migrated profile screen comments to adapt to comment changes

This commit is contained in:
Nouman Tahir 2023-02-23 12:59:39 +05:00
parent 8e471d0a9f
commit 7b3f706af7
2 changed files with 14 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ROUTES from '../../../constants/routeNames';
// Component
import CommentsView from '../view/commentsView';
import { useAppSelector } from '../../../hooks';
import { updateCommentCache } from '../../../redux/actions/cacheActions';
import { CacheStatus } from '../../../redux/reducers/cacheReducer';
import { postQueries } from '../../../providers/queries';
@ -56,8 +55,6 @@ const CommentsContainer = ({
const navigation = useNavigation();
const postsCachePrimer = postQueries.usePostsCachePrimer();
const lastCacheUpdate = useAppSelector((state) => state.cache.lastUpdate);
// const cachedComments = useAppSelector((state) => state.cache.comments);
const [lcomments, setLComments] = useState([]);
const [propComments, setPropComments] = useState(comments);
@ -72,27 +69,12 @@ const CommentsContainer = ({
}, [commentCount, selectedFilter]);
useEffect(() => {
let _comments = comments;
if (_comments) {
_comments = _handleCachedComment(comments);
}, [comments]);
useEffect(() => {
const postPath = `${author || ''}/${permlink || ''}`;
// this conditional makes sure on targetted already fetched post is updated
// with new cache status, this is to avoid duplicate cache merging
if (
lastCacheUpdate &&
lastCacheUpdate.postPath === postPath &&
lastCacheUpdate.type === 'comment' &&
lastCacheUpdate.updatedAt > fetchedAt
) {
}, [lastCacheUpdate]);
// Component Functions
@ -184,7 +166,6 @@ const CommentsContainer = ({
await getComments(author, permlink, name)
.then((__comments) => {
// favourable place for merging comment cache
__comments = _handleCachedComment(__comments);
__comments = _sortComments(selectedFilter, __comments);
@ -193,67 +174,9 @@ const CommentsContainer = ({
.catch(() => {});
} else {
// _handleCachedComment();
// const _handleCachedComment = (passedComments = null) => {
// const _comments = passedComments || propComments || lcomments || [];
// const postPath = `${author || ''}/${permlink || ''}`;
// if (cachedComments.has(postPath)) {
// const cachedComment = cachedComments.get(postPath);
// let ignoreCache = false;
// let replaceAtIndex = -1;
// let removeAtIndex = -1;
// _comments.forEach((comment, index) => {
// if (cachedComment.permlink === comment.permlink) {
// if (cachedComment.updated < comment.updated) {
// // comment is present with latest data
// ignoreCache = true;
// console.log('Ignore cache as comment is now present');
// } else if (cachedComment.status === CacheStatus.DELETED) {
// removeAtIndex = index;
// } else {
// // comment is present in list but data is old
// replaceAtIndex = index;
// }
// }
// });
// // means deleted comment is not being retuend in fresh data, cache needs to be ignored
// if (cachedComment.status === CacheStatus.DELETED && removeAtIndex < 0) {
// ignoreCache = true;
// }
// // manipulate comments with cached data
// if (!ignoreCache) {
// let newComments = [];
// if (removeAtIndex >= 0) {
// newComments = _comments;
// newComments.splice(removeAtIndex, 1);
// } else if (replaceAtIndex >= 0) {
// _comments[replaceAtIndex] = cachedComment;
// newComments = [..._comments];
// } else {
// newComments = [..._comments, cachedComment];
// }
// console.log('updated comments with cached comment');
// if (passedComments) {
// return newComments;
// } else if (propComments) {
// setPropComments(newComments);
// } else {
// setLComments(newComments);
// }
// }
// }
// return _comments;
// };
const _handleOnReplyPress = (item) => {

View File

@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import { useIntl } from 'react-intl';
// Components
import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet';
import { Comment, TextButton } from '../..';
import { Comment, TextButton, UpvotePopover } from '../..';
// Styles
import styles from './commentStyles';
import { OptionsModal } from '../../atoms';
import { PostTypes } from '../../../constants/postTypes';
const CommentsView = ({
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ const CommentsView = ({
const [selectedComment, setSelectedComment] = useState(null);
const intl = useIntl();
const commentMenu = useRef<any>();
const upvotePopoverRef = useRef();
const _openCommentMenu = (item) => {
if (commentMenu.current) {
@ -67,6 +69,12 @@ const CommentsView = ({
const _onUpvotePress = (anchorRect, showPayoutDetails, content) => {
upvotePopoverRef.current.showPopover({anchorRect, showPayoutDetails, content, postType:PostTypes.COMMENT})
const menuItems = [
intl.formatMessage({ id: 'post.copy_link' }),
intl.formatMessage({ id: 'post.copy_text' }),
@ -109,6 +117,7 @@ const CommentsView = ({
handleOnLongPress={() => _openCommentMenu(item)}
openReplyThread={() => _openReplyThread(item)}
onUpvotePress={(anchorRect, showPayoutDetails) => _onUpvotePress(anchorRect, showPayoutDetails, item)}
@ -157,6 +166,9 @@ const CommentsView = ({