2018-11-28 10:38:54 +03:00
"name" : "React" ,
2018-12-16 21:17:13 +03:00
"version" : "0.57.8" ,
2018-11-28 10:38:54 +03:00
"summary" : "A framework for building native apps using React" ,
"description" : "React Native apps are built using the React JS\nframework, and render directly to native UIKit\nelements using a fully asynchronous architecture.\nThere is no browser and no HTML. We have picked what\nwe think is the best set of features from these and\nother technologies to build what we hope to become\nthe best product development framework available,\nwith an emphasis on iteration speed, developer\ndelight, continuity of technology, and absolutely\nbeautiful and fast products with no compromises in\nquality or capability." ,
"homepage" : "http://facebook.github.io/react-native/" ,
"license" : "MIT" ,
"authors" : "Facebook" ,
"source" : {
"git" : "https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git" ,
2018-12-16 21:17:13 +03:00
"tag" : "v0.57.8"
2018-11-28 10:38:54 +03:00
} ,
"default_subspecs" : "Core" ,
"requires_arc" : true ,
"platforms" : {
"ios" : "9.0" ,
"tvos" : "9.2"
} ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"preserve_paths" : [
"package.json" ,
] ,
"cocoapods_version" : ">= 1.2.0" ,
"subspecs" : [
"name" : "Core" ,
"dependencies" : {
"yoga" : [
2018-12-16 21:17:13 +03:00
2018-11-28 10:38:54 +03:00
} ,
"source_files" : "React/**/*.{c,h,m,mm,S,cpp}" ,
"exclude_files" : [
"**/__tests__/*" ,
"IntegrationTests/*" ,
"React/DevSupport/*" ,
"React/Inspector/*" ,
"ReactCommon/yoga/*" ,
"React/Cxx*/*" ,
] ,
"ios" : {
"exclude_files" : "React/**/RCTTV*.*"
} ,
"tvos" : {
"exclude_files" : [
"React/Modules/RCTClipboard*" ,
"React/Views/RCTDatePicker*" ,
"React/Views/RCTPicker*" ,
"React/Views/RCTRefreshControl*" ,
"React/Views/RCTSlider*" ,
"React/Views/RCTSwitch*" ,
} ,
"header_dir" : "React" ,
"frameworks" : "JavaScriptCore" ,
"libraries" : "stdc++" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "CxxBridge" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
] ,
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/cxxreact" : [
} ,
"private_header_files" : "React/Cxx*/*.h" ,
"source_files" : "React/Cxx*/*.{h,m,mm}"
} ,
"name" : "DevSupport" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/RCTWebSocket" : [
} ,
"source_files" : [
"React/DevSupport/*" ,
} ,
"name" : "RCTFabric" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
] ,
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/fabric" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "React/Fabric/**/*.{c,h,m,mm,S,cpp}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "React" ,
"frameworks" : "JavaScriptCore" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "tvOS" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "React/**/RCTTV*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "jschelpers" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
] ,
"React/PrivateDatabase" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/jschelpers/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"private_header_files" : "ReactCommon/jschelpers/*.h" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"frameworks" : "JavaScriptCore"
} ,
"name" : "jsinspector" ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/jsinspector/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"private_header_files" : "ReactCommon/jsinspector/*.h" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "PrivateDatabase" ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/privatedata/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"private_header_files" : "ReactCommon/privatedata/*.h" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "cxxreact" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/jschelpers" : [
] ,
"React/jsinspector" : [
] ,
"boost-for-react-native" : [
] ,
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/cxxreact/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "ReactCommon/cxxreact/SampleCxxModule.*" ,
"private_header_files" : "ReactCommon/cxxreact/*.h" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
"HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" : "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/ReactCommon\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/boost-for-react-native\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/DoubleConversion\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/Folly\""
} ,
"name" : "fabric" ,
"subspecs" : [
"name" : "activityindicator" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/activityindicator/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/activityindicator" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "attributedstring" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/attributedstring/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/attributedstring" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "core" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/core/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/core" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "debug" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/debug/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/debug" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "graphics" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/graphics/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/graphics" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "scrollview" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/scrollview/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/scrollview" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "text" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/text/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/text" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "textlayoutmanager" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/textlayoutmanager/**/*.{cpp,h,mm}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/textlayoutmanager" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "uimanager" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/uimanager/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/uimanager" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "view" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
] ,
"yoga" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/view/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/view" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "RCTFabricSample" ,
"dependencies" : {
"Folly" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "ReactCommon/fabric/sample/**/*.{cpp,h}" ,
"exclude_files" : "**/tests/*" ,
"header_dir" : "fabric/sample" ,
"pod_target_xcconfig" : {
} ,
"name" : "ART" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/ART/**/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTActionSheet" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTAnimation" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/NativeAnimation/{Drivers/*,Nodes/*,*}.{h,m}" ,
"header_dir" : "RCTAnimation"
} ,
"name" : "RCTBlob" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Blob/*.{h,m,mm}" ,
"preserve_paths" : "Libraries/Blob/*.js"
} ,
"name" : "RCTCameraRoll" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/RCTImage" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/CameraRoll/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTGeolocation" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Geolocation/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTImage" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/RCTNetwork" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Image/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTNetwork" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Network/*.{h,m,mm}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTPushNotification" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/PushNotificationIOS/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTSettings" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Settings/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTText" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Text/**/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTVibration" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/Vibration/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTWebSocket" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/RCTBlob" : [
] ,
"React/fishhook" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/WebSocket/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "fishhook" ,
"header_dir" : "fishhook" ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/fishhook/*.{h,c}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTLinkingIOS" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/LinkingIOS/*.{h,m}"
} ,
"name" : "RCTTest" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
} ,
"source_files" : "Libraries/RCTTest/**/*.{h,m}" ,
"frameworks" : "XCTest"
} ,
"name" : "_ignore_me_subspec_for_linting_" ,
"dependencies" : {
"React/Core" : [
] ,
"React/CxxBridge" : [