mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 22:33:47 +03:00
Required image files in `/images` which are not present on the remote repository.
115 lines
2.5 KiB
115 lines
2.5 KiB
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`generate UI file 1`] = `
"port module Pages exposing (PathKey, allPages, allImages, internals, images, isValidRoute, pages, builtAt)
import Color exposing (Color)
import Pages.Internal
import Head
import Html exposing (Html)
import Json.Decode
import Json.Encode
import Pages.Platform
import Pages.Manifest exposing (DisplayMode, Orientation)
import Pages.Manifest.Category as Category exposing (Category)
import Url.Parser as Url exposing ((</>), s)
import Pages.ImagePath as ImagePath exposing (ImagePath)
import Pages.PagePath as PagePath exposing (PagePath)
import Pages.Directory as Directory exposing (Directory)
import Time
builtAt : Time.Posix
builtAt =
Time.millisToPosix 1589734402000
type PathKey
= PathKey
buildImage : List String -> ImagePath.Dimensions -> ImagePath PathKey
buildImage path dimensions =
ImagePath.build PathKey (\\"images\\" :: path) dimensions
buildPage : List String -> PagePath PathKey
buildPage path =
PagePath.build PathKey path
directoryWithIndex : List String -> Directory PathKey Directory.WithIndex
directoryWithIndex path =
Directory.withIndex PathKey allPages path
directoryWithoutIndex : List String -> Directory PathKey Directory.WithoutIndex
directoryWithoutIndex path =
Directory.withoutIndex PathKey allPages path
port toJsPort : Json.Encode.Value -> Cmd msg
port fromJsPort : (Json.Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
internals : Pages.Internal.Internal PathKey
internals =
{ applicationType = Pages.Internal.Browser
, toJsPort = toJsPort
, fromJsPort = fromJsPort identity
, content = content
, pathKey = PathKey
allPages : List (PagePath PathKey)
allPages =
pages =
{ directory = directoryWithoutIndex []
images =
{ directory = directoryWithoutIndex []
allImages : List (ImagePath PathKey)
allImages =
isValidRoute : String -> Result String ()
isValidRoute route =
validRoutes =
List.map PagePath.toString allPages
(route |> String.startsWith \\"http://\\")
|| (route |> String.startsWith \\"https://\\")
|| (route |> String.startsWith \\"#\\")
|| (validRoutes |> List.member route)
Ok ()
(\\"Valid routes:\\\\n\\"
++ String.join \\"\\\\n\\\\n\\" validRoutes
|> Err
content : List ( List String, { extension: String, frontMatter : String, body : Maybe String } )
content =