module Route.Form exposing (Data, Model, Msg, route) import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import ErrorPage exposing (ErrorPage) import Form exposing (Form) import Form.Value import Head import Head.Seo as Seo import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import Pages.Url import Route import RouteBuilder exposing (StatelessRoute, StaticPayload) import Server.Request as Request exposing (Parser) import Server.Response exposing (Response) import Shared import Time import View exposing (View) type alias Model = {} type alias Msg = () type alias RouteParams = {} type alias User = { first : String , last : String , username : String , email : String , birthDay : Date , checkbox : Bool } defaultUser : User defaultUser = { first = "Jane" , last = "Doe" , username = "janedoe" , email = "" , birthDay = Date.fromCalendarDate 1969 Time.Jul 20 , checkbox = False } errorsView : List String -> Html msg errorsView errors = case errors of first :: rest -> Html.div [] [ Html.ul [ "border" "solid red" ] ( (\error -> [] [ Html.text error ] ) (first :: rest) ) ] [] -> Html.div [] [] form : User -> Form Msg String User (Html Msg) form user = Form.succeed User |> Form.with (Form.text "first" (\{ toInput, toLabel, errors } -> Html.div [] [ errorsView errors , Html.label toLabel [ Html.text "First" ] , Html.input toInput [] ] ) |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue (user.first |> Form.Value.string) ) |> Form.with (Form.text "last" (\{ toInput, toLabel, errors } -> Html.div [] [ errorsView errors , Html.label toLabel [ Html.text "Last" ] , Html.input toInput [] ] ) |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue (user.last |> Form.Value.string) ) |> Form.with (Form.text "username" (\{ toInput, toLabel, errors } -> Html.div [] [ errorsView errors , Html.label toLabel [ Html.text "Username" ] , Html.input toInput [] ] ) |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue (user.username |> Form.Value.string) |> Form.withServerValidation (\username -> if username == "asdf" then DataSource.succeed [ "username is taken" ] else DataSource.succeed [] ) ) |> Form.with (Form.text "email" (\{ toInput, toLabel, errors } -> Html.div [] [ errorsView errors , Html.label toLabel [ Html.text "Email" ] , Html.input toInput [] ] ) |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue ( |> Form.Value.string) ) |> Form.with ( "dob" { invalid = \_ -> "Invalid date" } (\{ toInput, toLabel, errors } -> Html.div [] [ errorsView errors , Html.label toLabel [ Html.text "Date of Birth" ] , Html.input toInput [] ] ) |> Form.required "Required" |> Form.withInitialValue (user.birthDay |> |> Form.withMin (Date.fromCalendarDate 1900 Time.Jan 1 |> |> Form.withMax (Date.fromCalendarDate 2022 Time.Jan 1 |> ) |> Form.with (Form.checkbox "checkbox" user.checkbox (\{ toInput, toLabel, errors } -> Html.div [] [ errorsView errors , Html.label toLabel [ Html.text "Checkbox" ] , Html.input toInput [] ] ) ) |> Form.append (Form.submit (\{ attrs } -> Html.input attrs [] ) ) route : StatelessRoute RouteParams Data route = RouteBuilder.serverRender { head = head , data = data } |> RouteBuilder.buildNoState { view = view } type alias Data = { user : Maybe User , errors : Form.Model } data : RouteParams -> Parser (DataSource (Response Data ErrorPage)) data routeParams = Request.oneOf [ Form.submitHandlers (form defaultUser) (\model decoded -> case decoded of Ok okUser -> { user = Just okUser , errors = model } |> Server.Response.render |> DataSource.succeed Err _ -> { user = Nothing , errors = model } |> Server.Response.render |> DataSource.succeed ) , { user = Nothing , errors = Form.init (form defaultUser) } |> Server.Response.render |> DataSource.succeed |> Request.succeed ] head : StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = Seo.summary { canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing , siteName = "elm-pages" , image = { url = Pages.Url.external "TODO" , alt = "elm-pages logo" , dimensions = Nothing , mimeType = Nothing } , description = "TODO" , locale = Nothing , title = "TODO title" -- metadata.title -- TODO } |> view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> View Msg view maybeUrl sharedModel static = let user : User user = |> Maybe.withDefault defaultUser in { title = "Form Example" , body = [ |> (\user_ -> Html.p [ "padding" "10px" , "background-color" "#a3fba3" ] [ Html.text <| "Successfully received user " ++ user_.first ++ " " ++ user_.last ] ) |> Maybe.withDefault (Html.p [] []) , Html.h1 [] [ Html.text <| "Edit profile " ++ user.first ++ " " ++ user.last ] , form user |> Form.toStatelessHtml Nothing Html.form |> (\_ -> ()) ] }