2021-04-29 16:42:13 -07:00

170 lines
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module ApiHandlerTests exposing (..)
import Expect
import Regex
import Test exposing (describe, only, test)
all =
describe "api routes"
[ test "match top-level file with no extension" <|
\() ->
(\userId ->
{ body = "Data for user " ++ userId }
(\_ -> [])
|> captureSegment
|> tryMatch "123"
|> Expect.equal (Just { body = "Data for user 123" })
, test "file with extension" <|
\() ->
(\userId ->
{ body = "Data for user " ++ userId }
(\_ -> [])
|> captureSegment
|> literalSegment ".json"
|> tryMatch "124.json"
|> Expect.equal (Just { body = "Data for user 124" })
, test "file path with multiple segments" <|
\() ->
(\userId ->
{ body = "Data for user " ++ userId }
(\_ -> [])
|> literalSegment "users"
|> slash
|> captureSegment
|> literalSegment ".json"
|> tryMatch "users/123.json"
|> Expect.equal (Just { body = "Data for user 123" })
, test "routes" <|
\() ->
|> withRoutes
--[ \c -> c "100"
|> Expect.equal
[ "users/100.json" ]
--, "users/101.json"
routesExample : Handler Response (List (List String))
routesExample =
(\userId ->
{ body = "Data for user " ++ userId }
(\constructor ->
[ constructor "100" ]
|> literalSegment "users"
|> slash
|> captureSegment
|> literalSegment ".json"
withRoutes : Handler Response (List (List String)) -> List String
withRoutes (Handler pattern handler toString dynamicSegments) =
--[ "users/100.json", "users/101.json" ]
-- |> List.map
-- (\value ->
-- value
-- |> dynamicSegments
-- |> toString
-- )
--|> Debug.log "dynamicSegments"
|> List.map toString
--|> List.map (\value -> toString value)
tryMatch : String -> Handler Response b -> Maybe Response
tryMatch path (Handler pattern handler toString dynamicSegments) =
matches =
(Regex.fromString (pattern |> Debug.log "pattern")
|> Maybe.withDefault Regex.never
|> List.concatMap .submatches
|> List.filterMap identity
handler matches
|> Just
--exampleHandler : Handler Response
--exampleHandler =
-- succeed
-- (\userId ->
-- { body = "Data for user " ++ userId }
-- )
-- |> captureSegment
type Handler a b
= Handler String (List String -> a) (List String -> String) b
type alias Response =
{ body : String }
succeed : a -> ((b -> List String) -> List (List String)) -> Handler a ((b -> List String) -> List (List String))
succeed a buildTimePaths =
Handler "" (\args -> a) (\_ -> "") buildTimePaths
--handle : (a -> Response) -> Handler a b -> Handler response b
--handle function handler =
-- Debug.todo ""
literalSegment : String -> Handler a b -> Handler a b
literalSegment segment (Handler pattern handler toString dynamicSegments) =
Handler (pattern ++ segment) handler (\values -> toString values ++ segment) dynamicSegments
slash : Handler a b -> Handler a b
slash (Handler pattern handler toString dynamicSegments) =
Handler (pattern ++ "/") handler (\arg -> toString arg ++ "/") dynamicSegments
captureSegment : Handler (String -> a) ((String -> List String) -> List (List String)) -> Handler a (List (List String))
captureSegment (Handler pattern previousHandler toString dynamicSegments) =
Handler (pattern ++ "(.*)")
(\matches ->
case matches of
first :: rest ->
previousHandler rest first
_ ->
Debug.todo "Expected non-empty list"
(\s ->
case s of
first :: rest ->
toString s ++ first
_ ->
(dynamicSegments (\string -> [ string ]))
captureRest : Handler (List String -> a) b -> Handler a b
captureRest previousHandler =
Debug.todo ""