
158 lines
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module Effect exposing (Effect(..), batch, fromCmd, map, none, perform)
import Browser.Navigation
import Bytes exposing (Bytes)
import Bytes.Decode
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Url exposing (Url)
type Effect msg
= None
| Cmd (Cmd msg)
| Batch (List (Effect msg))
| GetStargazers (Result Http.Error Int -> msg)
| FetchRouteData
{ body : Maybe { contentType : String, body : String }
, path : Maybe String
, toMsg : Result Http.Error Url -> msg
| Submit
{ values : List ( String, String )
, path : Maybe (List String)
, method : Maybe String
, toMsg : Result Http.Error Url -> msg
| SubmitFetcher
{ decoder : Result Http.Error Bytes -> msg
, fields : List ( String, String )
, headers : List ( String, String )
, url : Maybe String
type alias RequestInfo =
{ contentType : String
, body : String
none : Effect msg
none =
batch : List (Effect msg) -> Effect msg
batch =
fromCmd : Cmd msg -> Effect msg
fromCmd =
map : (a -> b) -> Effect a -> Effect b
map fn effect =
case effect of
None ->
Cmd cmd ->
Cmd (Cmd.map fn cmd)
Batch list ->
Batch (List.map (map fn) list)
GetStargazers toMsg ->
GetStargazers (toMsg >> fn)
FetchRouteData fetchInfo ->
{ body = fetchInfo.body
, path = fetchInfo.path
, toMsg = fetchInfo.toMsg >> fn
Submit fetchInfo ->
{ values = fetchInfo.values
, path = fetchInfo.path
, method = fetchInfo.method
, toMsg = fetchInfo.toMsg >> fn
SubmitFetcher fetchInfo ->
{ decoder = fetchInfo.decoder >> fn
, fields = fetchInfo.fields
, headers = fetchInfo.headers
, url = fetchInfo.url
perform :
{ fetchRouteData :
{ body : Maybe { contentType : String, body : String }
, path : Maybe String
, toMsg : Result Http.Error Url -> pageMsg
-> Cmd msg
, submit :
{ values : List ( String, String )
, encType : Maybe String
, method : Maybe String
, path : Maybe String
, toMsg : Result Http.Error Url -> pageMsg
-> Cmd msg
, runFetcher :
{ decoder : Result Http.Error Bytes -> pageMsg
, fields : List ( String, String )
, headers : List ( String, String )
, url : Maybe String
-> Cmd msg
, fromPageMsg : pageMsg -> msg
, key : Browser.Navigation.Key
-> Effect pageMsg
-> Cmd msg
perform ({ fromPageMsg, key } as helpers) effect =
case effect of
None ->
Cmd cmd ->
Cmd.map fromPageMsg cmd
Batch list ->
Cmd.batch (List.map (perform helpers) list)
GetStargazers toMsg ->
{ url =
, expect = Http.expectJson (toMsg >> fromPageMsg) (Decode.field "stargazers_count" Decode.int)
FetchRouteData fetchInfo ->
{ body = fetchInfo.body
, path = fetchInfo.path
, toMsg = fetchInfo.toMsg
Submit record ->
{ values = record.values
, path = Nothing --fetchInfo.path
, method = record.method
, encType = Nothing -- TODO
, toMsg = record.toMsg
SubmitFetcher record ->
helpers.runFetcher record