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module TestState exposing (TestState, advanceTime, drain, fillInField, queueEffect, routeChangeHelper, simulateLoadUrlHelper, update, withSimulation)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import PairingHeap
import ProgramTest.EffectSimulation as EffectSimulation exposing (EffectSimulation)
import ProgramTest.Failure exposing (Failure(..))
import ProgramTest.Program exposing (Program)
import SimulatedEffect exposing (SimulatedEffect, SimulatedSub)
import String.Extra
import Url exposing (Url)
import Url.Extra
{-| TODO: what's a better name?
type alias TestState model msg effect =
{ currentModel : model
, lastEffect : effect
, navigation :
{ currentLocation : Url
, browserHistory : List Url
, effectSimulation : Maybe (EffectSimulation msg effect)
, domFields : Dict String String
, cookieJar : Dict String String
update : msg -> Program model msg effect sub -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
update msg program state =
( newModel, newEffect ) =
program.update msg state.currentModel
{ state
| currentModel = newModel
, lastEffect = newEffect
|> queueEffect program newEffect
|> Result.andThen (drain program)
queueEffect : Program model msg effect sub -> effect -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
queueEffect program effect state =
case state.effectSimulation of
Nothing ->
Ok state
Just simulation ->
simpleState : SimpleState
simpleState =
{ navigation = state.navigation
, domFields = state.domFields
, cookieJar = state.cookieJar
( newCookieJar, newEffect ) =
simulation.deconstructEffect simpleState effect
queueSimulatedEffect program newEffect { state | cookieJar = newCookieJar }
type alias SimpleState =
{ navigation :
{ currentLocation : Url
, browserHistory : List Url
, domFields : Dict String String
, cookieJar : Dict String String
queueSimulatedEffect : Program model msg effect sub -> SimulatedEffect msg -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
queueSimulatedEffect program effect state =
case state.effectSimulation of
Nothing ->
Ok state
Just simulation ->
case effect of
SimulatedEffect.None ->
Ok state
SimulatedEffect.Batch effects ->
List.foldl (\ef -> Result.andThen (queueSimulatedEffect program ef)) (Ok state) effects
SimulatedEffect.Task t ->
{ state
| effectSimulation =
Just (EffectSimulation.queueTask t simulation)
SimulatedEffect.PortEffect portName value ->
{ state
| effectSimulation =
{ simulation
| outgoingPortValues =
Dict.update portName
(Maybe.withDefault [] >> (::) value >> Just)
SimulatedEffect.PushUrl url ->
routeChangeHelper ("simulating effect: SimulatedEffect.Navigation.pushUrl " ++ String.Extra.escape url) 0 url program state
SimulatedEffect.ReplaceUrl url ->
routeChangeHelper ("simulating effect: SimulatedEffect.Navigation.replaceUrl " ++ String.Extra.escape url) 1 url program state
SimulatedEffect.Back n ->
case state.navigation of
Nothing ->
Ok state
Just { currentLocation, browserHistory } ->
if n <= 0 then
Ok state
case List.head (List.drop (n - 1) browserHistory) of
Nothing ->
-- n is bigger than the history;
-- in this case, browsers ignore the request
Ok state
Just first ->
routeChangeHelper ("simulating effect: SimulatedEffect.Navigation.Back " ++ String.fromInt n) 2 (Url.toString first) program state
SimulatedEffect.Load url ->
Err (simulateLoadUrlHelper ("simulating effect: SimulatedEffect.Navigation.load " ++ url) url state)
SimulatedEffect.Reload skipCache ->
functionName =
if skipCache then
case state.navigation of
Nothing ->
Err (ProgramDoesNotSupportNavigation functionName)
Just { currentLocation } ->
Err (ChangedPage ("simulating effect: SimulatedEffect.Navigation." ++ functionName) currentLocation)
simulateLoadUrlHelper : String -> String -> TestState model msg effect -> Failure
simulateLoadUrlHelper functionDescription href state =
case Maybe.map .currentLocation state.navigation of
Just location ->
ChangedPage functionDescription (Url.Extra.resolve location href)
Nothing ->
case Url.fromString href of
Nothing ->
NoBaseUrl functionDescription href
Just location ->
ChangedPage functionDescription location
routeChangeHelper : String -> Int -> String -> Program model msg effect sub -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
routeChangeHelper functionName removeFromBackStack url program state =
case state.navigation of
Nothing ->
Err (ProgramDoesNotSupportNavigation functionName)
Just { currentLocation, browserHistory } ->
newLocation =
Url.Extra.resolve currentLocation url
processRouteChange =
case program.onRouteChange newLocation of
Nothing ->
Just msg ->
-- TODO: should this be set before or after?
update msg program
{ state
| navigation =
{ currentLocation = newLocation
, browserHistory =
(currentLocation :: browserHistory)
|> List.drop removeFromBackStack
|> processRouteChange
drain : Program model msg effect sub -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
drain program =
advanceTimeIfSimulating t state =
case state.effectSimulation of
Nothing ->
Ok state
Just _ ->
advanceTime "<UNKNOWN LOCATION: if you see this, please report it at https://github.com/avh4/elm-program-test/issues/>" t program state
advanceTimeIfSimulating 0
>> Result.andThen (drainWorkQueue program)
drainWorkQueue : Program model msg effect sub -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
drainWorkQueue program state =
case state.effectSimulation of
Nothing ->
Ok state
Just simulation ->
case EffectSimulation.stepWorkQueue simulation of
Nothing ->
-- work queue is empty
Ok state
Just ( newSimulation, msg ) ->
updateMaybe tc =
case msg of
Nothing ->
Ok tc
Just m ->
update m program tc
{ state | effectSimulation = Just newSimulation }
|> updateMaybe
|> Result.andThen (drain program)
advanceTime : String -> Int -> Program model msg effect sub -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
advanceTime functionName delta program state =
case state.effectSimulation of
Nothing ->
Err (EffectSimulationNotConfigured functionName)
Just simulation ->
advanceTo program functionName (simulation.state.nowMs + delta) state
advanceTo : Program model msg effect sub -> String -> Int -> TestState model msg effect -> Result Failure (TestState model msg effect)
advanceTo program functionName end state =
case state.effectSimulation of
Nothing ->
Err (EffectSimulationNotConfigured functionName)
Just simulation ->
ss =
case PairingHeap.findMin simulation.state.futureTasks of
Nothing ->
-- No future tasks to check
{ state
| effectSimulation =
{ simulation
| state = { ss | nowMs = end }
Just ( t, task ) ->
if t <= end then
{ state
| effectSimulation =
{ simulation
| state =
{ ss
| nowMs = t
, futureTasks = PairingHeap.deleteMin simulation.state.futureTasks
|> Result.map (withSimulation (EffectSimulation.queueTask (task ())))
|> Result.andThen (drain program)
|> Result.andThen (advanceTo program functionName end)
-- next task is further in the future than we are advancing
{ state
| effectSimulation =
{ simulation
| state = { ss | nowMs = end }
withSimulation : (EffectSimulation msg effect -> EffectSimulation msg effect) -> TestState model msg effect -> TestState model msg effect
withSimulation f state =
{ state | effectSimulation = Maybe.map f state.effectSimulation }
fillInField : String -> String -> TestState model msg effect -> TestState model msg effect
fillInField name value state =
{ state | domFields = state.domFields |> Dict.insert name value |> Debug.log "newState" }