mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 05:44:17 +03:00
682 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
682 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
import * as fs from "./dir-helpers.js";
import * as fsPromises from "fs/promises";
import { runElmReview } from "./compile-elm.js";
import { restoreColorSafe } from "./error-formatter.js";
import * as path from "path";
import { spawn as spawnCallback } from "cross-spawn";
import * as codegen from "./codegen.js";
import * as terser from "terser";
import * as os from "os";
import { Worker, SHARE_ENV } from "worker_threads";
import { ensureDirSync } from "./file-helpers.js";
import { generateClientFolder } from "./codegen.js";
import { default as which } from "which";
import { build } from "vite";
import * as preRenderHtml from "./pre-render-html.js";
import * as esbuild from "esbuild";
import { createHash } from "crypto";
import { merge_vite_configs } from "./vite-utils.js";
import { resolveConfig } from "./config.js";
import { globbySync } from "globby";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { copyFile } from "fs/promises";
let pool = [];
let pagesReady;
let pagesErrored;
let pages = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pagesReady = resolve;
pagesErrored = reject;
let pagesReadyCalled = false;
let activeWorkers = 0;
let buildError = false;
const OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = "elm.js";
process.on("unhandledRejection", (error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
function ELM_FILE_PATH() {
return path.join(process.cwd(), "./elm-stuff/elm-pages", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME);
async function ensureRequiredDirs() {
ensureDirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ".elm-pages", "http-response-cache"));
async function ensureRequiredExecutables() {
try {
await which("lamdera");
} catch (error) {
throw "I couldn't find lamdera on the PATH. Please ensure it's installed, either globally, or locally. If it's installed locally, ensure you're running through an NPM script or with npx so the PATH is configured to include it.";
try {
await which("elm-optimize-level-2");
} catch (error) {
throw "I couldn't find elm-optimize-level-2 on the PATH. Please ensure it's installed, either globally, or locally. If it's installed locally, ensure you're running through an NPM script or with npx so the PATH is configured to include it.";
try {
await which("elm-review");
} catch (error) {
throw "I couldn't find elm-review on the PATH. Please ensure it's installed, either globally, or locally. If it's installed locally, ensure you're running through an NPM script or with npx so the PATH is configured to include it.";
export async function run(options) {
try {
await ensureRequiredDirs();
await ensureRequiredExecutables();
// since init/update are never called in pre-renders, and BackendTask.Http is called using pure NodeJS HTTP fetching
// we can provide a fake HTTP instead of xhr2 (which is otherwise needed for Elm HTTP requests from Node)
const generateCode = codegen.generate(options.base);
await generateCode;
const config = await resolveConfig();
await fsPromises.writeFile(
preRenderHtml.templateHtml(false, config.headTagsTemplate)
const viteConfig = merge_vite_configs(
configFile: false,
root: process.cwd(),
base: options.base,
ssr: false,
build: {
manifest: true,
outDir: "dist",
rollupOptions: {
input: "elm-stuff/elm-pages/index.html",
config.vite || {}
const buildComplete = build(viteConfig);
const compileClientDone = compileElm(options);
await buildComplete;
await compileClientDone;
const fullOutputPath = path.join(process.cwd(), `./dist/elm.js`);
const withoutExtension = path.join(process.cwd(), `./dist/elm`);
const browserElmHash = await fingerprintElmAsset(
const assetManifestPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "dist/manifest.json");
const manifest = (
await import(assetManifestPath, {
assert: { type: "json" },
const indexTemplate = await fsPromises.readFile(
const preloadFiles = [
...Object.entries(manifest).map((entry) => entry[1].file),
].map((file) => path.join(options.base, file));
const userProcessedPreloads = preloadFiles.flatMap((file) => {
const userPreloadForFile = config.preloadTagForFile(file);
if (userPreloadForFile === true) {
return [defaultPreloadForFile(file)];
} else if (userPreloadForFile === false) {
return [];
} else if (typeof userPreloadForFile === "string") {
return [userPreloadForFile];
} else {
throw `I expected preloadTagForFile in elm-pages.config.mjs to return a string or boolean, but instead it returned: ${userPreloadForFile}`;
const processedIndexTemplate = indexTemplate
.replace("<!-- PLACEHOLDER_PRELOADS -->", userProcessedPreloads.join(""))
'<script defer src="/elm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>',
`<script defer src="/elm.${browserElmHash}.js" type="text/javascript"></script>`
await fsPromises.writeFile("dist/template.html", processedIndexTemplate);
await fsPromises.unlink(assetManifestPath);
const portBackendTaskCompiled = esbuild
entryPoints: ["./custom-backend-task"],
platform: "node",
outfile: ".elm-pages/compiled-ports/custom-backend-task.mjs",
assetNames: "[name]-[hash]",
chunkNames: "chunks/[name]-[hash]",
outExtension: { ".js": ".js" },
metafile: true,
bundle: true,
format: "esm",
packages: "external",
logLevel: "silent",
.then((result) => {
try {
global.portsFilePath = Object.keys(result.metafile.outputs)[0];
} catch (e) {}
.catch((error) => {
const portBackendTaskFileFound =
globbySync("./custom-backend-task.*").length > 0;
if (portBackendTaskFileFound) {
// don't present error if there are no files matching custom-backend-task
// if there are files matching custom-backend-task, warn the user in case something went wrong loading it
console.error("Failed to start custom-backend-task watcher", error);
// TODO extract common code for compiling ports file?
global.XMLHttpRequest = {};
const compileCli = compileCliApp(options);
try {
await compileCli;
await compileClientDone;
} catch (cliError) {
// TODO make sure not to print duplicate error output if cleaner review output is printed
const reviewOutput = JSON.parse(await runElmReview());
const isParsingError = reviewOutput.errors.some((reviewError) => {
return reviewError.errors.some((item) => item.rule === "ParsingError");
if (isParsingError) {
} else {
await portBackendTaskCompiled;
const cliDone = runCli(options);
await cliDone;
await fsPromises.rename(
await runAdapter(
config.adapter ||
function () {
"No adapter configured in elm-pages.config.mjs. Skipping adapter step."
} catch (error) {
if (error) {
buildError = true;
process.exitCode = 1;
* @param {string} basePath
function initWorker(basePath, whenDone) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
activeWorkers += 1;
let newWorker = {
worker: new Worker(path.join(__dirname, "./render-worker.js"), {
workerData: { basePath },
newWorker.worker.once("online", () => {
newWorker.worker.on("message", (message) => {
if (message.tag === "all-paths") {
pagesReadyCalled = true;
} else if (message.tag === "error") {
process.exitCode = 1;
if (!pagesReadyCalled) {
// when there is a build error while resolving all-paths, we don't know which pages to build so we need to short-circuit
// and give an error instead of trying to build the remaining pages to show as many errors as possible
buildError = true;
buildNextPage(newWorker, whenDone);
} else if (message.tag === "done") {
buildNextPage(newWorker, whenDone);
} else {
throw `Unhandled tag ${message.tag}`;
newWorker.worker.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("Unhandled worker exception", error);
buildError = true;
process.exitCode = 1;
buildNextPage(newWorker, whenDone);
function prepareStaticPathsNew(thread) {
portsFilePath: global.portsFilePath,
mode: "build",
tag: "render",
pathname: "/all-paths.json",
async function buildNextPage(thread, allComplete) {
let nextPage = (await pages).pop();
if (nextPage) {
portsFilePath: global.portsFilePath,
mode: "build",
tag: "render",
pathname: nextPage,
} else {
activeWorkers -= 1;
function runCli(options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const whenDone = () => {
if (activeWorkers === 0) {
// wait for the remaining tasks in the pool to complete once the pages queue is emptied
Promise.all(pool).then((value) => {
if (buildError) {
} else {
const cpuCount = os.cpus().length;
// const cpuCount = 1;
console.log("Threads: ", cpuCount);
const getPathsWorker = initWorker(options.base, whenDone);
const threadsToCreate = Math.max(1, cpuCount - 1);
for (let index = 0; index < threadsToCreate - 1; index++) {
pool.push(initWorker(options.base, whenDone));
pool.forEach((threadPromise) => {
threadPromise.then((thread) => buildNextPage(thread, whenDone));
async function compileElm(options) {
const fullOutputPath = path.join(process.cwd(), `./dist/elm.js`);
await generateClientFolder(options.base);
await spawnElmMake(
options.debug ? "debug" : "optimize",
path.join(process.cwd(), "./elm-stuff/elm-pages/client")
if (!options.debug) {
await runTerser(fullOutputPath);
async function fingerprintElmAsset(fullOutputPath, withoutExtension) {
const fileHash = await fsPromises
.readFile(fullOutputPath, "utf8")
await fsPromises.copyFile(
return fileHash;
export function elmOptimizeLevel2(outputPath, cwd) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const optimizedOutputPath = outputPath + ".opt";
const subprocess = spawnCallback(
[outputPath, "--output", optimizedOutputPath],
// ignore stdout
// stdio: ["inherit", "ignore", "inherit"],
cwd: cwd,
let commandOutput = "";
subprocess.stderr.on("data", function (data) {
commandOutput += data;
subprocess.on("close", async (code) => {
if (code === 0) {
await copyFile(optimizedOutputPath, outputPath);
} else {
if (!buildError) {
buildError = true;
process.exitCode = 1;
`I encountered an error when running elm-optimize-level-2:\n\n ${commandOutput}`
} else {
// avoid unhandled error printing duplicate message, let process.exit in top loop take over
/** @typedef {"debug" | "optimize" | "default"} CompileMode */
* @param {CompileMode} mode
* @param {string} elmEntrypointPath
* @param {string} outputPath
* @param {string | undefined} cwd
async function spawnElmMake(mode, options, elmEntrypointPath, outputPath, cwd) {
await runElmMake(mode, options, elmEntrypointPath, outputPath, cwd);
if (mode === "optimize") {
await elmOptimizeLevel2(outputPath, cwd);
await fsPromises.writeFile(
await fsPromises.readFile(outputPath, "utf-8")
/return \$elm\$json\$Json\$Encode\$string\(.REPLACE_ME_WITH_FORM_TO_STRING.\)/g,
"function appendSubmitter (myFormData, event) { event.submitter && event.submitter.name && event.submitter.name.length > 0 ? myFormData.append(event.submitter.name, event.submitter.value) : myFormData; return myFormData }; return " +
? "_Json_wrap(Array.from(appendSubmitter(new FormData(_Json_unwrap(event).target), _Json_unwrap(event))))"
: "Array.from(new FormData(event.target))")
function getAssetHash(content) {
return createHash("sha256").update(content).digest("hex").slice(0, 8);
* @param {CompileMode} mode
function modeToOptions(mode) {
if (mode === "debug") {
return ["--debug"];
} else if (mode === "optimize") {
return ["--optimize"];
} else {
return [];
* @param {CompileMode} mode
* @param {string} elmEntrypointPath
* @param {string} outputPath
* @param {string | undefined} cwd
function runElmMake(mode, options, elmEntrypointPath, outputPath, cwd) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const subprocess = spawnCallback(
// ignore stdout
// stdio: ["inherit", "ignore", "inherit"],
cwd: cwd,
if (await fs.fileExists(outputPath)) {
await fsPromises.unlink(outputPath, {
force: true /* ignore errors if file doesn't exist */,
let commandOutput = "";
subprocess.stderr.on("data", function (data) {
commandOutput += data;
subprocess.on("error", function () {
subprocess.on("close", async (code) => {
if (
code == 0 &&
(await fs.fileExists(outputPath)) &&
commandOutput === ""
) {
} else {
if (!buildError) {
buildError = true;
try {
} catch (error) {
} else {
// avoid unhandled error printing duplicate message, let process.exit in top loop take over
* @param {string} filePath
async function runTerser(filePath) {
console.log("Running terser");
const minifiedElm = await terser.minify(
(await fsPromises.readFile(filePath)).toString(),
ecma: 5,
module: true,
compress: {
pure_funcs: [
pure_getters: true,
keep_fargs: false,
unsafe_comps: true,
unsafe: true,
passes: 2,
mangle: true,
if (minifiedElm.code) {
await fsPromises.writeFile(filePath, minifiedElm.code);
} else {
throw "Error running terser.";
export async function compileCliApp(options) {
await spawnElmMake(
// TODO should be --optimize, but there seems to be an issue with the html to JSON with --optimize
options.debug ? "debug" : "optimize",
path.join(process.cwd(), "elm-stuff/elm-pages/.elm-pages/Main.elm"),
path.join(process.cwd(), "elm-stuff/elm-pages/elm.js"),
path.join(process.cwd(), "elm-stuff/elm-pages")
const elmFileContent = await fsPromises.readFile(ELM_FILE_PATH(), "utf-8");
// Source: https://github.com/elm-explorations/test/blob/d5eb84809de0f8bbf50303efd26889092c800609/src/Elm/Kernel/HtmlAsJson.js
const forceThunksSource = ` _HtmlAsJson_toJson(x)
var virtualDomKernelConstants =
nodeTypeTagger: 4,
nodeTypeThunk: 5,
kids: "e",
refs: "l",
thunk: "m",
node: "k",
value: "a"
function forceThunks(vNode) {
if ( (typeof vNode !== "undefined" && vNode.$ === "#2") // normal/debug mode
|| (typeof vNode !== "undefined" && typeof vNode.$ === "undefined" && typeof vNode.a == "string" && typeof vNode.b == "object" ) // optimize mode
) {
// This is a tuple (the kids : List (String, Html) field of a Keyed node); recurse into the right side of the tuple
vNode.b = forceThunks(vNode.b);
if (typeof vNode !== 'undefined' && vNode.$ === virtualDomKernelConstants.nodeTypeThunk && !vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.node]) {
// This is a lazy node; evaluate it
var args = vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.thunk];
vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.node] = vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.thunk].apply(args);
// And then recurse into the evaluated node
vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.node] = forceThunks(vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.node]);
if (typeof vNode !== 'undefined' && vNode.$ === virtualDomKernelConstants.nodeTypeTagger) {
// This is an Html.map; recurse into the node it is wrapping
vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.node] = forceThunks(vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.node]);
if (typeof vNode !== 'undefined' && typeof vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.kids] !== 'undefined') {
// This is something with children (either a node with kids : List Html, or keyed with kids : List (String, Html));
// recurse into the children
vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.kids] = vNode[virtualDomKernelConstants.kids].map(forceThunks);
return vNode;
function _HtmlAsJson_toJson(html) {
await fsPromises.writeFile(
ELM_FILE_PATH().replace(/\.js$/, ".cjs"),
/return \$elm\$json\$Json\$Encode\$string\(.REPLACE_ME_WITH_JSON_STRINGIFY.\)/g,
`return ${forceThunksSource}
return _Json_wrap(forceThunks(html));
.replace(`console.log('App dying')`, "")
async function runAdapter(adaptFn, processedIndexTemplate) {
try {
await adaptFn({
renderFunctionFilePath: "./elm-stuff/elm-pages/elm.cjs",
routePatterns: JSON.parse(
await fsPromises.readFile("./dist/route-patterns.json", "utf-8")
apiRoutePatterns: JSON.parse(
await fsPromises.readFile("./dist/api-patterns.json", "utf-8")
portsFilePath: "./.elm-pages/compiled-ports/custom-backend-task.mjs",
htmlTemplate: processedIndexTemplate,
console.log("Success - Adapter script complete");
} catch (error) {
console.error("ERROR - Adapter script failed");
try {
} catch (parsingError) {
// Source: https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/c53ffec3465d2d28d08d29ca61313469e03f5dd6/playground/ssr-vue/src/entry-server.js#L50-L68
* @param {string} file
function defaultPreloadForFile(file) {
if (file.endsWith(".js")) {
return `<link rel="modulepreload" crossorigin href="${file}">`;
} else if (file.endsWith(".css")) {
return `<link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="style">`;
} else if (file.endsWith(".woff")) {
return ` <link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="font" type="font/woff" crossorigin>`;
} else if (file.endsWith(".woff2")) {
return ` <link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>`;
} else if (file.endsWith(".gif")) {
return ` <link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="image" type="image/gif">`;
} else if (file.endsWith(".jpg") || file.endsWith(".jpeg")) {
return ` <link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="image" type="image/jpeg">`;
} else if (file.endsWith(".png")) {
return ` <link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="image" type="image/png">`;
} else {
return "";
/** @typedef { { route : string; contentJson : string; head : SeoTag[]; html: string; body: string; } } FromElm */
/** @typedef {HeadTag | JsonLdTag} SeoTag */
/** @typedef {{ name: string; attributes: string[][]; type: 'head' }} HeadTag */
/** @typedef {{ contents: Object; type: 'json-ld' }} JsonLdTag */
/** @typedef { { tag : 'PageProgress'; args : Arg[] } } PageProgress */
/** @typedef { { body: string; head: any[]; errors: any[]; contentJson: any[]; html: string; route: string; title: string; } } Arg */
* @param {Arg} fromElm
* @param {string} contentJsonString
* @returns {string}