2022-03-16 14:09:15 -07:00

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module SimulatedEffect.Task exposing
( perform, attempt
, andThen, succeed, fail
, map, map2, map3, map4, map5
, mapError, onError
{-| This module parallels [elm/core's `Task` module](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/1.0.2/Task).
_Pull requests are welcome to add any functions that are missing._
The functions here produce `SimulatedTasks`s instead of `Tasks`s
and `SimulatedEffect`s instead of `Cmd`s, which are meant to be used
to help you implement the function to provide when using [`ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects`](ProgramTest#withSimulatedEffects).
# Tasks
@docs perform, attempt
# Chains
@docs andThen, succeed, fail
# Maps
@docs map, map2, map3, map4, map5
# Errors
@docs mapError, onError
import ProgramTest exposing (SimulatedEffect, SimulatedTask)
import SimulatedEffect
{-| -}
perform : (a -> msg) -> SimulatedTask Never a -> SimulatedEffect msg
perform f task =
|> map f
|> mapError never
|> SimulatedEffect.Task
{-| This is very similar to [`perform`](#perform) except it can handle failures!
attempt : (Result x a -> msg) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedEffect msg
attempt f task =
|> map (Ok >> f)
|> mapError (Err >> f)
|> SimulatedEffect.Task
{-| Chain together a task and a callback.
andThen : (a -> SimulatedTask x b) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedTask x b
andThen f task =
case task of
SimulatedEffect.Succeed a ->
f a
SimulatedEffect.Fail x ->
SimulatedEffect.Fail x
SimulatedEffect.HttpTask request ->
{ method = request.method
, url = request.url
, body = request.body
, headers = request.headers
, onRequestComplete = request.onRequestComplete >> andThen f
SimulatedEffect.SleepTask delay onResult ->
SimulatedEffect.SleepTask delay (onResult >> andThen f)
SimulatedEffect.NowTask onResult ->
SimulatedEffect.NowTask (onResult >> andThen f)
{-| A task that succeeds immediately when run.
succeed : a -> SimulatedTask x a
succeed =
{-| A task that fails immediately when run.
fail : x -> SimulatedTask x a
fail =
{-| Transform a task.
map : (a -> b) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedTask x b
map f =
andThen (f >> SimulatedEffect.Succeed)
{-| Put the results of two tasks together.
map2 : (a -> b -> result) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedTask x b -> SimulatedTask x result
map2 func taskA taskB =
|> andThen
(\a ->
|> andThen (\b -> succeed (func a b))
{-| Put the results of three tasks together.
map3 : (a -> b -> c -> result) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedTask x b -> SimulatedTask x c -> SimulatedTask x result
map3 func taskA taskB taskC =
|> andThen
(\a ->
|> andThen
(\b ->
|> andThen (\c -> succeed (func a b c))
{-| Put the results of four tasks together.
map4 :
(a -> b -> c -> d -> result)
-> SimulatedTask x a
-> SimulatedTask x b
-> SimulatedTask x c
-> SimulatedTask x d
-> SimulatedTask x result
map4 func taskA taskB taskC taskD =
|> andThen
(\a ->
|> andThen
(\b ->
|> andThen
(\c ->
|> andThen (\d -> succeed (func a b c d))
{-| Put the results of five tasks together.
map5 :
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> result)
-> SimulatedTask x a
-> SimulatedTask x b
-> SimulatedTask x c
-> SimulatedTask x d
-> SimulatedTask x e
-> SimulatedTask x result
map5 func taskA taskB taskC taskD taskE =
|> andThen
(\a ->
|> andThen
(\b ->
|> andThen
(\c ->
|> andThen
(\d ->
|> andThen (\e -> succeed (func a b c d e))
{-| Transform the error value.
mapError : (x -> y) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedTask y a
mapError f task =
case task of
SimulatedEffect.Succeed a ->
SimulatedEffect.Succeed a
SimulatedEffect.Fail x ->
SimulatedEffect.Fail (f x)
SimulatedEffect.HttpTask request ->
{ method = request.method
, url = request.url
, body = request.body
, headers = request.headers
, onRequestComplete = request.onRequestComplete >> mapError f
SimulatedEffect.SleepTask delay onResult ->
SimulatedEffect.SleepTask delay (onResult >> mapError f)
SimulatedEffect.NowTask onResult ->
SimulatedEffect.NowTask (onResult >> mapError f)
{-| Recover from a failure in a task.
onError : (x -> SimulatedTask y a) -> SimulatedTask x a -> SimulatedTask y a
onError f task =
case task of
SimulatedEffect.Succeed a ->
SimulatedEffect.Succeed a
SimulatedEffect.Fail x ->
f x
SimulatedEffect.HttpTask request ->
{ method = request.method
, url = request.url
, body = request.body
, headers = request.headers
, onRequestComplete = request.onRequestComplete >> onError f
SimulatedEffect.SleepTask delay onResult ->
SimulatedEffect.SleepTask delay (onResult >> onError f)
SimulatedEffect.NowTask onResult ->
SimulatedEffect.NowTask (onResult >> onError f)