mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 04:11:50 +03:00
Merge branch 'development' of github.com:esteemapp/esteem-mobile into development
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,354 +1,354 @@
"wallet": {
"curation_reward": "Curation Reward",
"author_reward": "Author Reward",
"comment_benefactor_reward": "Comment Benefactor Reward",
"claim_reward_balance": "Claim Reward Balance",
"transfer": "Transfer",
"transfer_to_vesting": "Transfer To Vesting",
"transfer_from_savings": "Transfer From Savings",
"withdraw_vesting": "Power Down",
"fill_order": "Fill Order"
"curation_reward": "キュレーション報酬",
"author_reward": "投稿者報酬",
"comment_benefactor_reward": "コメント寄与者報酬",
"claim_reward_balance": "報酬残高の請求",
"transfer": "送金",
"transfer_to_vesting": "パワーアップ",
"transfer_from_savings": "貯蓄口座から振替",
"withdraw_vesting": "パワーダウン",
"fill_order": "注文の入力"
"notification": {
"vote": "likes your post",
"unvote": "unvoted your post",
"reply": "replied to your post",
"mention": "mentioned you",
"follow": "followed you",
"unfollow": "unfollowed you",
"ignore": "ignored you",
"reblog": "reblogged your post",
"transfer": "transfered steem",
"comingsoon": "Feature is coming soon!",
"notification": "Notifications",
"leaderboard": "Leaderboard",
"epoint": "Points",
"leaderboard_title": "Top Users",
"recent": "Recent",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"this_week": "This Week",
"this_month": "This Month",
"older_then": "Older Than A Month"
"vote": "あなたの投稿をいいねしました",
"unvote": "あなたの投稿をダウンヴォートしました",
"reply": "あなたの投稿に返信しました",
"mention": "あなたを話題にしました",
"follow": "あなたをフォローしました",
"unfollow": "あなたをフォロー解除しました",
"ignore": "あなたをミュートしました",
"reblog": "あなたの投稿をリブログしました",
"transfer": "steem を送金しました",
"comingsoon": "近日公開!",
"notification": "通知",
"leaderboard": "ランキング",
"epoint": "ポイント",
"leaderboard_title": "トップユーザー",
"recent": "最新",
"yesterday": "昨日",
"this_week": "今週",
"this_month": "今月",
"older_then": "1ヶ月以上前"
"leaderboard": {
"daily": "Daily",
"weekly": "Weekly",
"monthly": "Monthly"
"daily": "日間",
"weekly": "週間",
"monthly": "月間"
"points": {
"post": "Post",
"esteemPoints": "eSteem Points",
"comment": "Comment",
"checkin": "Check-in",
"vote": "Vote",
"reblog": "Reblog",
"login": "Login",
"incoming_transfer_title": "Incoming transfer",
"outgoing_transfer_title": "Outgoing transfer",
"checkin_extra": "Bonus",
"delegation": "Delegation",
"delegation_title": "Delegation reward",
"delegation_desc": "You can earn 1 point per day for each 100sp delegation",
"post_title": "Points for post",
"comment_title": "Points for comment",
"vote_title": "Points for vote",
"reblog_title": "Points for reblog",
"login_title": "Points for login",
"checkin_title": "Points for heartbeat",
"checkin_extra_title": "Usage bonus",
"no_activity": "No activity here!",
"post": "投稿",
"esteemPoints": "eSteem ポイント",
"comment": "コメント",
"checkin": "チェックイン",
"vote": "ヴォート",
"reblog": "リブログ",
"login": "ログイン",
"incoming_transfer_title": "受贈",
"outgoing_transfer_title": "贈与",
"checkin_extra": "ボーナス",
"delegation": "デリゲーション",
"delegation_title": "デリゲーション報酬",
"delegation_desc": "100 STEEM POWER を委託するごとに毎日1ポイントが獲得できます",
"post_title": "投稿によるポイント",
"comment_title": "コメントによるポイント",
"vote_title": "ヴォートによるポイント",
"reblog_title": "リブログによるポイント",
"login_title": "ログインによるポイント",
"checkin_title": "ハートビートによるポイント",
"checkin_extra_title": "使用ボーナス",
"no_activity": "アクティビティがありません!",
"outgoing_transfer_description": "",
"incoming_transfer_description": "",
"post_desc": "You can earn point by posting regularly. Posting gives you 15 points.",
"comment_desc": "Each comment you make helps you to grow your audience and make friendship but also earns you 5 points.",
"checkin_desc": "Checking in on eSteem app gives you 0.25 points and helps you stay connected with your friends.",
"vote_desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.",
"reblog_desc": " Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.",
"login_desc": "When you login into eSteem app you are entitled to earn 100 points automatically.",
"checkin_extra_desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.",
"dropdown_transfer": "Gift",
"dropdown_promote": "Promote",
"dropdown_boost": "Boost",
"from": "From",
"to": "To"
"post_desc": "定期的に投稿することでポイントを獲得できます。投稿すると15ポイントもらえます。",
"comment_desc": "コメントすると交友関係を広げられるだけでなく、5ポイント獲得できます。",
"checkin_desc": "eSteem アプリにチェックインすると0.25ポイントがもらえ、友人とのつながりにも役立ちます。",
"vote_desc": "ヴォートすることで他者に報酬を与えて評価できるだけでなく、ヴォート比重の0.01倍のポイントを獲得できます。",
"reblog_desc": "あなたの好きな投稿を周囲に共有することで、1ポイント獲得できます。",
"login_desc": "eSteem アプリにログインすると、自動的に100ポイント獲得できるようになります。",
"checkin_extra_desc": "アプリを一貫して使用しつづけると、さらに10ポイント獲得できます。積極的に使用してポイントを手に入れよう。",
"dropdown_transfer": "贈る",
"dropdown_promote": "プロモート",
"dropdown_boost": "ブースト",
"from": "差出人",
"to": "受取人"
"messages": {
"comingsoon": "Messages feature is coming soon!"
"comingsoon": "メッセージ機能は近日公開予定です!"
"profile": {
"following": "Following",
"follower": "Follower",
"post": "Post",
"details": "Profile Details",
"comments": "Comments",
"replies": "Replies",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"wallet_details": "Wallet Details",
"unclaimed_rewards": "Unclaimed Rewards",
"full_in": "Full in",
"hours": "hours",
"voting_power": "Voting power",
"login_to_see": "Login to see",
"havent_commented": "haven't commented anything yet",
"havent_posted": "haven't posted anything yet",
"following": "フォロー",
"follower": "フォロワー",
"post": "投稿",
"details": "詳細プロフィール",
"comments": "コメント",
"replies": "返信",
"wallet": "ウォレット",
"wallet_details": "ウォレットの詳細",
"unclaimed_rewards": "未請求の報酬",
"full_in": "最大まで",
"hours": "時間",
"voting_power": "ヴォート能力",
"login_to_see": "ログイン",
"havent_commented": "まだ何もコメントしていません",
"havent_posted": "まだ何も投稿していません",
"steem_power": "Steem Power",
"next_power_text": "Next power down is in",
"days": "days",
"day": "day",
"next_power_text": "次のパワーダウンまで",
"days": "日",
"day": "日",
"steem_dollars": "Steem Dollars",
"savings": "Savings",
"savings": "貯蓄口座",
"edit": {
"display_name": "Display Name",
"about": "About",
"location": "Location",
"website": "Website"
"display_name": "表示名",
"about": "このアプリについて",
"location": "場所",
"website": "ウェブサイト"
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"currency": "Currency",
"language": "Language",
"server": "Server",
"dark_theme": "Dark Theme",
"push_notification": "Push Notification",
"settings": "設定",
"general": "一般",
"currency": "通貨",
"language": "言語",
"server": "サーバー",
"dark_theme": "ダークテーマ",
"push_notification": "プッシュ通知",
"notification": {
"follow": "Follow",
"vote": "Vote",
"comment": "Comment",
"mention": "Mention",
"reblog": "Reblog",
"transfers": "Transfers"
"follow": "フォロー",
"vote": "ヴォート",
"comment": "コメント",
"mention": "メンション",
"reblog": "リブログ",
"transfers": "送金"
"pincode": "Pincode",
"reset_pin": "Reset Pin Code",
"reset": "Reset",
"nsfw_content": "NSFW Content",
"send_feedback": "Send Feedback",
"send": "Send",
"default_footer": "Default Footer",
"pincode": "PINコード",
"reset_pin": "PINコードをリセット",
"reset": "リセット",
"nsfw_content": "不適切な内容",
"send_feedback": "フィードバックを送信する",
"send": "送信",
"default_footer": "デフォルトフッター",
"nsfw": {
"always_show": "Always show",
"always_hide": "Always hide",
"always_warn": "Always warn"
"always_show": "常に表示する",
"always_hide": "常に表示しない",
"always_warn": "常に警告する"
"feedback_success": "Email successfully open",
"feedback_fail": "Email client could not open",
"server_fail": "Server not available"
"feedback_success": "メールを開くことができました",
"feedback_fail": "メールを開くことができませんでした",
"server_fail": "サーバーは利用できません"
"voters": {
"voters_info": "Voters Info",
"no_user": "User is not found."
"voters_info": "ヴォート情報",
"no_user": "ユーザーが見つかりません。"
"login": {
"signin": "Sign in",
"signup": "Sign up",
"signin_title": "To get all the benefits of using eSteem",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password or WIF",
"description": "User credentials are kept locally on the device. Credentials are removed upon logout!",
"cancel": "cancel",
"login": "LOGIN",
"steemconnect_description": "If you don't want to keep your password encrypted and saved on your device, you can use Steemconnect.",
"steemconnect_fee_description": "Steemconnect may charge some fees from your reward transactions"
"signin": "ログイン",
"signup": "新規登録",
"signin_title": "eSteem の素晴らしさを満喫しよう",
"username": "ユーザー名",
"password": "パスワードまたは WIF",
"description": "ユーザーのログイン情報は端末に保存され、ログアウトすると削除されます。",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"login": "ログイン",
"steemconnect_description": "端末に暗号化したパスワードを保存したくない場合、Steemconnect を利用できます。",
"steemconnect_fee_description": "Steemconnect はあなたの報酬から一定の手数料を徴収するかもしれません"
"home": {
"feed": "Feed",
"popular": "Popular"
"feed": "フィード",
"popular": "人気"
"side_menu": {
"profile": "Profile",
"bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"drafts": "Drafts",
"schedules": "Schedules",
"gallery": "Gallery",
"settings": "Settings",
"add_account": "Add Account",
"logout": "Logout",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"logout_text": "Are you sure you want to logout?"
"profile": "プロフィール",
"bookmarks": "ブックマーク",
"favorites": "お気に入り",
"drafts": "下書き",
"schedules": "スケジュール",
"gallery": "ギャラリー",
"settings": "設定",
"add_account": "アカウントを追加",
"logout": "ログアウト",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"logout_text": "本当にログアウトしますか?"
"header": {
"title": "Login to customize your feed",
"search": "Search..."
"title": "ログインして自分好みのフィードをつくろう",
"search": "検索..."
"basic_header": {
"publish": "Publish",
"search": "Search",
"update": "Update",
"reply": "Reply"
"publish": "公開",
"search": "検索",
"update": "更新",
"reply": "返信"
"editor": {
"title": "Title",
"tags": "tags",
"default_placeholder": "What would you like to write about today?",
"reply_placeholder": "What would you like to write about above post?",
"publish": "Publish",
"reply": "Reply",
"open_gallery": "Open Gallery",
"capture_photo": "Capture a photo"
"title": "タイトル",
"tags": "タグ",
"default_placeholder": "今日のことについて何か投稿してみませんか?",
"reply_placeholder": "投稿について何かコメントしてみませんか?",
"publish": "公開",
"reply": "返信",
"open_gallery": "ギャラリーを開く",
"capture_photo": "写真を撮る"
"pincode": {
"enter_text": "Enter pin to unlock",
"set_new": "Set new pin",
"write_again": "Write again",
"forgot_text": "Oh, I forgot it..."
"enter_text": "PIN を入力してロックを解除",
"set_new": "新しい PIN を設定",
"write_again": "もう一度入力",
"forgot_text": "忘れてしまった場合"
"alert": {
"success": "Success!",
"successful": "Successful",
"allRead": "Marked all notifications as read",
"claim_reward_balance_ok": "Reward balance claimed",
"fail": "Fail!",
"move": "Move",
"move_question": "Are you sure to move to drafts?",
"success_shared": "Your post successfully shared",
"success_moved": "Moved to draft",
"permission_denied": "Permission denied",
"permission_text": "Please, go to phone Settings and change eSteem app permissions.",
"success_rebloged": "Rebloged!",
"already_rebloged": "You have already reblogged!",
"warning": "Warning",
"invalid_pincode": "Invalid pin code, please check and try again.",
"remove_alert": "Are you sure want to remove?",
"clear_alert": "Are you sure you want to clear?",
"clear_user_alert": "Are you sure you want to clear all user data?",
"clear": "Clear",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"copied": "Copied!",
"no_internet": "No connection!",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"removed": "Removed",
"same_user": "This user already added to list",
"unknow_error": "An error occurred",
"error": "Error",
"fetch_error": "Fetching data failed, please try again or notify us at info@esteem.app",
"connection_fail": "Connection Failed!",
"connection_success": "Successfully connected!",
"checking": "Cheking...",
"not_existing_post": "The post does not exist! Please check permlink and author."
"success": "成功しました!",
"successful": "成功しました",
"allRead": "すべての通知を既読にする",
"claim_reward_balance_ok": "報酬残高を請求しました",
"fail": "失敗!",
"move": "移動",
"move_question": "本当に下書きへ移動しますか?",
"success_shared": "投稿の共有に成功しました",
"success_moved": "下書きへ移動",
"permission_denied": "アクセスが拒否されました",
"permission_text": "本体の設定から eSteem アプリの権限を変更してください。",
"success_rebloged": "リブログしました!",
"already_rebloged": "既にリブログしています!",
"warning": "警告",
"invalid_pincode": "PINコードが間違っています。もう一度確認してやり直してください。",
"remove_alert": "本当に削除しますか?",
"clear_alert": "本当に消去しますか?",
"clear_user_alert": "本当に全てのユーザーデータを消去しますか?",
"clear": "消去",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"delete": "削除",
"copied": "コピーしました!",
"no_internet": "ネットワークに接続されていません!",
"confirm": "確認",
"removed": "削除しました",
"same_user": "このユーザーは既にリストに追加されています",
"unknow_error": "エラーが発生しました",
"error": "エラー",
"fetch_error": "データを取得できませんでした。もう一度やり直すか info@esteem.app に連絡してください",
"connection_fail": "接続に失敗しました!",
"connection_success": "接続に成功しました!",
"checking": "確認中...",
"not_existing_post": "投稿は存在しません!パーマリンクと投稿者を確認してください。"
"post": {
"reblog_alert": "Are you sure, you want to reblog?",
"removed_hint": "The post was removed by",
"copy_link": "Copy Link",
"reblogged": "reblogged by",
"sponsored": "SPONSORED",
"open_thread": "Open Thread"
"reblog_alert": "本当にリブログしますか?",
"removed_hint": "投稿は削除されました",
"copy_link": "リンクをコピー",
"reblogged": "リブログしています",
"sponsored": "PR",
"open_thread": "スレッドを開く"
"drafts": {
"title": "Drafts",
"load_error": "Could not load drafts",
"empty_list": "Nothing here",
"deleted": "Draft deleted"
"title": "下書き",
"load_error": "下書きを読み込めませんでした",
"empty_list": "まだ何もありません",
"deleted": "下書きを削除しました"
"schedules": {
"title": "Schedules",
"empty_list": "Nothing here",
"deleted": "Scheduled post deleted",
"move": "Move to drafts",
"moved": "Moved to drafts"
"title": "スケジュール",
"empty_list": "まだ何もありません",
"deleted": "予約投稿を削除しました",
"move": "下書きへ移動",
"moved": "下書きへ移動しました"
"bookmarks": {
"title": "Bookmarks",
"load_error": "Could not load bookmarks",
"empty_list": "Nothing here",
"deleted": "Bookmark removed",
"search": "Search in bookmarks",
"added": "Added to bookmarks",
"add": "Add to bookmarks"
"title": "ブックマーク",
"load_error": "ブックマークを読み込めませんでした",
"empty_list": "まだ何もありません",
"deleted": "ブックマークを削除しました",
"search": "ブックマークを検索",
"added": "ブックマークに追加しました",
"add": "ブックマークに追加"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites",
"load_error": "Could not load favorites",
"empty_list": "Nothing here",
"search": "Search in favorites"
"title": "お気に入り",
"load_error": "お気に入りを読み込めませんでした",
"empty_list": "まだ何もありません",
"search": "お気に入りの検索"
"auth": {
"invalid_pin": "Invalid pin code, please check and try again",
"invalid_username": "Invalid username, please check and try again",
"already_logged": "You are already logged in, please try to add another account",
"invalid_credentials": "Invalid credentials, please check and try again",
"unknow_error": "Unknown error, please contact us at support@esteem.app"
"invalid_pin": "PINコードが間違っています。もう一度確認してやり直してください。",
"invalid_username": "ユーザー名が間違っています。もう一度確認してやり直してください",
"already_logged": "既にログインしています。他のアカウントを追加してください",
"invalid_credentials": "ログイン情報が間違っています。もう一度確認してやり直してください",
"unknow_error": "不明なエラー。support@esteem.app に連絡してください"
"payout": {
"potential_payout": "Potential Payout",
"promoted": "Promoted",
"author_payout": "Author Payout",
"curation_payout": "Curation Payout",
"payout_date": "Payout"
"potential_payout": "見込み支払額",
"promoted": "プロモート",
"author_payout": "投稿者支払額",
"curation_payout": "キュレーション支払額",
"payout_date": "支払額"
"post_dropdown": {
"copy": "copy link",
"reblog": "reblog",
"reply": "reply",
"share": "share",
"bookmarks": "add to bookmarks",
"promote": "promote",
"boost": "boost"
"copy": "リンクをコピー",
"reblog": "リブログ",
"reply": "返信",
"share": "共有",
"bookmarks": "ブックマークに追加",
"promote": "プロモート",
"boost": "ブースト"
"deep_link": {
"no_existing_user": "No existing user",
"no_existing_post": "No existing post"
"no_existing_user": "ユーザーは存在しません",
"no_existing_post": "投稿は存在しません"
"search": {
"posts": "Posts",
"comments": "Comments"
"posts": "投稿",
"comments": "コメント"
"comment_filter": {
"trending": "trending",
"reputation": "reputation",
"votes": "votes",
"age": "age"
"trending": "トレンド",
"reputation": "評判",
"votes": "ヴォート",
"age": "新着順"
"transfer": {
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"amount_information": "Drag the slider to adjust the amount",
"amount": "Amount",
"memo": "Memo",
"information": "Are you sure to transfer funds?",
"amount_desc": "Balance",
"memo_desc": "This memo is public",
"to_placeholder": "Username",
"memo_placeholder": "Enter your notes here",
"transfer_token": "Transfer",
"points": "Gift ESTM to someone",
"transfer_to_saving": "Transfer To Saving",
"powerUp": "Power Up",
"withdraw_to_saving": "Withdraw To Saving",
"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect Transfer",
"next": "NEXT",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"power_down": "Power Down",
"withdraw_steem": "Withdraw Steem",
"withdraw_sbd": "Withdraw Steem Dollar"
"from": "差出人",
"to": "受取人",
"amount_information": "スライドして金額を設定",
"amount": "金額",
"memo": "メモ",
"information": "本当に送金しますか?",
"amount_desc": "残高",
"memo_desc": "このメモは公開されます",
"to_placeholder": "ユーザー名",
"memo_placeholder": "ここに内容を入力してください",
"transfer_token": "送金",
"points": "ESTMを贈る",
"transfer_to_saving": "貯蓄口座に送金",
"powerUp": "パワーアップ",
"withdraw_to_saving": "貯蓄口座に引き出す",
"steemconnect_title": "Steemconnect 送金",
"next": "次へ",
"delegate": "デリゲーション",
"power_down": "パワーダウン",
"withdraw_steem": "Steem を引き出す",
"withdraw_sbd": "Steem Dollar を引き出す"
"boost": {
"title": "Get eSteem Points",
"buy": "GET ESTM",
"next": "NEXT"
"title": "eSteem ポイントを手に入れる",
"buy": "ESTM を手に入れる",
"next": "次へ"
"promote": {
"title": "Promote",
"days": "days",
"user": "User",
"permlink": "Post",
"permlinkPlaceholder": "author/permlink",
"information": "Are you sure to promote?"
"title": "プロモート",
"days": "日間",
"user": "ユーザー",
"permlink": "投稿",
"permlinkPlaceholder": "投稿者/パーマリンク",
"information": "本当にプロモートしますか?"
"boostPost": {
"title": "Boost"
"title": "ブースト"
"voters_dropdown": {
"rewards": "REWARDS",
"percent": "PERCENT",
"time": "TIME"
"rewards": "報酬",
"percent": "パーセント",
"time": "時間"
"reblog": {
"title": "Reblog Info"
"title": "リブログ情報"
Reference in New Issue
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