" } , test "new star" <| \() -> Glob.wildcard |> expect { captures = [ "star-pattern" ] , expectedMatch = "star-pattern" , expectedPattern = "*" } , test "new star with literal" <| \() -> Glob.succeed Tuple.pair |> Glob.keep Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal "/") |> Glob.keep (Glob.wildcard |> String.toUpper) |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".txt") |> expect { captures = [ "before-slash", "after-slash" ] , expectedMatch = ( "before-slash", "AFTER-SLASH" ) , expectedPattern = "*/*.txt" } , test "recursive match" <| \() -> Glob.succeed Tuple.pair |> Glob.keep Glob.recursiveWildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal "/") |> Glob.keep Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".txt") |> expect { captures = [ "a/b/c", "d" ] , expectedMatch = ( "a/b/c", "d" ) , expectedPattern = "**/*.txt" } , test "not" <| \() -> Glob.succeed Tuple.pair |> Glob.keep (Glob.notOneOf ( "xyz", [] ) ) |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal "/") |> Glob.keep Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".txt") |> expect -- abc/d.txt -- { captures = [ "abc", "d" ] , expectedMatch = ( "abc", "d" ) , expectedPattern = "!(xyz)/*.txt" } , test "not with multiple patterns" <| \() -> Glob.succeed Tuple.pair |> Glob.keep (Glob.notOneOf ( "abz", [ "xyz" ] )) |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal "/") |> Glob.keep Glob.wildcard |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal ".txt") |> expect -- abc/d.txt -- { captures = [ "abc", "d" ] , expectedMatch = ( "abc", "d" ) , expectedPattern = "!(abz|xyz)/*.txt" } ] zeroOrMoreGlob : Glob.Glob (Maybe String) zeroOrMoreGlob = Glob.succeed identity |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal "test/a") |> Glob.keep (Glob.zeroOrMore [ "a", "b" ]) |> Glob.drop (Glob.literal "/x.js") type DataExtension = Yml | Json expect : { captures : List String , expectedMatch : match , expectedPattern : String } -> Glob.Glob match -> Expect.Expectation expect { captures, expectedMatch, expectedPattern } glob = glob |> { fullPath = "full-path" , captures = captures } |> Expect.equal { pattern = expectedPattern , match = expectedMatch }