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module XmlParser exposing
( Xml, ProcessingInstruction, DocType, DocTypeDefinition(..), Node(..), Attribute
, parse
, format
, element
{-| The XML Parser.
# Types
@docs Xml, ProcessingInstruction, DocType, DocTypeDefinition, Node, Attribute
# Parse
@docs parse
# Format
@docs format
import Char
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Hex
import Parser as Parser
import Parser.Advanced as Advanced exposing ((|.), (|=), Nestable(..), Step(..), andThen, chompUntil, chompWhile, getChompedString, inContext, int, lazy, loop, map, multiComment, oneOf, problem, succeed, token)
import Set exposing (Set)
{-| This represents the entire XML structure.
- processingInstructions: `<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>`
- docType: `<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "foo.xml">`
- root: `<root><foo/></root>`
type alias Xml =
{ processingInstructions : List ProcessingInstruction
, docType : Maybe DocType
, root : Node
{-| Processing Instruction such as `<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>`.
The example above is parsed as `{ name = "xml-stylesheet", value = "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"style.xsl\"" }`.
The value (presudo attributes) should be parsed by application.
type alias ProcessingInstruction =
{ name : String
, value : String
{-| Doc Type Decralation starting with "<!DOCTYPE".
This contains root element name and rest of details as `DocTypeDefinition`.
type alias DocType =
{ rootElementName : String
, definition : DocTypeDefinition
{-| DTD (Doc Type Definition)
- Public: `<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">`
- System: `<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "foo.xml">`
- Custom: `<!DOCTYPE root [ <!ELEMENT ...> ]>`
type DocTypeDefinition
= Public String String (Maybe String)
| System String (Maybe String)
| Custom String
{-| Node is either a element such as `<a name="value">foo</a>` or text such as `foo`.
type Node
= Element String (List Attribute) (List Node)
| Text String
{-| Attribute such as `name="value"`
type alias Attribute =
{ name : String, value : String }
type alias Parser a =
Advanced.Parser String Parser.Problem a
type alias DeadEnd =
Advanced.DeadEnd String Parser.Problem
type Count
= AtLeast Int
{-| Parse XML string.
`<?xml ... ?>` and `<!DOCTYPE ... >` is optional so you don't need to ensure them.
> import XmlParser
> XmlParser.parse """<a name="value">foo</a>"""
Ok { processingInstructions = [], docType = Nothing, root = Element "a" ([{ name = "name", value = "value" }]) ([Text "foo"]) }
parse : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Xml
parse source =
Advanced.run xml source
xml : Parser Xml
xml =
inContext "xml" <|
succeed Xml
|. whiteSpace
|= repeat zeroOrMore
(succeed identity
|= processingInstruction
|. whiteSpace
|. repeat zeroOrMore (oneOf [ whiteSpace1, comment ])
|= maybe docType
|. repeat zeroOrMore (oneOf [ whiteSpace1, comment ])
|= element
|. repeat zeroOrMore (oneOf [ whiteSpace1, comment ])
|. end
processingInstruction : Parser ProcessingInstruction
processingInstruction =
inContext "processingInstruction" <|
succeed ProcessingInstruction
|. symbol "<?"
|= processingInstructionName
|. symbol " "
|= processingInstructionValue
processingInstructionName : Parser String
processingInstructionName =
inContext "processingInstructionName" <|
keep oneOrMore (\c -> c /= ' ')
processingInstructionValue : Parser String
processingInstructionValue =
inContext "processingInstructionValue" <|
[ succeed ""
|. symbol "?>"
, symbol "?"
|> andThen
(\_ ->
|> map (\tail -> "?" ++ tail)
, succeed (++)
|= keep zeroOrMore (\c -> c /= '?')
|= lazy (\_ -> processingInstructionValue)
docType : Parser DocType
docType =
inContext "docType" <|
succeed DocType
|. symbol "<!DOCTYPE"
|. whiteSpace
|= tagName
|. whiteSpace
|= docTypeDefinition
|. whiteSpace
|. symbol ">"
docTypeDefinition : Parser DocTypeDefinition
docTypeDefinition =
inContext "docTypeDefinition" <|
[ succeed Public
|. keyword "PUBLIC"
|. whiteSpace
|= publicIdentifier
|. whiteSpace
|= docTypeExternalSubset
|. whiteSpace
|= maybe docTypeInternalSubset
, succeed System
|. keyword "SYSTEM"
|. whiteSpace
|= docTypeExternalSubset
|. whiteSpace
|= maybe docTypeInternalSubset
, succeed Custom
|= docTypeInternalSubset
publicIdentifier : Parser String
publicIdentifier =
inContext "publicIdentifier" <|
succeed identity
|. symbol "\""
|= keep zeroOrMore (\c -> c /= '"')
|. symbol "\""
docTypeExternalSubset : Parser String
docTypeExternalSubset =
inContext "docTypeExternalSubset" <|
succeed identity
|. symbol "\""
|= keep zeroOrMore (\c -> c /= '"')
|. symbol "\""
docTypeInternalSubset : Parser String
docTypeInternalSubset =
inContext "docTypeInternalSubset" <|
succeed identity
|. symbol "["
|= keep zeroOrMore (\c -> c /= ']')
|. symbol "]"
cdata : Parser String
cdata =
inContext "cdata" <|
succeed identity
|. symbol "<![CDATA["
|= cdataContent
cdataContent : Parser String
cdataContent =
inContext "cdataContent" <|
[ succeed ""
|. symbol "]]>"
, symbol "]]"
|> andThen
(\_ ->
|> map (\tail -> "]]" ++ tail)
, symbol "]"
|> andThen
(\_ ->
|> map (\tail -> "]" ++ tail)
, succeed (++)
|= keep zeroOrMore (\c -> c /= ']')
|= lazy (\_ -> cdataContent)
element : Parser Node
element =
inContext "element" <|
succeed identity
|. symbol "<"
|= (tagName
|> andThen
(\startTagName ->
succeed (Element startTagName)
|. whiteSpace
|= attributes Set.empty
|. whiteSpace
|= oneOf
[ succeed []
|. symbol "/>"
, succeed identity
|. symbol ">"
|= lazy (\_ -> children startTagName)
tagName : Parser String
tagName =
inContext "tagName" <|
keep oneOrMore (\c -> not (isWhitespace c) && c /= '/' && c /= '<' && c /= '>' && c /= '"' && c /= '\'' && c /= '=')
children : String -> Parser (List Node)
children startTagName =
inContext "children" <|
[ succeed []
|. closingTag startTagName
, textNodeString
|> andThen
(\maybeString ->
case maybeString of
Just s ->
succeed (\rest -> Text s :: rest)
|= children startTagName
Nothing ->
succeed []
|. closingTag startTagName
, lazy
(\_ ->
succeed (::)
|= element
|= children startTagName
closingTag : String -> Parser ()
closingTag startTagName =
inContext "closingTag" <|
succeed ()
|. symbol "</"
|. whiteSpace
|. (tagName
|> andThen
(\endTagName ->
if startTagName == endTagName then
succeed ()
fail ("tag name mismatch: " ++ startTagName ++ " and " ++ endTagName)
|. whiteSpace
|. symbol ">"
textString : Char -> Parser String
textString end_ =
inContext "textString" <|
(keep zeroOrMore (\c -> c /= end_ && c /= '&')
|> andThen
(\s ->
[ succeed String.cons
|= escapedChar end_
|= lazy (\_ -> textString end_)
, succeed s
textNodeString : Parser (Maybe String)
textNodeString =
inContext "textNodeString" <|
[ succeed
(\s maybeString ->
Just (s ++ (maybeString |> Maybe.withDefault ""))
|= keep oneOrMore (\c -> c /= '<' && c /= '&')
|= lazy (\_ -> textNodeString)
, succeed
(\c maybeString ->
Just (String.cons c (maybeString |> Maybe.withDefault ""))
|= escapedChar '<'
|= lazy (\_ -> textNodeString)
, succeed
(\s maybeString ->
str =
s ++ (maybeString |> Maybe.withDefault "")
if str /= "" then
Just str
|= cdata
|= lazy (\_ -> textNodeString)
, succeed
(\maybeString ->
str =
maybeString |> Maybe.withDefault ""
if str /= "" then
Just str
|. comment
|= lazy (\_ -> textNodeString)
, succeed Nothing
escapedChar : Char -> Parser Char
escapedChar end_ =
inContext "escapedChar" <|
(succeed identity
|. symbol "&"
|= keep oneOrMore (\c -> c /= end_ && c /= ';')
|> andThen
(\s ->
[ symbol ";"
|> andThen
(\_ ->
case decodeEscape s of
Ok c ->
succeed c
Err e ->
problem e
, fail ("Entities must end_ with \";\": &" ++ s)
decodeEscape : String -> Result Parser.Problem Char
decodeEscape s =
if String.startsWith "#x" s then
|> String.dropLeft 2
|> Hex.fromString
|> Result.map Char.fromCode
|> Result.mapError Parser.Problem
else if String.startsWith "#" s then
|> String.dropLeft 1
|> String.toInt
|> Maybe.map Char.fromCode
|> Result.fromMaybe (Parser.Problem <| "Invalid escaped charactor: " ++ s)
Dict.get s entities
|> Result.fromMaybe (Parser.Problem <| "No entity named \"&" ++ s ++ ";\" found.")
entities : Dict String Char
entities =
[ ( "amp", '&' )
, ( "lt", '<' )
, ( "gt", '>' )
, ( "apos", '\'' )
, ( "quot", '"' )
attributes : Set String -> Parser (List Attribute)
attributes keys =
inContext "attributes" <|
[ attribute
|> andThen
(\attr ->
if Set.member attr.name keys then
fail ("attribute " ++ attr.name ++ " is duplicated")
succeed ((::) attr)
|. whiteSpace
|= attributes (Set.insert attr.name keys)
, succeed []
validateAttributes : Set String -> List Attribute -> Maybe String
validateAttributes keys attrs =
case attrs of
[] ->
x :: xs ->
if Set.member x.name keys then
Just x.name
validateAttributes (Set.insert x.name keys) xs
attribute : Parser Attribute
attribute =
inContext "attribute" <|
succeed Attribute
|= attributeName
|. whiteSpace
|. symbol "="
|. whiteSpace
|= attributeValue
attributeName : Parser String
attributeName =
inContext "attributeName" <|
keep oneOrMore (\c -> not (isWhitespace c) && c /= '/' && c /= '<' && c /= '>' && c /= '"' && c /= '\'' && c /= '=')
attributeValue : Parser String
attributeValue =
inContext "attributeValue" <|
[ succeed identity
|. symbol "\""
|= textString '"'
|. symbol "\""
, succeed identity
|. symbol "'"
|= textString '\''
|. symbol "'"
whiteSpace : Parser ()
whiteSpace =
ignore zeroOrMore isWhitespace
whiteSpace1 : Parser ()
whiteSpace1 =
ignore oneOrMore isWhitespace
isWhitespace : Char -> Bool
isWhitespace c =
c == ' ' || c == '\u{000D}' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'
comment : Parser ()
comment =
succeed ()
|. token (toToken "<!--")
|. chompUntil (toToken "-->")
|. token (toToken "-->")
{-| Convert Xml into String.
This function does NOT insert line breaks or indents for readability.
format : Xml -> String
format doc =
pi =
|> List.map formatProcessingInstruction
|> String.join ""
dt =
|> Maybe.map formatDocType
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
node =
formatNode doc.root
pi ++ dt ++ node
formatProcessingInstruction : ProcessingInstruction -> String
formatProcessingInstruction processingInstruction_ =
"<?" ++ escape processingInstruction_.name ++ " " ++ escape processingInstruction_.value ++ "?>"
formatDocType : DocType -> String
formatDocType docType_ =
"<!DOCTYPE " ++ escape docType_.rootElementName ++ " " ++ formatDocTypeDefinition docType_.definition ++ ">"
formatDocTypeDefinition : DocTypeDefinition -> String
formatDocTypeDefinition def =
case def of
Public publicIdentifier_ internalSubsetRef maybeInternalSubset ->
++ escape publicIdentifier_
++ "\" \""
++ escape internalSubsetRef
++ "\""
++ (case maybeInternalSubset of
Just internalSubset ->
" [" ++ escape internalSubset ++ "]"
Nothing ->
System internalSubsetRef maybeInternalSubset ->
++ escape internalSubsetRef
++ "\""
++ (case maybeInternalSubset of
Just internalSubset ->
" [" ++ escape internalSubset ++ "]"
Nothing ->
Custom internalSubset ->
"[" ++ escape internalSubset ++ "]"
formatNode : Node -> String
formatNode node =
case node of
Element tagName_ attributes_ children_ ->
++ escape tagName_
++ " "
++ (attributes_ |> List.map formatAttribute |> String.join " ")
++ (if children_ == [] then
++ (children_ |> List.map formatNode |> String.join "")
++ "</"
++ escape tagName_
++ ">"
Text s ->
escape s
formatAttribute : Attribute -> String
formatAttribute attribute_ =
escape attribute_.name ++ "=\"" ++ escape attribute_.value ++ "\""
escape : String -> String
escape s =
|> String.replace "&" "&"
|> String.replace "<" "<"
|> String.replace ">" ">"
|> String.replace "\"" """
|> String.replace "'" "'"
maybe : Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
maybe parser =
[ map Just parser
, succeed Nothing
zeroOrMore : Count
zeroOrMore =
AtLeast 0
oneOrMore : Count
oneOrMore =
AtLeast 1
repeat : Count -> Parser a -> Parser (List a)
repeat count parser =
case count of
AtLeast n ->
loop []
(\state ->
[ map (\r -> Loop (List.append state [ r ])) parser
, map (always (Done state)) (succeed ())
|> andThen
(\results ->
if n <= List.length results then
succeed results
problem Parser.BadRepeat
keep : Count -> (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
keep count predicate =
case count of
AtLeast n ->
getChompedString (succeed () |. chompWhile predicate)
|> andThen
(\str ->
if n <= String.length str then
succeed str
problem Parser.BadRepeat
ignore : Count -> (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
ignore count predicate =
map (\_ -> ()) (keep count predicate)
fail : String -> Parser a
fail str =
problem (Parser.Problem str)
symbol : String -> Parser ()
symbol str =
Advanced.symbol (Advanced.Token str (Parser.ExpectingSymbol str))
keyword : String -> Parser ()
keyword kwd =
Advanced.keyword (Advanced.Token kwd (Parser.ExpectingKeyword kwd))
end : Parser ()
end =
Advanced.end Parser.ExpectingEnd
toToken : String -> Advanced.Token Parser.Problem
toToken str =
Advanced.Token str (Parser.Expecting str)