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// Boost seed_rng.hpp header file ----------------------------------------------//
// Copyright 2007 Andy Tompkins.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Revision History
// 09 Nov 2007 - Initial Revision
// 25 Feb 2008 - moved to namespace boost::uuids::detail
// 28 Nov 2009 - disabled deprecated warnings for MSVC
// 28 Jul 2014 - fixed valgrind warnings and better entropy sources for MSVC
// seed_rng models a UniformRandomNumberGenerator (see Boost.Random).
// Random number generators are hard to seed well. This is intended to provide
// good seed values for random number generators.
// It creates random numbers from a sha1 hash of data from a variary of sources,
// all of which are standard function calls. It produces random numbers slowly.
// Peter Dimov provided the details of sha1_random_digest_().
// see http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20070507.175609.4c4f503a.en.html
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <cstring> // for memcpy
#include <limits>
#include <ctime> // for time_t, time, clock_t, clock
#include <cstdlib> // for rand
#include <cstdio> // for FILE, fopen, fread, fclose
#include <boost/core/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/sha1.hpp>
//#include <boost/nondet_random.hpp> //forward declare boost::random::random_device
// can't use boost::generator_iterator since boost::random number seed(Iter&, Iter)
// functions need a last iterator
//#include <boost/generator_iterator.hpp>
# include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push) // Save warning settings.
# pragma warning(disable : 4996) // Disable deprecated std::fopen
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
# pragma comment(lib, "coredll.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib")
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
# include <boost/detail/winapi/crypt.hpp> // for CryptAcquireContextA, CryptGenRandom, CryptReleaseContext
# include <boost/detail/winapi/timers.hpp>
# include <boost/detail/winapi/get_current_process_id.hpp>
# include <boost/detail/winapi/get_current_thread_id.hpp>
# include <sys/time.h> // for gettimeofday
# include <sys/types.h> // for pid_t
# include <unistd.h> // for getpid()
namespace std {
using ::memcpy;
using ::time_t;
using ::time;
using ::clock_t;
using ::clock;
using ::rand;
using ::FILE;
using ::fopen;
using ::fread;
using ::fclose;
} //namespace std
// forward declare random number generators
namespace boost { namespace random {
class random_device;
}} //namespace boost::random
namespace boost {
namespace uuids {
namespace detail {
// should this be part of Boost.Random?
class seed_rng: private boost::noncopyable
typedef unsigned int result_type;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, has_fixed_range = false);
// note: rd_ intentionally left uninitialized
: rd_index_(5)
, random_(NULL)
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
if (!boost::detail::winapi::CryptAcquireContextW(
boost::detail::winapi::CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT_ | boost::detail::winapi::CRYPT_SILENT_))
random_ = NULL;
random_ = std::fopen( "/dev/urandom", "rb" );
std::memset(rd_, 0, sizeof(rd_));
~seed_rng() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
if (random_) {
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
boost::detail::winapi::CryptReleaseContext(random_, 0);
return (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::min)();
return (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max)();
result_type operator()()
if (rd_index_ >= 5) {
//get new digest
rd_index_ = 0;
return rd_[rd_index_++];
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(std::size_t, internal_state_size = 5);
inline void ignore_size(size_t) {}
static unsigned int * sha1_random_digest_state_()
static unsigned int state[ internal_state_size ];
return state;
void sha1_random_digest_()
boost::uuids::detail::sha1 sha;
if (random_)
// intentionally left uninitialized
unsigned char state[ 20 ];
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
boost::detail::winapi::CryptGenRandom(random_, sizeof(state), state);
ignore_size(std::fread( state, 1, sizeof(state), random_ ));
sha.process_bytes( state, sizeof( state ) );
// Getting enropy from some system specific sources
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
boost::detail::winapi::DWORD_ procid = boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcessId();
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&procid, sizeof( procid ) );
boost::detail::winapi::DWORD_ threadid = boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentThreadId();
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&threadid, sizeof( threadid ) );
boost::detail::winapi::LARGE_INTEGER_ ts;
ts.QuadPart = 0;
boost::detail::winapi::QueryPerformanceCounter( &ts );
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&ts, sizeof( ts ) );
std::time_t tm = std::time( 0 );
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&tm, sizeof( tm ) );
pid_t pid = getpid();
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&pid, sizeof( pid ) );
timeval ts;
gettimeofday(&ts, NULL); // We do not use `clock_gettime` to avoid linkage with -lrt
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&ts, sizeof( ts ) );
unsigned int * ps = sha1_random_digest_state_();
sha.process_bytes( ps, internal_state_size * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&ps, sizeof( ps ) );
std::clock_t ck = std::clock();
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&ck, sizeof( ck ) );
unsigned int rn[] =
{ static_cast<unsigned int>(std::rand())
, static_cast<unsigned int>(std::rand())
, static_cast<unsigned int>(std::rand())
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)rn, sizeof( rn ) );
unsigned int * p = new unsigned int;
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&p, sizeof( p ) );
delete p;
const seed_rng* this_ptr = this;
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&this_ptr, sizeof( this_ptr ) );
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)&std::rand, sizeof( void(*)() ) );
sha.process_bytes( (unsigned char const*)rd_, sizeof( rd_ ) );
unsigned int digest[ 5 ];
sha.get_digest( digest );
for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
// harmless data race
ps[ i ] ^= digest[ i ];
rd_[ i ] ^= digest[ i ];
unsigned int rd_[5];
int rd_index_;
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
boost::detail::winapi::HCRYPTPROV_ random_;
std::FILE * random_;
// almost a copy of boost::generator_iterator
// but default constructor sets m_g to NULL
template <class Generator>
class generator_iterator
: public iterator_facade<
, typename Generator::result_type
, single_pass_traversal_tag
, typename Generator::result_type const&
typedef iterator_facade<
, typename Generator::result_type
, single_pass_traversal_tag
, typename Generator::result_type const&
> super_t;
generator_iterator() : m_g(NULL), m_value(0) {}
generator_iterator(Generator* g) : m_g(g), m_value((*m_g)()) {}
void increment()
m_value = (*m_g)();
const typename Generator::result_type&
dereference() const
return m_value;
bool equal(generator_iterator const& y) const
return this->m_g == y.m_g && this->m_value == y.m_value;
Generator* m_g;
typename Generator::result_type m_value;
// seed() seeds a random number generator with good seed values
template <typename UniformRandomNumberGenerator>
inline void seed(UniformRandomNumberGenerator& rng)
seed_rng seed_gen;
generator_iterator<seed_rng> begin(&seed_gen);
generator_iterator<seed_rng> end;
rng.seed(begin, end);
// random_device does not / can not be seeded
template <>
inline void seed<boost::random::random_device>(boost::random::random_device&) {}
// random_device does not / can not be seeded
template <>
inline void seed<seed_rng>(seed_rng&) {}
}}} //namespace boost::uuids::detail
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop) // Restore warnings to previous state.