
231 lines
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module ServerRequestTest exposing (all)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Expect exposing (Expectation)
import FormData
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode
import List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty exposing (NonEmpty)
import Server.Request as Request
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
all : Test
all =
describe "Server.Request matching"
[ test "succeed always matches" <|
\() ->
Request.succeed ()
|> expectMatch
{ method = Request.Get
, headers = []
, body = Nothing
, test "accept GET" <|
\() ->
Request.succeed ()
|> Request.acceptMethod ( Request.Get, [] )
|> expectMatch
{ method = Request.Get
, headers = []
, body = Nothing
, test "accept GET doesn't match POST" <|
\() ->
Request.succeed ()
|> Request.acceptMethod ( Request.Post, [] )
|> expectNoMatch
{ method = Request.Get
, headers = []
, body = Nothing
"Expected HTTP method POST but was GET"
, test "unexpected method for form POST" <|
\() ->
(\_ ->
Request.succeed ()
|> expectNoMatch
{ method = Request.Get
, headers =
[ ( "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
, body = Nothing
"""Did not match formPost because
- Form post must have method POST, but the method was GET
- Forms must have Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but the Content-Type was TODO"""
, test "tries multiple form post formats" <|
\() ->
[ Request.oneOf
[ Request.expectFormPost
(\{ field } ->
field "bar"
, Request.expectFormPost
(\{ field } ->
field "foo"
|> expectMatch
{ method = Request.Post
, headers =
[ ( "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
, body =
(Dict.fromList [ ( "foo", NonEmpty.singleton "bar" ) ])
, test "one of no match" <|
\() ->
[ Request.expectFormPost
(\{ field } ->
field "first"
, Request.expectJsonBody (Decode.field "first" Decode.string)
, Request.expectQueryParam "first"
, Request.expectMultiPartFormPost
(\{ field } ->
field "first"
|> expectNoMatch
{ method = Request.Get
, headers =
[ ( "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
, body = Nothing
"""Server.Request.oneOf failed in the following 4 ways:
(1) Did not match formPost because
- Form post must have method POST, but the method was GET
- Forms must have Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but the Content-Type was TODO
(2) Tried to parse JSON body but the request had no body.
(3) Internal error - expected rawUrl field but the adapter script didn't provide one.
(4) Missing form field 'first'
Expected content-type to be multipart/form-data but it was application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Expected HTTP method POST but was GET"""
type alias Request =
{ method : Request.Method
, headers : List ( String, String )
, body : Maybe Body
type Body
= FormData (Dict String (NonEmpty String))
| JsonBody Decode.Value
| StringBody String
expectMatch : Request -> Request.Parser value -> Expectation
expectMatch request (Request.Parser decoder) =
|> requestToJson
|> Decode.decodeValue decoder
Ok ok ->
case ok of
( Ok _, [] ) ->
( Err innerError, otherErrors ) ->
(innerError :: otherErrors)
|> List.map Request.errorToString
|> String.join "\n"
|> Expect.fail
( Ok _, nonEmptyErrors ) ->
|> List.map Request.errorToString
|> String.join "\n"
|> Expect.fail
Err error ->
Expect.fail (Decode.errorToString error)
expectNoMatch : Request -> String -> Request.Parser value -> Expectation
expectNoMatch request expectedErrorString (Request.Parser decoder) =
|> requestToJson
|> Decode.decodeValue decoder
Ok ok ->
case ok of
( Ok _, [] ) ->
Expect.fail "Expected this request not to match, but instead it did match."
( Err innerError, otherErrors ) ->
(innerError :: otherErrors)
|> List.map Request.errorToString
|> String.join "\n"
|> Expect.equal expectedErrorString
( Ok _, nonEmptyErrors ) ->
|> List.map Request.errorToString
|> String.join "\n"
|> Expect.equal expectedErrorString
Err error ->
("Expected this request to not match, but instead there was an internal error: "
++ Decode.errorToString error
requestToJson : Request -> Json.Encode.Value
requestToJson request =
[ ( "method"
, request.method
|> Request.methodToString
|> Json.Encode.string
, ( "headers"
, Json.Encode.object
, ( "body"
, request.body
|> Maybe.map encodeBody
|> Maybe.withDefault Json.Encode.null
, ( "query", Json.Encode.null )
, ( "multiPartFormData", Json.Encode.null )
encodeBody : Body -> Decode.Value
encodeBody body =
case body of
JsonBody json ->
FormData formData ->
formData |> FormData.encode |> Json.Encode.string
StringBody string ->
string |> Json.Encode.string