2021-12-23 13:11:02 +05:00

119 lines
3.5 KiB

import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
import * as dsteem from '@esteemapp/dhive';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
import { proxifyImageSrc } from '@ecency/render-helper';
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
const whatOs = Platform.OS;
const BASE_IMAGE_URL = whatOs === 'android' ? '' : '';
export const generateSignature = (media, privateKey) => {
const STRING = 'ImageSigningChallenge';
const prefix = Buffer.from(STRING);
const commaIdx =',');
const dataBs64 = + 1);
const data = Buffer.from(dataBs64, 'base64');
const hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(prefix, data);
const buffer = Buffer.from(hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex), 'hex');
const array = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const key = dsteem.PrivateKey.fromString(privateKey);
return key.sign(Buffer.from(array)).toString();
export const catchEntryImage = (entry, width = 0, height = 0, format = 'match') => {
// return from json metadata if exists
let meta;
format = whatOs === 'android' ? 'webp' : 'match';
try {
meta = JSON.parse(entry.json_metadata);
} catch (e) {
meta = null;
if (meta && meta.image && meta.image.length > 0) {
if (meta.image[0]) {
return proxifyImageSrc(meta.image[0], width, height, format);
// try to extract images by regex
const imgReg2 = /(http(s?):)([/|.|\w|\s|-])*\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)/gim;
const m = entry.body.match(imgReg2);
if (m) {
return proxifyImageSrc(m[0], width, height, format);
// If no image specified in json metadata, try extract first image href from entry body
let imgReg = /<img.+src=(?:"|')(.+?)(?:"|')(.*)>/;
let bodyMatch = entry.body.match(imgReg);
if (bodyMatch) {
return proxifyImageSrc(bodyMatch[1], width, height, format);
// If there is no <img> tag, check from markdown img tag ![](image.png)
imgReg = /(?:!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))/;
bodyMatch = imgReg.exec(entry.body);
if (bodyMatch) {
return proxifyImageSrc(bodyMatch[2], width, height, format);
return null;
export const catchDraftImage = (body, format = 'match', thumbnail = false) => {
const imgRegex = /(https?:\/\/.*\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|heic|webp))/gim;
format = whatOs === 'android' ? 'webp' : 'match';
if (body && imgRegex.test(body)) {
const imageMatch = body.match(imgRegex);
if (thumbnail) {
return proxifyImageSrc(imageMatch[0], 6, 5, format);
return proxifyImageSrc(imageMatch[0], 600, 500, format);
return null;
// get the image from meta data
export const catchImageFromMetadata = (meta, format = 'match', thumbnail = false) => {
format = whatOs === 'android' ? 'webp' : 'match';
if (meta && meta.image) {
const images = meta.image;
console.log('images : ',images);
if (thumbnail) {
return proxifyImageSrc(images[0], 6, 5, format);
return proxifyImageSrc(images[0], 600, 500, format);
return null;
export const getResizedImage = (url, size = 600, format = 'match') => {
//TODO: implement fallback onError, for imagehoster is down case
format = whatOs === 'android' ? 'webp' : 'match';
if (!url) {
return '';
return proxifyImageSrc(url, size, 0, format);
export const getResizedAvatar = (author, sizeString = 'small') => {
if (!author) {
return '';
return `${BASE_IMAGE_URL}/u/${author}/avatar/${sizeString}`;
export const getCoverImageUrl = (username:string) => {
if (!username) {
return '';
return `${BASE_IMAGE_URL}/u/${username}/cover/`