2022-03-21 12:59:51 -07:00

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module Tests exposing (suite)
import Effect exposing (Effect)
import Expect
import Json.Decode as Decode
import PagesTest
import ProgramTest
import SimulatedEffect.Cmd
import SimulatedEffect.Http as Http
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
import Test.Html.Selector exposing (text)
import Test.Http
suite : Test
suite =
describe "end to end tests"
[ test "wire up hello" <|
\() ->
PagesTest.start "/greet?name=dillon" simulate mockData
|> ProgramTest.expectViewHas
[ text "Hello dillon!"
, test "redirect then login" <|
\() ->
PagesTest.start "/login" simulate mockData
|> ProgramTest.ensureBrowserUrl (Expect.equal "https://localhost:1234/login")
|> ProgramTest.fillInDom "name" "Name" "Jane"
|> ProgramTest.clickButton "Login"
|> ProgramTest.ensureBrowserUrl (Expect.equal "https://localhost:1234/greet")
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas
[ text "Hello Jane!"
|> ProgramTest.done
, test "back to login page with session" <|
\() ->
PagesTest.start "/login" simulate mockData
|> ProgramTest.ensureBrowserUrl (Expect.equal "https://localhost:1234/login")
|> ProgramTest.fillInDom "name" "Name" "Jane"
|> ProgramTest.clickButton "Login"
|> ProgramTest.ensureBrowserUrl (Expect.equal "https://localhost:1234/greet")
|> ProgramTest.routeChange "/login"
|> ProgramTest.ensureBrowserUrl (Expect.equal "https://localhost:1234/login")
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas [ text "Hello Jane!" ]
|> ProgramTest.done
, test "user effect simulation" <|
\() ->
PagesTest.start "/counter" simulate mockData
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas [ text "Loading..." ]
|> ProgramTest.simulateHttpResponse "GET"
{ body = """{"stargazers_count": 123}"""
, headers = []
, statusCode = 200
|> ProgramTest.ensureViewHas [ text "The count is: 123" ]
|> ProgramTest.done
mockData : PagesTest.DataSourceSimulator
mockData _ _ _ request =
simulate : (a -> b) -> Effect a -> ProgramTest.SimulatedEffect b
simulate fromPageMsg effect =
case effect of
Effect.None ->
Effect.Cmd cmd ->
Effect.Batch effects ->
|> List.map (simulate fromPageMsg)
|> SimulatedEffect.Cmd.batch
Effect.GetStargazers toMsg ->
{ url = "https://api.github.com/repos/dillonkearns/elm-pages"
, expect =
Http.expectJson (toMsg >> fromPageMsg)
(Decode.field "stargazers_count" Decode.int)