 * Copyright 2016 Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iterator>

#error This file may only be included from String.h

namespace folly {

namespace detail {
// Map from character code to value of one-character escape sequence
// ('\n' = 10 maps to 'n'), 'O' if the character should be printed as
// an octal escape sequence, or 'P' if the character is printable and
// should be printed as is.
extern const char cEscapeTable[];
}  // namespace detail

template <class String>
void cEscape(StringPiece str, String& out) {
  char esc[4];
  esc[0] = '\\';
  out.reserve(out.size() + str.size());
  auto p = str.begin();
  auto last = p;  // last regular character
  // We advance over runs of regular characters (printable, not double-quote or
  // backslash) and copy them in one go; this is faster than calling push_back
  // repeatedly.
  while (p != str.end()) {
    char c = *p;
    unsigned char v = static_cast<unsigned char>(c);
    char e = detail::cEscapeTable[v];
    if (e == 'P') {  // printable
    } else if (e == 'O') {  // octal
      out.append(&*last, p - last);
      esc[1] = '0' + ((v >> 6) & 7);
      esc[2] = '0' + ((v >> 3) & 7);
      esc[3] = '0' + (v & 7);
      out.append(esc, 4);
      last = p;
    } else {  // special 1-character escape
      out.append(&*last, p - last);
      esc[1] = e;
      out.append(esc, 2);
      last = p;
  out.append(&*last, p - last);

namespace detail {
// Map from the character code of the character following a backslash to
// the unescaped character if a valid one-character escape sequence
// ('n' maps to 10 = '\n'), 'O' if this is the first character of an
// octal escape sequence, 'X' if this is the first character of a
// hexadecimal escape sequence, or 'I' if this escape sequence is invalid.
extern const char cUnescapeTable[];

// Map from the character code to the hex value, or 16 if invalid hex char.
extern const unsigned char hexTable[];
}  // namespace detail

template <class String>
void cUnescape(StringPiece str, String& out, bool strict) {
  out.reserve(out.size() + str.size());
  auto p = str.begin();
  auto last = p;  // last regular character (not part of an escape sequence)
  // We advance over runs of regular characters (not backslash) and copy them
  // in one go; this is faster than calling push_back repeatedly.
  while (p != str.end()) {
    char c = *p;
    if (c != '\\') {  // normal case
    out.append(&*last, p - last);
    if (p == str.end()) {  // backslash at end of string
      if (strict) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("incomplete escape sequence");
      last = p;
    char e = detail::cUnescapeTable[static_cast<unsigned char>(*p)];
    if (e == 'O') {  // octal
      unsigned char val = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3 && p != str.end() && *p >= '0' && *p <= '7';
           ++i, ++p) {
        val = (val << 3) | (*p - '0');
      last = p;
    } else if (e == 'X') {  // hex
      if (p == str.end()) {  // \x at end of string
        if (strict) {
          throw std::invalid_argument("incomplete hex escape sequence");
        last = p;
      unsigned char val = 0;
      unsigned char h;
      for (; (p != str.end() &&
              (h = detail::hexTable[static_cast<unsigned char>(*p)]) < 16);
           ++p) {
        val = (val << 4) | h;
      last = p;
    } else if (e == 'I') {  // invalid
      if (strict) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("invalid escape sequence");
      last = p;
    } else {  // standard escape sequence, \' etc
      last = p;
  out.append(&*last, p - last);

namespace detail {
// Map from character code to escape mode:
// 0 = pass through
// 1 = unused
// 2 = pass through in PATH mode
// 3 = space, replace with '+' in QUERY mode
// 4 = percent-encode
extern const unsigned char uriEscapeTable[];
}  // namespace detail

template <class String>
void uriEscape(StringPiece str, String& out, UriEscapeMode mode) {
  static const char hexValues[] = "0123456789abcdef";
  char esc[3];
  esc[0] = '%';
  // Preallocate assuming that 25% of the input string will be escaped
  out.reserve(out.size() + str.size() + 3 * (str.size() / 4));
  auto p = str.begin();
  auto last = p;  // last regular character
  // We advance over runs of passthrough characters and copy them in one go;
  // this is faster than calling push_back repeatedly.
  unsigned char minEncode = static_cast<unsigned char>(mode);
  while (p != str.end()) {
    char c = *p;
    unsigned char v = static_cast<unsigned char>(c);
    unsigned char discriminator = detail::uriEscapeTable[v];
    if (LIKELY(discriminator <= minEncode)) {
    } else if (mode == UriEscapeMode::QUERY && discriminator == 3) {
      out.append(&*last, p - last);
      last = p;
    } else {
      out.append(&*last, p - last);
      esc[1] = hexValues[v >> 4];
      esc[2] = hexValues[v & 0x0f];
      out.append(esc, 3);
      last = p;
  out.append(&*last, p - last);

template <class String>
void uriUnescape(StringPiece str, String& out, UriEscapeMode mode) {
  out.reserve(out.size() + str.size());
  auto p = str.begin();
  auto last = p;
  // We advance over runs of passthrough characters and copy them in one go;
  // this is faster than calling push_back repeatedly.
  while (p != str.end()) {
    char c = *p;
    switch (c) {
    case '%':
        if (UNLIKELY(std::distance(p, str.end()) < 3)) {
          throw std::invalid_argument("incomplete percent encode sequence");
        auto h1 = detail::hexTable[static_cast<unsigned char>(p[1])];
        auto h2 = detail::hexTable[static_cast<unsigned char>(p[2])];
        if (UNLIKELY(h1 == 16 || h2 == 16)) {
          throw std::invalid_argument("invalid percent encode sequence");
        out.append(&*last, p - last);
        out.push_back((h1 << 4) | h2);
        p += 3;
        last = p;
    case '+':
      if (mode == UriEscapeMode::QUERY) {
        out.append(&*last, p - last);
        out.push_back(' ');
        last = p;
      // else fallthrough
  out.append(&*last, p - last);

namespace detail {

 * The following functions are type-overloaded helpers for
 * internalSplit().
inline size_t delimSize(char)          { return 1; }
inline size_t delimSize(StringPiece s) { return s.size(); }
inline bool atDelim(const char* s, char c) {
 return *s == c;
inline bool atDelim(const char* s, StringPiece sp) {
  return !std::memcmp(s, sp.start(), sp.size());

// These are used to short-circuit internalSplit() in the case of
// 1-character strings.
inline char delimFront(char c) {
  // This one exists only for compile-time; it should never be called.
  return c;
inline char delimFront(StringPiece s) {
  assert(!s.empty() && s.start() != nullptr);
  return *s.start();

 * Shared implementation for all the split() overloads.
 * This uses some external helpers that are overloaded to let this
 * algorithm be more performant if the deliminator is a single
 * character instead of a whole string.
 * @param ignoreEmpty iff true, don't copy empty segments to output
template<class OutStringT, class DelimT, class OutputIterator>
void internalSplit(DelimT delim, StringPiece sp, OutputIterator out,
    bool ignoreEmpty) {
  assert(sp.empty() || sp.start() != nullptr);

  const char* s = sp.start();
  const size_t strSize = sp.size();
  const size_t dSize = delimSize(delim);

  if (dSize > strSize || dSize == 0) {
    if (!ignoreEmpty || strSize > 0) {
      *out++ = to<OutStringT>(sp);
  if (boost::is_same<DelimT,StringPiece>::value && dSize == 1) {
    // Call the char version because it is significantly faster.
    return internalSplit<OutStringT>(delimFront(delim), sp, out,

  size_t tokenStartPos = 0;
  size_t tokenSize = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i <= strSize - dSize; ++i) {
    if (atDelim(&s[i], delim)) {
      if (!ignoreEmpty || tokenSize > 0) {
        *out++ = to<OutStringT>(sp.subpiece(tokenStartPos, tokenSize));

      tokenStartPos = i + dSize;
      tokenSize = 0;
      i += dSize - 1;
    } else {
  tokenSize = strSize - tokenStartPos;
  if (!ignoreEmpty || tokenSize > 0) {
    *out++ = to<OutStringT>(sp.subpiece(tokenStartPos, tokenSize));

template<class String> StringPiece prepareDelim(const String& s) {
  return StringPiece(s);
inline char prepareDelim(char c) { return c; }

template <bool exact, class Delim, class OutputType>
bool splitFixed(const Delim& delimiter, StringPiece input, OutputType& output) {
      exact || std::is_same<OutputType, StringPiece>::value ||
      "split<false>() requires that the last argument be a string type");
  if (exact && UNLIKELY(std::string::npos != input.find(delimiter))) {
    return false;
  output = folly::to<OutputType>(input);
  return true;

template <bool exact, class Delim, class OutputType, class... OutputTypes>
bool splitFixed(
    const Delim& delimiter,
    StringPiece input,
    OutputType& outHead,
    OutputTypes&... outTail) {
  size_t cut = input.find(delimiter);
  if (UNLIKELY(cut == std::string::npos)) {
    return false;
  StringPiece head(input.begin(), input.begin() + cut);
  StringPiece tail(input.begin() + cut + detail::delimSize(delimiter),
  if (LIKELY(splitFixed<exact>(delimiter, tail, outTail...))) {
    outHead = folly::to<OutputType>(head);
    return true;
  return false;



template<class Delim, class String, class OutputType>
void split(const Delim& delimiter,
           const String& input,
           std::vector<OutputType>& out,
           bool ignoreEmpty) {

template<class Delim, class String, class OutputType>
void split(const Delim& delimiter,
           const String& input,
           fbvector<OutputType>& out,
           bool ignoreEmpty) {

template<class OutputValueType, class Delim, class String,
         class OutputIterator>
void splitTo(const Delim& delimiter,
             const String& input,
             OutputIterator out,
             bool ignoreEmpty) {

template <bool exact, class Delim, class... OutputTypes>
typename std::enable_if<
    AllConvertible<OutputTypes...>::value && sizeof...(OutputTypes) >= 1,
split(const Delim& delimiter, StringPiece input, OutputTypes&... outputs) {
  return detail::splitFixed<exact>(
      detail::prepareDelim(delimiter), input, outputs...);

namespace detail {

 * If a type can have its string size determined cheaply, we can more
 * efficiently append it in a loop (see internalJoinAppend). Note that the
 * struct need not conform to the std::string api completely (ex. does not need
 * to implement append()).
template <class T> struct IsSizableString {
  enum { value = IsSomeString<T>::value
         || std::is_same<T, StringPiece>::value };

template <class Iterator>
struct IsSizableStringContainerIterator :
  IsSizableString<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type> {

template <class Delim, class Iterator, class String>
void internalJoinAppend(Delim delimiter,
                        Iterator begin,
                        Iterator end,
                        String& output) {
  assert(begin != end);
  if (std::is_same<Delim, StringPiece>::value &&
      delimSize(delimiter) == 1) {
    internalJoinAppend(delimFront(delimiter), begin, end, output);
  toAppend(*begin, &output);
  while (++begin != end) {
    toAppend(delimiter, *begin, &output);

template <class Delim, class Iterator, class String>
typename std::enable_if<IsSizableStringContainerIterator<Iterator>::value>::type
internalJoin(Delim delimiter,
             Iterator begin,
             Iterator end,
             String& output) {
  if (begin == end) {
  const size_t dsize = delimSize(delimiter);
  Iterator it = begin;
  size_t size = it->size();
  while (++it != end) {
    size += dsize + it->size();
  internalJoinAppend(delimiter, begin, end, output);

template <class Delim, class Iterator, class String>
internalJoin(Delim delimiter,
             Iterator begin,
             Iterator end,
             String& output) {
  if (begin == end) {
  internalJoinAppend(delimiter, begin, end, output);

}  // namespace detail

template <class Delim, class Iterator, class String>
void join(const Delim& delimiter,
          Iterator begin,
          Iterator end,
          String& output) {

template <class String1, class String2>
void backslashify(const String1& input, String2& output, bool hex_style) {
  static const char hexValues[] = "0123456789abcdef";
  output.reserve(3 * input.size());
  for (unsigned char c : input) {
    // less than space or greater than '~' are considered unprintable
    if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7e || c == '\\') {
      bool hex_append = false;
      if (hex_style) {
        hex_append = true;
      } else {
        if (c == '\r') output += 'r';
        else if (c == '\n') output += 'n';
        else if (c == '\t') output += 't';
        else if (c == '\a') output += 'a';
        else if (c == '\b') output += 'b';
        else if (c == '\0') output += '0';
        else if (c == '\\') output += '\\';
        else {
          hex_append = true;
      if (hex_append) {
        output.push_back(hexValues[(c >> 4) & 0xf]);
        output.push_back(hexValues[c & 0xf]);
    } else {
      output += c;

template <class String1, class String2>
void humanify(const String1& input, String2& output) {
  size_t numUnprintable = 0;
  size_t numPrintablePrefix = 0;
  for (unsigned char c : input) {
    if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7e || c == '\\') {
    if (numUnprintable == 0) {

  // hexlify doubles a string's size; backslashify can potentially
  // explode it by 4x.  Now, the printable range of the ascii
  // "spectrum" is around 95 out of 256 values, so a "random" binary
  // string should be around 60% unprintable.  We use a 50% hueristic
  // here, so if a string is 60% unprintable, then we just use hex
  // output.  Otherwise we backslash.
  // UTF8 is completely ignored; as a result, utf8 characters will
  // likely be \x escaped (since most common glyphs fit in two bytes).
  // This is a tradeoff of complexity/speed instead of a convenience
  // that likely would rarely matter.  Moreover, this function is more
  // about displaying underlying bytes, not about displaying glyphs
  // from languages.
  if (numUnprintable == 0) {
    output = input;
  } else if (5 * numUnprintable >= 3 * input.size()) {
    // However!  If we have a "meaningful" prefix of printable
    // characters, say 20% of the string, we backslashify under the
    // assumption viewing the prefix as ascii is worth blowing the
    // output size up a bit.
    if (5 * numPrintablePrefix >= input.size()) {
      backslashify(input, output);
    } else {
      output = "0x";
      hexlify(input, output, true /* append output */);
  } else {
    backslashify(input, output);

template<class InputString, class OutputString>
bool hexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output,
             bool append_output) {
  if (!append_output) output.clear();

  static char hexValues[] = "0123456789abcdef";
  auto j = output.size();
  output.resize(2 * input.size() + output.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
    int ch = input[i];
    output[j++] = hexValues[(ch >> 4) & 0xf];
    output[j++] = hexValues[ch & 0xf];
  return true;

template<class InputString, class OutputString>
bool unhexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output) {
  if (input.size() % 2 != 0) {
    return false;
  output.resize(input.size() / 2);
  int j = 0;
  auto unhex = [](char c) -> int {
    return c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? c - '0' :
           c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ? c - 'A' + 10 :
           c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ? c - 'a' + 10 :

  for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i += 2) {
    int highBits = unhex(input[i]);
    int lowBits = unhex(input[i + 1]);
    if (highBits < 0 || lowBits < 0) {
      return false;
    output[j++] = (highBits << 4) + lowBits;
  return true;

namespace detail {
 * Hex-dump at most 16 bytes starting at offset from a memory area of size
 * bytes.  Return the number of bytes actually dumped.
size_t hexDumpLine(const void* ptr, size_t offset, size_t size,
                   std::string& line);
}  // namespace detail

template <class OutIt>
void hexDump(const void* ptr, size_t size, OutIt out) {
  size_t offset = 0;
  std::string line;
  while (offset < size) {
    offset += detail::hexDumpLine(ptr, offset, size, line);
    *out++ = line;

}  // namespace folly