module MarkdownCodec exposing (isPlaceholder, noteTitle, titleAndDescription, withFrontmatter, withoutFrontmatter) import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import DataSource.File as StaticFile import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Extra import List.Extra import Markdown.Block as Block exposing (Block) import Markdown.Parser import Markdown.Renderer import MarkdownExtra isPlaceholder : String -> DataSource (Maybe ()) isPlaceholder filePath = filePath |> StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter |> DataSource.andThen (\rawContent -> Markdown.Parser.parse rawContent |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Markdown error") |> (\blocks -> List.any (\block -> case block of Block.Heading _ inlines -> False _ -> True ) blocks |> not ) |> DataSource.fromResult ) |> (\bool -> if bool then Nothing else Just () ) noteTitle : String -> DataSource String noteTitle filePath = titleFromFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\maybeTitle -> maybeTitle |> DataSource.succeed |> Maybe.withDefault (StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\rawContent -> Markdown.Parser.parse rawContent |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Markdown error") |> (\blocks -> List.Extra.findMap (\block -> case block of Block.Heading Block.H1 inlines -> Just (Block.extractInlineText inlines) _ -> Nothing ) blocks ) |> Result.andThen (Result.fromMaybe <| "Expected to find an H1 heading for page " ++ filePath) |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) ) titleAndDescription : String -> DataSource { title : String, description : String } titleAndDescription filePath = filePath |> StaticFile.onlyFrontmatter (Decode.map2 (\title description -> { title = title, description = description }) (Json.Decode.Extra.optionalField "title" Decode.string) (Json.Decode.Extra.optionalField "description" Decode.string) ) |> DataSource.andThen (\metadata -> Maybe.map2 (\title description -> { title = title, description = description }) metadata.title metadata.description |> DataSource.succeed |> Maybe.withDefault (StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\rawContent -> Markdown.Parser.parse rawContent |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Markdown error") |> (\blocks -> (\title -> { title = title , description = case metadata.description of Just description -> description Nothing -> findDescription blocks } ) (case metadata.title of Just title -> Just title Nothing -> findH1 blocks ) ) |> Result.andThen (Result.fromMaybe <| "Expected to find an H1 heading for page " ++ filePath) |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) ) findH1 : List Block -> Maybe String findH1 blocks = List.Extra.findMap (\block -> case block of Block.Heading Block.H1 inlines -> Just (Block.extractInlineText inlines) _ -> Nothing ) blocks findDescription : List Block -> String findDescription blocks = blocks |> List.Extra.findMap (\block -> case block of Block.Paragraph inlines -> Just (MarkdownExtra.extractInlineText inlines) _ -> Nothing ) |> Maybe.withDefault "" titleFromFrontmatter : String -> DataSource (Maybe String) titleFromFrontmatter filePath = StaticFile.onlyFrontmatter (Json.Decode.Extra.optionalField "title" Decode.string) filePath withoutFrontmatter : Markdown.Renderer.Renderer view -> String -> DataSource (List Block) withoutFrontmatter renderer filePath = (filePath |> StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter |> DataSource.andThen (\rawBody -> rawBody |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Couldn't parse markdown.") |> DataSource.fromResult ) ) |> DataSource.andThen (\blocks -> blocks |> Markdown.Renderer.render renderer -- we don't want to encode the HTML since it contains functions so it's not serializable -- but we can at least make sure there are no errors turning it into HTML before encoding it |> (\_ -> blocks) |> DataSource.fromResult ) withFrontmatter : (frontmatter -> List Block -> value) -> Decoder frontmatter -> Markdown.Renderer.Renderer view -> String -> DataSource value withFrontmatter constructor frontmatterDecoder_ renderer filePath = DataSource.map2 constructor (StaticFile.onlyFrontmatter frontmatterDecoder_ filePath ) (StaticFile.bodyWithoutFrontmatter filePath |> DataSource.andThen (\rawBody -> rawBody |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\_ -> "Couldn't parse markdown.") |> DataSource.fromResult ) |> DataSource.andThen (\blocks -> blocks |> Markdown.Renderer.render renderer -- we don't want to encode the HTML since it contains functions so it's not serializable -- but we can at least make sure there are no errors turning it into HTML before encoding it |> (\_ -> blocks) |> DataSource.fromResult ) )