{ description = "DevOS environment configuriguration library."; inputs = { deploy.url = "github:serokell/deploy-rs"; devshell.url = "github:numtide/devshell"; utils.url = "github:gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus/staging"; nixlib.url = "github:divnix/nixpkgs.lib"; # Only used for development nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs"; }; outputs = inputs@{ self, nixlib, nixpkgs, deploy, devshell, utils, ... }: let lib = nixlib.lib.makeExtensible (self: let combinedLib = nixlib.lib // self; in with self; utils.lib // { attrs = import ./src/attrs.nix { lib = combinedLib; }; lists = import ./src/lists.nix { lib = combinedLib; }; strings = import ./src/strings.nix { lib = combinedLib; }; modules = import ./src/modules.nix { lib = combinedLib; }; importers = import ./src/importers.nix { lib = combinedLib; }; generators = import ./src/generators.nix { lib = combinedLib; inherit deploy; }; mkFlake = { __functor = import ./src/mkFlake { lib = combinedLib; }; evalArgs = import ./src/mkFlake/evalArgs.nix { lib = combinedLib; }; }; pkgs-lib = import ./src/pkgs-lib { lib = combinedLib; inherit deploy devshell; }; inherit (attrs) mapFilterAttrs genAttrs' safeReadDir concatAttrs; inherit (lists) profileMap collectProfiles unifyOverlays; inherit (strings) rgxToString; inherit (importers) mkProfileAttrs pathsIn importHosts; inherit (generators) mkSuites mkDeployNodes mkHomeConfigurations; } ); in { lib = with lib; utils.lib // { inherit attrs lists modules importers generators; inherit (lib) mkFlake mkDeployNodes mkHomeConfigurations; }; } // utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; in { checks = import ./tests { pkgs = pkgs // { input = nixpkgs; }; lib = nixlib.lib // lib; }; devShell = lib.pkgs-lib.shell { inherit pkgs; }; packages = { mkFlakeDoc = pkgs.writeText "mkFlakeOptions.md" ( pkgs.nixosOptionsDoc { inherit (lib.mkFlake.evalArgs { args = { }; }) options; } ).optionsMDDoc; }; } ); }