wip vote improvements

This commit is contained in:
feruz 2021-07-17 17:58:53 +03:00
parent c344b9a38e
commit adfff5663c
2 changed files with 17 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1671,4 +1671,12 @@ const getActiveKey = (local, pin) => {
return false;
export const votingPower = (account) => {
// @ts-ignore "Account" is compatible with dhive's "ExtendedAccount"
const calc = client.rc.calculateVPMana(account);
const { percentage } = calc;
return percentage / 100;
/* eslint-enable */

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@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
import parseToken from './parseToken';
import { GlobalProps } from '../redux/reducers/accountReducer';
import { votingPower } from '../providers/hive/dhive';
export const getEstimatedAmount = (account, globalProps:GlobalProps, sliderValue:number = 1) => {
const { fundRecentClaims, fundRewardBalance, base, quote } = globalProps;
const votingPower:number = account.voting_power;
const _votingPower:number = Number((100 * votingPower(account)).toFixed(0));
const vestingShares = parseToken(account.vesting_shares);
const receievedVestingShares = parseToken(account.received_vesting_shares);
const delegatedVestingShared = parseToken(account.delegated_vesting_shares);
const totalVests = vestingShares + receievedVestingShares - delegatedVestingShared;
const vestingShares = parseToken(account.post_voting_power);
const totalVests = vestingShares;
const weight = sliderValue * 10000;
const hbdMedian = base / quote;
const totalVests = vestingShares + receievedVestingShares - delegatedVestingShared;
const voteEffectiveShares = calculateVoteRshares(totalVests, votingPower, weight)
const voteEffectiveShares = calculateVoteRshares(totalVests, _votingPower, weight)
const voteValue = (voteEffectiveShares / fundRecentClaims) * fundRewardBalance * hbdMedian;
const estimatedAmount = weight < 0 ? Math.min(voteValue * -1, 0) : Math.max(voteValue, 0)