Merge branch 'master' of into feature/boost

This commit is contained in:
Mustafa Buyukcelebi 2019-07-31 13:00:58 +03:00
commit 4495cbe54f
130 changed files with 9773 additions and 7162 deletions

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ android {
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
versionCode versionMajor * 10000 + versionMinor * 100 + versionPatch
versionName "${versionMajor}.${versionMinor}.${versionPatch}"
versionName "2.2.0"
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
resValue "string", "build_config_package", ""

View File

@ -32,22 +32,18 @@ target 'eSteem' do
pod 'CodePush', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-code-push'
pod 'react-native-version-number', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-version-number'
pod 'BugsnagReactNative', :path => '../node_modules/bugsnag-react-native'
pod 'RNIap', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-iap'
pod 'RNFastImage', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-fast-image'
pod 'RNImageCropPicker', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-image-crop-picker'
pod 'react-native-netinfo', :path => '../node_modules/@react-native-community/netinfo'
pod 'RNIap', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-iap'
pod 'react-native-fast-image', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-fast-image'
target 'eSteemTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
# Pods for testing

View File

@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ PODS:
- React/Core
- React/fishhook
- React/RCTBlob
- RNImageCropPicker (0.21.3):
- RNIap (3.3.0):
- React
- RNImageCropPicker (0.24.1):
- QBImagePickerController
- React/Core
- RSKImageCropper
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- React/RCTNetwork (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
- React/RCTText (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
- React/RCTWebSocket (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
- RNIap (from `../node_modules/react-native-iap`)
- RNImageCropPicker (from `../node_modules/react-native-image-crop-picker`)
- yoga (from `../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga`)
@ -161,6 +164,8 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: "../node_modules/@react-native-community/netinfo"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-version-number"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-iap"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-image-crop-picker"
@ -181,11 +186,12 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
react-native-fast-image: 6d50167ad4d68b59640ceead8c2bc4e58d91d8bd
react-native-netinfo: 0da34082d2cec3100c9b5073bb217e35f1142bdd
react-native-version-number: b415bbec6a13f2df62bf978e85bc0d699462f37f
RNImageCropPicker: 754299983d07c450aec0834c0efe0ed114131ff3
RNIap: ee89b7442f32161016fe213a3434ee1fc19c1a80
RNImageCropPicker: 6134b66a3d5bc13e2895a97c630a4254006902b4
RSKImageCropper: 98296ad26b41753f796b6898d015509598f13d97
SDWebImage: 3f3f0c02f09798048c47a5ed0a13f17b063572d8
yoga: 92b2102c3d373d1a790db4ab761d2b0ffc634f64
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 267f815120314e87d634e05d416d999a4cadc134
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 88a2b7d9ae1d1f455784f33483316a2254fed44a

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

ios/Pods/Headers/Private/RNIap/RNIapIos.h generated Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

ios/Pods/Headers/Public/RNIap/RNIapIos.h generated Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"name": "RNIap",
"version": "3.3.0",
"summary": "RNIap",
"description": "React Native In App Purchase Module.",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": "dooboolab",
"platforms": {
"ios": "7.0"
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v3.3.0"
"source_files": "ios/**/*.{h,m}",
"requires_arc": true,
"dependencies": {
"React": [

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "RNImageCropPicker",
"version": "0.21.3",
"version": "0.24.1",
"summary": "Select single or multiple images, with cropping option",
"requires_arc": true,
"license": "MIT",

ios/Pods/Manifest.lock generated
View File

@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ PODS:
- React/Core
- React/fishhook
- React/RCTBlob
- RNImageCropPicker (0.21.3):
- RNIap (3.3.0):
- React
- RNImageCropPicker (0.24.1):
- QBImagePickerController
- React/Core
- RSKImageCropper
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- React/RCTNetwork (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
- React/RCTText (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
- React/RCTWebSocket (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
- RNIap (from `../node_modules/react-native-iap`)
- RNImageCropPicker (from `../node_modules/react-native-image-crop-picker`)
- yoga (from `../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga`)
@ -161,6 +164,8 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: "../node_modules/@react-native-community/netinfo"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-version-number"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-iap"
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-image-crop-picker"
@ -181,11 +186,12 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
react-native-fast-image: 6d50167ad4d68b59640ceead8c2bc4e58d91d8bd
react-native-netinfo: 0da34082d2cec3100c9b5073bb217e35f1142bdd
react-native-version-number: b415bbec6a13f2df62bf978e85bc0d699462f37f
RNImageCropPicker: 754299983d07c450aec0834c0efe0ed114131ff3
RNIap: ee89b7442f32161016fe213a3434ee1fc19c1a80
RNImageCropPicker: 6134b66a3d5bc13e2895a97c630a4254006902b4
RSKImageCropper: 98296ad26b41753f796b6898d015509598f13d97
SDWebImage: 3f3f0c02f09798048c47a5ed0a13f17b063572d8
yoga: 92b2102c3d373d1a790db4ab761d2b0ffc634f64
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 267f815120314e87d634e05d416d999a4cadc134
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 88a2b7d9ae1d1f455784f33483316a2254fed44a

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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## RNIap
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 dooboolab
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## RNImageCropPicker
MIT License

View File

<string>MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 dooboolab
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
<string>MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Ivan Pusic
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface PodsDummy_RNIap : NSObject
@implementation PodsDummy_RNIap

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define FOUNDATION_EXPORT extern "C"
#define FOUNDATION_EXPORT extern

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Private" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Private/RNIap" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/DoubleConversion" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/RNIap" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/React" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/glog" "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/yoga"
PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT = ${PODS_ROOT}/../../node_modules/react-native-iap
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = org.cocoapods.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}

View File

@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
<true />
@ -35,18 +35,17 @@
<false />
<string />
<!--See -->
<true />

View File

@ -15,10 +15,10 @@

View File

@ -1724,16 +1724,12 @@
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
inputFileListPaths = (
inputPaths = (
"${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-eSteem/",
name = "[CP] Copy Pods Resources";
outputFileListPaths = (
outputPaths = (
@ -1966,7 +1962,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = eSteem/eSteem.entitlements;
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Developer";
@ -2009,7 +2005,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = eSteem/eSteem.entitlements;
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Distribution";

View File

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View File

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@

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@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"comingsoon": "Fitur peusan seugeura lheuh!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " شارك ما تنشره مع أصدقائك واربح 1 نقطة.",
"login_desc": "عند تسجيل الدخول إلى تطبيق eSteem ، يحق لك كسب 100 نقطة تلقائيًا.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "يمنحك الاستخدام المستمر للتطبيق فرصًا إضافية لكسب 10 نقاط إضافية ، وتكون أكثر نشاطًا وكسب المزيد."
"checkin_extra_desc": "يمنحك الاستخدام المستمر للتطبيق فرصًا إضافية لكسب 10 نقاط إضافية ، وتكون أكثر نشاطًا وكسب المزيد.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"messages": {
"comingsoon": "ميزة الرسائل سوف تأتي قريباً!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إعادة التدوين؟",
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"share": "شارك",
"bookmarks": "إضافة إلى الإشارات المرجعية"
"bookmarks": "إضافة إلى الإشارات المرجعية",
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"save": "Save",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
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"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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"deep_link": {
"no_existing_user": "No existing user",
@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
"powerUp": "Power Up",
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Bəyəndiyiniz göndərişləri dostlarınızla paylaşın və 1 xal qazanın.",
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"checkin_extra_desc": "Tətbiqin davamlı istifadəsi sizə daha 10 xal qazanma şansı verər, daha çox fəal olun və daha çox qazanın.",
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"bookmarks": "əlfəcinlərə əlavə et",
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"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
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"buy": "GET ESTM",
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
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"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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View File

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"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
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View File

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"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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"next": "NEXT"
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect Transfer",
"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": "Teile einen Beitrag, den du magst mit deinen Freunden und erhalte 1 eSteem Punkt.",
"login_desc": "Wenn du dich bei der eSteem App anmeldest, hast du Anspruch darauf, dass du automatisch 100 eSteem Punkte erhältst.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Die konsequente Nutzung der eSteem App gibt dir zusätzliche Chancen, weitere 10 eSteem Punkte zu verdienen. Sei aktiv und verdiene mehr Punkte."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Die konsequente Nutzung der eSteem App gibt dir zusätzliche Chancen, weitere 10 eSteem Punkte zu verdienen. Sei aktiv und verdiene mehr Punkte.",
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"comingsoon": "Nachrichten-Feature ist bald verfügbar!"
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"drafts": {
"title": "Entwürfe",
@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect Überweisung",
"next": "WEITER",
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"percent": "Prozent",
"percent_information": "Prozentsatz des Power-Down auf dieses Konto",
"auto_vests": "Automatisches Power-Up des Zielkontos",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Möchtest du wirklich abbrechen?",
"incoming_funds": "Eingehend",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute noch nicht implementiert.",
"estimated_weekly": "Geschätzt wöchentlich"
"next": "WEITER"
"boost": {
"title": "Erhalte eSteem Punkte",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "WEITER"
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"title": "Bewerben",
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"information": "Bist du sicher, dass du Geld für das Promoten überweisen willst?"
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"title": "Boost"

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"reblog_alert": "Are you sure you want to reblog?",
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"copy_link": "Copy Link"
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
"powerUp": "Power Up",
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"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Promote",
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"user": "User",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
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"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
"destination_accounts": "Destination Account(s)",
"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust to amount",
"save": "Save",
"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
"user": "User",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"vote": "Vote",
@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Pronto mensajería instantánea!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "Está seguro que quiere rebloguear?",
"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
"copy_link": "Copy Link"
"copy_link": "Copy Link",
"reblogged": "reblogged by",
"sponsored": "sponsored"
"drafts": {
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@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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"bookmarks": "añadir a favoritos",
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
"destination_accounts": "Destination Account(s)",
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"save": "Save",
"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
"user": "User",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "Hääletades näitad sa, et teistele et sull meeldis mida sa nägid või lugestid. Lisaks sellele teenid sa 0.01x hääle tugevuse punkte.",
"reblog_desc": " Jaga oma lemmik postitusi oma sõpradega ja teeni 1 punkt.",
"login_desc": "Kui sa logid eSteem äppi sisse, teenid sa automaatselt 100 punkti.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Konstantne äppi kasutamine annab sulle võimaluse teenida 10 lisapunkti, olles aktiivsem teenid sa rohkem punkte."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Konstantne äppi kasutamine annab sulle võimaluse teenida 10 lisapunkti, olles aktiivsem teenid sa rohkem punkte.",
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"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Sõnumite funktsionaalus ei ole veel valimis!"
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"reblog_alert": "Are you sure you want to reblog?",
"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
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"sponsored": "sponsored"
"drafts": {
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@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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"share": "share",
"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks"
"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
"promote": "promote"
"deep_link": {
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
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"title": "Promote",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " پست های مورد علاقه خود را با دوستانتان به اشتراک بگذارید و 1 امتیاز دریافت کنید.",
"login_desc": "زمانی که شما توسط اپ eSteem وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید به صورت اتوماتیک 100 امتیاز دریافت خواهید کرد.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "استفاده مداوم از این اپ به شما شانس دریافت 10 امتیاز دیگر را می دهد، بیشتر فعال باشید و امتیازات بیشتری دریافت کنید."
"checkin_extra_desc": "استفاده مداوم از این اپ به شما شانس دریافت 10 امتیاز دیگر را می دهد، بیشتر فعال باشید و امتیازات بیشتری دریافت کنید.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "قابلیت ارسال پیام به زودی ارائه خواهد شد!"
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"post": {
"reblog_alert": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید به اشتراک بگذارید؟",
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"title": "پیشنویس ها",
@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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"bookmarks": "اضافه کردن به صفحات مورد علاقه",
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"percent": "درصد",
"percent_information": "درصد کاهش قدرت برای این حساب کاربری",
"auto_vests": "به صورت خودکار حساب کاربری مورد نظر را افزایش قدرت بده",
"stop": "توقف",
"stop_information": "آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید عملیات را متوقف کنید؟",
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"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "برآورد هفتگی"
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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"title": "Promote",
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"copy_link": "Copy Link"
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"title": "Luonnokset",
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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"next": "NEXT",
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"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
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"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
"copy_link": "Copy Link"
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
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"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Partagez les publication que vous aimez avec vos amis et gagnez 1 point.",
"login_desc": "Lorsque vous vous connectez sur l'application eSteem, vous avez le droit de gagner 100 points automatiquement.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"messages": {
"comingsoon": "La fonctionnalité Messages arrive bientôt !"
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"bookmarks": "ajouter aux signets",
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
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"account": "Account",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
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"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
"powerUp": "Power Up",
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Promote",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"points": {
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"comment": "Comment",
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"vote": "Vote",
@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
"powerUp": "Power Up",
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
"destination_accounts": "Destination Account(s)",
"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust to amount",
"save": "Save",
"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"comment": "Gawaurdei",
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"vote": "Gif stibna",
@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Waurdamahts sprauto qimiþ!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "Are you sure you want to reblog?",
"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
"copy_link": "Copy Link"
"copy_link": "Copy Link",
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"drafts": {
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@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks"
"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
"promote": "promote"
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
"powerUp": "Power Up",
"withdraw_to_saving": "Withdraw To Saving",
"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect Transfer",
"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
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"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust to amount",
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"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
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"transfer": "סטים מועבר",
"comingsoon": "מאפיין לוח התוצאות יוצא להשקה בקרוב!",
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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "אפשרות ההודעות יוצאת בקרוב!"
@ -97,19 +101,19 @@
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"send_feedback": "שלח/י משוב",
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@ -147,8 +151,8 @@
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"cancel": "ביטול",
"logout_text": "האם את\\ה בטוח\\ה שברצונך להתנתק?"
@ -185,7 +189,7 @@
"claim_reward_balance_ok": "תגמול יתרה נתקבלה",
"fail": "נכשל!",
"move": "הזזה",
"move_question": "את\/ה בטוח\/ה להעביר לטיוטות?",
"move_question": "את/ה בטוח/ה להעביר לטיוטות?",
"success_shared": "הפוסט שלך שותף בהצלחה",
"success_moved": "הועבר לטיוטות",
"permission_denied": "הרשאה נדחתה",
@ -196,7 +200,7 @@
"invalid_pincode": "קוד PIN לא תקין, אנא בדוק ונסה שנית.",
"remove_alert": "האם בוודאות ברצונך להסיר?",
"clear_alert": "האם את\\ה בטוח\\ה שברצונך למחוק?",
"clear_user_alert": "האם את\/ה בטוח\/ה שברצונך למחוק את כל נתוני המשתמש?",
"clear_user_alert": "האם את/ה בטוח/ה שברצונך למחוק את כל נתוני המשתמש?",
"clear": "ריק",
"cancel": "בטל\\י",
"delete": "מחק\\י",
@ -210,9 +214,11 @@
"fetch_error": "Fetching data from server failed, please try again or notify us at"
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "האם את\\ה בטוח\/ה רוצה לשתף ?",
"reblog_alert": "האם את\\ה בטוח/ה רוצה לשתף ?",
"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
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"copy_link": "Copy Link",
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"sponsored": "sponsored"
"drafts": {
"title": "טיוטות",
@ -245,7 +251,7 @@
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"invalid_pin": "קוד PIN לא תקין, אנא בדק\\י ונסה\\י שנית",
"invalid_username": "שם משתמש לא תקין, אנא בדוק\\י ונסה\\י שנית",
"already_logged": "הינך כבר מחובר\\ת למערכת, אנא נסה\/י להוסיף חשבון אחר",
"already_logged": "הינך כבר מחובר\\ת למערכת, אנא נסה/י להוסיף חשבון אחר",
"invalid_credentials": "פרטים אינם תקינים, אנא בדק\\י ונסה\\י שנית",
"unknow_error": "תקלה לא מזוהה, אנא איתנו צור קשר ב"
@ -258,10 +264,11 @@
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"reblog": "שתף/י שוב",
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"bookmarks": "הוסף\\י לסימניות",
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"no_existing_user": "המשתמש אינו קיים",
@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect Transfer",
"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
"destination_accounts": "Destination Account(s)",
"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust to amount",
"save": "Save",
"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
"user": "User",
"permlink": "Permlink",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"comment": "टिप्पणी",
"checkin": "Check-in",
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "मतदान करके आप अन्य रचनाकारों को इनाम देते हैं और अपनी प्रशंसा दिखाते हैं, लेकिन 0.01 x वोट वेट अंक भी अर्जित करते हैं।",
"reblog_desc": " जिस पोस्ट को आप पसंद करते हैं उसे पुनर्प्रेशण करें और १ अंक पाएँ|",
"login_desc": "जब आप इस्टीम में लॉगिन करते हैं तो आप १०० अंकों के स्वतः दावेदार हो जाते हैं|",
"checkin_extra_desc": "आपको अतिरिक्त मौका मिलता है १० अंक प्राप्त करने का अगर एप्प को लगातार उपयोग करते हैं, अधिक से अधिक समय तक एप्प में सक्रिय रहें|"
"checkin_extra_desc": "आपको अतिरिक्त मौका मिलता है १० अंक प्राप्त करने का अगर एप्प को लगातार उपयोग करते हैं, अधिक से अधिक समय तक एप्प में सक्रिय रहें|",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "सन्देश सुविधा जल्द आ रही है!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "क्या आप सच में पुनः प्रसारित करना चाहते हैं?",
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"copy_link": "Copy Link"
"copy_link": "Copy Link",
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"sponsored": "sponsored"
"drafts": {
"title": "प्रारूप",
@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
"reblog": "रीब्लॉग करें",
"reply": "जवाब दें",
"share": "साझा करें",
"bookmarks": "पृष्ठ स्मृति में जोड़ें"
"bookmarks": "पृष्ठ स्मृति में जोड़ें",
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"deep_link": {
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"steemconnect_title": "स्टीमकनेक्ट स्थान्तरण",
"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
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"destination_accounts": "Destination Account(s)",
"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust to amount",
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"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"comment": "Comment",
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"comingsoon": "Značajka poruka dolazi uskoro!"
@ -79,8 +83,8 @@
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"havent_posted": "još nije ništa objavio/la",
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"copy_link": "Copy Link",
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
"destination_accounts": "Destination Account(s)",
"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust to amount",
"save": "Save",
"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "Szavazás által megjutalmazol más alkotókat és elismerésed fejezed ki, de kaphatsz 0,01 x a szavazás értékéből.",
"reblog_desc": " Ossz meg a barátaiddal pármilyen bejegyzést, ami tetszik és nyerj 1 pontot.",
"login_desc": "Minden eSteem bejelentkezés alkalmával automatikusan 100 pontra vagy jogosult.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Az alkalmazás következetes használata extra esélyt kínál arra, hogy több 10 pontot nyerj, légy aktívabb és nyerj többet."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Az alkalmazás következetes használata extra esélyt kínál arra, hogy több 10 pontot nyerj, légy aktívabb és nyerj többet.",
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"comingsoon": "Üzenetek funkció hamarosan érkezik!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
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"percent_information": "Power Down százaléka ennek a fióknak",
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"stop_information": "Bistos megállítod?",
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"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Heti Becslés"
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"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Promote",
"days": "nap",
"user": "Felhasználó",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
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"reblog_alert": "Are you sure you want to reblog?",
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
"promote": "promote"
"deep_link": {
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
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"delegate": "Delegate",
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"account": "Account",
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"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "Dengan memberikan suara Anda memberikan hadiah kepada penulis lain dan menunjukkan penghargaan Anda, tetapi juga mendapatkan 0,01 poin suara.",
"reblog_desc": " Bagikan pos yang Anda sukai dengan teman dan dapatkan 1 poin.",
"login_desc": "Saat Anda masuk ke aplikasi eSteem, Anda berhak mendapatkan 100 poin secara otomatis.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Penggunaan aplikasi yang konsisten memberi Anda peluang ekstra untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak 10 poin, menjadi lebih aktif dan menghasilkan lebih banyak."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Penggunaan aplikasi yang konsisten memberi Anda peluang ekstra untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak 10 poin, menjadi lebih aktif dan menghasilkan lebih banyak.",
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"comingsoon": "Fungsi pesan akan segera hadir!"
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@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "LANJUT",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "LANJUT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"comment": "Comment",
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Account",
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"percent": "Percentage",
"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "La feature per i messaggi sta per arrivare!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "Sei sicuro di volerlo condividere?",
"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"days": "days",
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "NEXT",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
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"sponsored": "sponsored"
"drafts": {
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@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
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"share": "share",
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"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
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@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
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"next": "NEXT",
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
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"days": "days",
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"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": "좋아하는 글을 친구에게 공유하고 1 포인트를 획득하세요.",
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"checkin_extra_desc": "꾸준히 앱을 이용한 사용자는 10 포인트 이상의 추가 포인트를 획득할 수 있는 기회가 제공되며 더 열심히 이용할수록 더 많은 포인트를 획득할 수 있습니다.",
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"comingsoon": "메시지 기능은 곧 출시될 예정입니다!"
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"reblog_alert": "정말 리블로그 하시겠습니까?",
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"stop_information": "중지하시겠습니까?",
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"sc_power_down_error": "steemconnect setWithdrawVestingRoute는 아직 구현되지 않았습니다.",
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
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"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
"estimated_weekly": "Estimated Weekly"
"next": "NEXT"
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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"next": "NEXT"
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View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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"login_desc": "Kai jūs pirma kartą prisijungiate prie eSteem, jūs automatiškai būsite apdovanotas 100 taškų.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Reguliarus programos naudojimasis suteikia jums papildomą šansą gauti dar 10 taškų. Kuo aktyvesnis esi, tuo daugiau taškų surinksi."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Reguliarus programos naudojimasis suteikia jums papildomą šansą gauti dar 10 taškų. Kuo aktyvesnis esi, tuo daugiau taškų surinksi.",
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"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Žinučių funkcija jau greitai!"
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"title": "Promote",
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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View File

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"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
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"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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"next": "NEXT"
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"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
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View File

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@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
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"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
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"percent_information": "Percentage of power down to this account",
"auto_vests": "Automatically power up to the target account",
"stop": "Stop",
"stop_information": "Are you sure to stop?",
"incoming_funds": "Incoming Funds",
"sc_power_down_error": "Steem connect setWithdrawVestingRoute not implemented yet.",
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"next": "NEXT"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
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View File

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"esteemPoints": "eSteem Points",
"comment": "Komen",
"checkin": "CheckIn",
"vote": "Vote",
@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
"vote_desc": "Dengan memberi vote kepada para pengarang, anda akan dihargai oleh mereka dan juga mengumpul 0.01 x nisbah tambahan vote.",
"reblog_desc": "Mengulang siar post yang anda sukai kepada kawan, anda juga memgumpul 1 mata.",
"login_desc": "Apabila anda log masuk eSteem, anda akan diberi 100 mata secara otomatik.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Pengguna app dengan konsisten, anda mungkin akan dapat 10 mata secara percuma. Lebih memgguna, lebih ganjaran."
"checkin_extra_desc": "Pengguna app dengan konsisten, anda mungkin akan dapat 10 mata secara percuma. Lebih memgguna, lebih ganjaran.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Transfer",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Ciri-ciri mesej yang akan datang tidak lama lagi!"
@ -212,7 +216,9 @@
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "Adakah anda ingin menulang siar?",
"removed_hint": "Pos tersebut dipadamkan oleh",
"copy_link": "Salin pautan"
"copy_link": "Salin pautan",
"reblogged": "reblogged by",
"sponsored": "sponsored"
"drafts": {
"title": "Draf",
@ -261,7 +267,8 @@
"reblog": "ulang siar",
"reply": "Membalas",
"share": "kongsi",
"bookmarks": "tambah ke tanda halaman"
"bookmarks": "tambah ke tanda halaman",
"promote": "promote"
"deep_link": {
"no_existing_user": "Pengguna tidak wujud",
@ -293,29 +300,22 @@
"powerUp": "Mengekuasai",
"withdraw_to_saving": "Keluarkan kepada penyimpanan",
"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect Transfer",
"next": "SETERUSNYA",
"withdraw_steem": "Keluarkan Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Keluarkan Steem Dollar",
"delegate": "Delegasi",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"account": "Akaun",
"destination_accounts": "Kepada Akaun(atau akaun-akaun)",
"amount_information": "Seret penggelongsor untuk menyelaraskan amaun",
"save": "Simpan Perubahan",
"percent": "Peratusan",
"percent_information": "Peratusan daripada Power Down masuk akaun ini",
"auto_vests": "Power up kepada akaun secara otomatik",
"stop": "Berhenti",
"stop_information": "Anda pasti menghentikan?",
"incoming_funds": "Wang masuk",
"sc_power_down_error": "Sambungan Steem dan setWithdrawVestingRoute belum dilaksanakan.",
"estimated_weekly": "Anggaran Mingguan"
"next": "SETERUSNYA"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
"user": "User",
"permlink": "Permlink",
"permlink": "Post",
"permlinkPlaceholder": "author/permlink",
"information": "Are you sure to transfer to promote?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More