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module Route.FormEvent exposing (ActionData, Data, Model, Msg, route)
import Browser.Navigation
import DataSource exposing (DataSource)
import Effect exposing (Effect)
import FormDecoder
import Head
import Head.Seo as Seo
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl)
import Pages.Url
import Path exposing (Path)
import RouteBuilder exposing (StatefulRoute, StaticPayload)
import Shared
import View exposing (View)
type alias Model =
{ formAsString : Maybe String
type Msg
= OnSubmit (List ( String, String ))
type alias RouteParams =
route : StatefulRoute RouteParams Data ActionData Model Msg
route =
{ head = head
, data = data
|> RouteBuilder.buildWithLocalState
{ view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, init = init
init :
Maybe PageUrl
-> Shared.Model
-> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams
-> ( Model, Effect Msg )
init maybePageUrl sharedModel static =
( { formAsString = Nothing }, Effect.none )
update :
-> Shared.Model
-> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams
-> Msg
-> Model
-> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update pageUrl sharedModel static msg model =
case msg of
OnSubmit formAsString ->
( { model | formAsString = Just (toString formAsString) }, Effect.none )
toString : List ( String, String ) -> String
toString formAsString =
|> List.map (\( key, value ) -> key ++ "=" ++ value)
|> String.join "\n"
subscriptions : Maybe PageUrl -> RouteParams -> Path -> Shared.Model -> Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions maybePageUrl routeParams path sharedModel model =
type alias Data =
type alias ActionData =
data : DataSource Data
data =
DataSource.succeed {}
head :
StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams
-> List Head.Tag
head static =
{ canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing
, siteName = "elm-pages"
, image =
{ url = Pages.Url.external ""
, alt = ""
, dimensions = Nothing
, mimeType = Nothing
, description = ""
, locale = Nothing
, title = "Test case for form event decoder"
|> Seo.website
view :
Maybe PageUrl
-> Shared.Model
-> Model
-> StaticPayload Data ActionData RouteParams
-> View Msg
view maybeUrl sharedModel model static =
{ title = "Placeholder"
, body =
[ Html.p []
[ (case model.formAsString of
Nothing ->
"No submission received."
Just string ->
|> Html.text
, exampleForm
exampleForm : Html Msg
exampleForm =
[ FormDecoder.formDataOnSubmit
[ Html.div []
[ Html.label []
[ Html.text "First"
, Html.input
[ Attr.name "first"
, Attr.type_ "text"
, Attr.value "my-first-name"
, Html.div []
[ Html.label []
[ Html.text "Last"
, Html.input
[ Attr.name "last"
, Attr.type_ "text"
, Attr.value "my-last-name"
, Html.button
[ Attr.type_ "submit"
, Attr.name "my-button"
, Attr.value "hello-from-button"
[ Html.text "Submit" ]
|> Html.map OnSubmit