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// Copyright 1997-2001 University of Notre Dame.
// Authors: Jeremy G. Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, Andrew Lumsdaine
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
This file implements the following functions:
template <typename VertexListGraph, typename MutableGraph>
void copy_graph(const VertexListGraph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out)
template <typename VertexListGraph, typename MutableGraph,
class P, class T, class R>
void copy_graph(const VertexListGraph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out,
const bgl_named_params<P, T, R>& params)
template <typename IncidenceGraph, typename MutableGraph>
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
copy_component(IncidenceGraph& g_in,
typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor src,
MutableGraph& g_out)
template <typename IncidenceGraph, typename MutableGraph,
typename P, typename T, typename R>
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
copy_component(IncidenceGraph& g_in,
typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor src,
MutableGraph& g_out,
const bgl_named_params<P, T, R>& params)
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/breadth_first_search.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/conversion_traits.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace detail {
// Hack to make transpose_graph work with the same interface as before
template <typename Graph, typename Desc>
struct remove_reverse_edge_descriptor {
typedef Desc type;
static Desc convert(const Desc& d, const Graph&) {return d;}
template <typename Graph, typename Desc>
struct remove_reverse_edge_descriptor<Graph, reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc> > {
typedef Desc type;
static Desc convert(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc>& d, const Graph& g) {
return get(edge_underlying, g, d);
// Add a reverse_graph_edge_descriptor wrapper if the Graph is a
// reverse_graph but the edge descriptor is from the original graph (this
// case comes from the fact that transpose_graph uses reverse_graph
// internally but doesn't expose the different edge descriptor type to the
// user).
template <typename Desc, typename Graph>
struct add_reverse_edge_descriptor {
typedef Desc type;
static Desc convert(const Desc& d) {return d;}
template <typename Desc, typename G, typename GR>
struct add_reverse_edge_descriptor<Desc, boost::reverse_graph<G, GR> > {
typedef reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc> type;
static reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc> convert(const Desc& d) {
return reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc>(d);
template <typename Desc, typename G, typename GR>
struct add_reverse_edge_descriptor<reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc>, boost::reverse_graph<G, GR> > {
typedef reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc> type;
static reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc> convert(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<Desc>& d) {
return d;
// Default edge and vertex property copiers
template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
struct edge_copier {
edge_copier(const Graph1& g1, Graph2& g2)
: edge_all_map1(get(edge_all, g1)),
edge_all_map2(get(edge_all, g2)) { }
template <typename Edge1, typename Edge2>
void operator()(const Edge1& e1, Edge2& e2) const {
put(edge_all_map2, e2, get(edge_all_map1, add_reverse_edge_descriptor<Edge1, Graph1>::convert(e1)));
typename property_map<Graph1, edge_all_t>::const_type edge_all_map1;
mutable typename property_map<Graph2, edge_all_t>::type edge_all_map2;
template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
inline edge_copier<Graph1,Graph2>
make_edge_copier(const Graph1& g1, Graph2& g2)
return edge_copier<Graph1,Graph2>(g1, g2);
template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
struct vertex_copier {
vertex_copier(const Graph1& g1, Graph2& g2)
: vertex_all_map1(get(vertex_all, g1)),
vertex_all_map2(get(vertex_all, g2)) { }
template <typename Vertex1, typename Vertex2>
void operator()(const Vertex1& v1, Vertex2& v2) const {
put(vertex_all_map2, v2, get(vertex_all_map1, v1));
typename property_map<Graph1, vertex_all_t>::const_type vertex_all_map1;
mutable typename property_map<Graph2, vertex_all_t>::type
template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
inline vertex_copier<Graph1,Graph2>
make_vertex_copier(const Graph1& g1, Graph2& g2)
return vertex_copier<Graph1,Graph2>(g1, g2);
// Copy all the vertices and edges of graph g_in into graph g_out.
// The copy_vertex and copy_edge function objects control how vertex
// and edge properties are copied.
template <int Version>
struct copy_graph_impl { };
template <> struct copy_graph_impl<0>
template <typename Graph, typename MutableGraph,
typename CopyVertex, typename CopyEdge, typename IndexMap,
typename Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap>
static void apply(const Graph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out,
CopyVertex copy_vertex, CopyEdge copy_edge,
Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap orig2copy, IndexMap)
typedef remove_reverse_edge_descriptor<Graph, typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor> cvt;
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g_in); vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
new_v = add_vertex(g_out);
put(orig2copy, *vi, new_v);
copy_vertex(*vi, new_v);
typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = edges(g_in); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::edge_descriptor new_e;
bool inserted;
boost::tie(new_e, inserted) = add_edge(get(orig2copy, source(*ei, g_in)),
get(orig2copy, target(*ei, g_in)),
copy_edge(cvt::convert(*ei, g_in), new_e);
// for directed graphs
template <> struct copy_graph_impl<1>
template <typename Graph, typename MutableGraph,
typename CopyVertex, typename CopyEdge, typename IndexMap,
typename Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap>
static void apply(const Graph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out,
CopyVertex copy_vertex, CopyEdge copy_edge,
Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap orig2copy, IndexMap)
typedef remove_reverse_edge_descriptor<Graph, typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor> cvt;
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g_in); vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
new_v = add_vertex(g_out);
put(orig2copy, *vi, new_v);
copy_vertex(*vi, new_v);
for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g_in); vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
typename graph_traits<Graph>::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(*vi, g_in); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::edge_descriptor new_e;
bool inserted;
boost::tie(new_e, inserted) = add_edge(get(orig2copy, source(*ei, g_in)),
get(orig2copy, target(*ei, g_in)),
copy_edge(cvt::convert(*ei, g_in), new_e);
// for undirected graphs
template <> struct copy_graph_impl<2>
template <typename Graph, typename MutableGraph,
typename CopyVertex, typename CopyEdge, typename IndexMap,
typename Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap>
static void apply(const Graph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out,
CopyVertex copy_vertex, CopyEdge copy_edge,
Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap orig2copy,
IndexMap index_map)
typedef remove_reverse_edge_descriptor<Graph, typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor> cvt;
typedef color_traits<default_color_type> Color;
color(num_vertices(g_in), Color::white());
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g_in); vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
new_v = add_vertex(g_out);
put(orig2copy, *vi, new_v);
copy_vertex(*vi, new_v);
for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g_in); vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
typename graph_traits<Graph>::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(*vi, g_in); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::edge_descriptor new_e;
bool inserted;
if (color[get(index_map, target(*ei, g_in))] == Color::white()) {
boost::tie(new_e, inserted) = add_edge(get(orig2copy, source(*ei,g_in)),
get(orig2copy, target(*ei,g_in)),
copy_edge(cvt::convert(*ei, g_in), new_e);
color[get(index_map, *vi)] = Color::black();
template <class Graph>
struct choose_graph_copy {
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::traversal_category Trv;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::directed_category Dr;
enum { algo =
(is_convertible<Trv, vertex_list_graph_tag>::value
&& is_convertible<Trv, edge_list_graph_tag>::value)
? 0 : is_convertible<Dr, directed_tag>::value ? 1 : 2 };
typedef copy_graph_impl<algo> type;
struct choose_copier_parameter {
template <class P, class G1, class G2>
struct bind_ {
typedef const P& result_type;
static result_type apply(const P& p, const G1&, G2&)
{ return p; }
struct choose_default_edge_copier {
template <class P, class G1, class G2>
struct bind_ {
typedef edge_copier<G1, G2> result_type;
static result_type apply(const P&, const G1& g1, G2& g2) {
return result_type(g1, g2);
template <class Param>
struct choose_edge_copy {
typedef choose_copier_parameter type;
template <>
struct choose_edge_copy<param_not_found> {
typedef choose_default_edge_copier type;
template <class Param, class G1, class G2>
struct choose_edge_copier_helper {
typedef typename choose_edge_copy<Param>::type Selector;
typedef typename Selector:: template bind_<Param, G1, G2> Bind;
typedef Bind type;
typedef typename Bind::result_type result_type;
template <typename Param, typename G1, typename G2>
typename detail::choose_edge_copier_helper<Param,G1,G2>::result_type
choose_edge_copier(const Param& params, const G1& g_in, G2& g_out)
typedef typename
detail::choose_edge_copier_helper<Param,G1,G2>::type Choice;
return Choice::apply(params, g_in, g_out);
struct choose_default_vertex_copier {
template <class P, class G1, class G2>
struct bind_ {
typedef vertex_copier<G1, G2> result_type;
static result_type apply(const P&, const G1& g1, G2& g2) {
return result_type(g1, g2);
template <class Param>
struct choose_vertex_copy {
typedef choose_copier_parameter type;
template <>
struct choose_vertex_copy<param_not_found> {
typedef choose_default_vertex_copier type;
template <class Param, class G1, class G2>
struct choose_vertex_copier_helper {
typedef typename choose_vertex_copy<Param>::type Selector;
typedef typename Selector:: template bind_<Param, G1, G2> Bind;
typedef Bind type;
typedef typename Bind::result_type result_type;
template <typename Param, typename G1, typename G2>
typename detail::choose_vertex_copier_helper<Param,G1,G2>::result_type
choose_vertex_copier(const Param& params, const G1& g_in, G2& g_out)
typedef typename
detail::choose_vertex_copier_helper<Param,G1,G2>::type Choice;
return Choice::apply(params, g_in, g_out);
} // namespace detail
template <typename VertexListGraph, typename MutableGraph>
void copy_graph(const VertexListGraph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out)
if (num_vertices(g_in) == 0)
typedef typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
std::vector<vertex_t> orig2copy(num_vertices(g_in));
typedef typename detail::choose_graph_copy<VertexListGraph>::type
(g_in, g_out,
detail::make_vertex_copier(g_in, g_out),
detail::make_edge_copier(g_in, g_out),
get(vertex_index, g_in), orig2copy[0]),
get(vertex_index, g_in)
template <typename VertexListGraph, typename MutableGraph,
class P, class T, class R>
void copy_graph(const VertexListGraph& g_in, MutableGraph& g_out,
const bgl_named_params<P, T, R>& params)
typename std::vector<T>::size_type n;
n = is_default_param(get_param(params, orig_to_copy_t()))
? num_vertices(g_in) : 1;
if (n == 0)
std::vector<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor>
typedef typename detail::choose_graph_copy<VertexListGraph>::type
(g_in, g_out,
detail::choose_vertex_copier(get_param(params, vertex_copy_t()),
g_in, g_out),
detail::choose_edge_copier(get_param(params, edge_copy_t()),
g_in, g_out),
choose_param(get_param(params, orig_to_copy_t()),
choose_const_pmap(get_param(params, vertex_index),
g_in, vertex_index), orig2copy[0])),
choose_const_pmap(get_param(params, vertex_index), g_in, vertex_index)
namespace detail {
template <class NewGraph, class Copy2OrigIndexMap,
class CopyVertex, class CopyEdge>
struct graph_copy_visitor : public bfs_visitor<>
graph_copy_visitor(NewGraph& graph, Copy2OrigIndexMap c,
CopyVertex cv, CopyEdge ce)
: g_out(graph), orig2copy(c), copy_vertex(cv), copy_edge(ce) { }
template <class Vertex, class Graph>
typename graph_traits<NewGraph>::vertex_descriptor copy_one_vertex(Vertex u) const {
typename graph_traits<NewGraph>::vertex_descriptor
new_u = add_vertex(g_out);
put(orig2copy, u, new_u);
copy_vertex(u, new_u);
return new_u;
template <class Edge, class Graph>
void tree_edge(Edge e, const Graph& g_in) const {
// For a tree edge, the target vertex has not been copied yet.
typename graph_traits<NewGraph>::edge_descriptor new_e;
bool inserted;
boost::tie(new_e, inserted) = add_edge(get(orig2copy, source(e, g_in)),
this->copy_one_vertex(target(e, g_in)),
copy_edge(e, new_e);
template <class Edge, class Graph>
void non_tree_edge(Edge e, const Graph& g_in) const {
// For a non-tree edge, the target vertex has already been copied.
typename graph_traits<NewGraph>::edge_descriptor new_e;
bool inserted;
boost::tie(new_e, inserted) = add_edge(get(orig2copy, source(e, g_in)),
get(orig2copy, target(e, g_in)),
copy_edge(e, new_e);
NewGraph& g_out;
Copy2OrigIndexMap orig2copy;
CopyVertex copy_vertex;
CopyEdge copy_edge;
template <typename Graph, typename MutableGraph,
typename CopyVertex, typename CopyEdge,
typename Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap, typename Params>
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
(const Graph& g_in,
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor src,
MutableGraph& g_out,
CopyVertex copy_vertex, CopyEdge copy_edge,
Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap orig2copy,
const Params& params)
graph_copy_visitor<MutableGraph, Orig2CopyVertexIndexMap,
CopyVertex, CopyEdge> vis(g_out, orig2copy, copy_vertex, copy_edge);
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor src_copy
= vis.copy_one_vertex(src);
breadth_first_search(g_in, src, params.visitor(vis));
return src_copy;
} // namespace detail
// Copy all the vertices and edges of graph g_in that are reachable
// from the source vertex into graph g_out. Return the vertex
// in g_out that matches the source vertex of g_in.
template <typename IncidenceGraph, typename MutableGraph,
typename P, typename T, typename R>
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
copy_component(IncidenceGraph& g_in,
typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor src,
MutableGraph& g_out,
const bgl_named_params<P, T, R>& params)
typename std::vector<T>::size_type n;
n = is_default_param(get_param(params, orig_to_copy_t()))
? num_vertices(g_in) : 1;
std::vector<typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor>
return detail::copy_component_impl
(g_in, src, g_out,
detail::choose_vertex_copier(get_param(params, vertex_copy_t()),
g_in, g_out),
detail::choose_edge_copier(get_param(params, edge_copy_t()),
g_in, g_out),
choose_param(get_param(params, orig_to_copy_t()),
choose_pmap(get_param(params, vertex_index),
g_in, vertex_index), orig2copy[0])),
template <typename IncidenceGraph, typename MutableGraph>
typename graph_traits<MutableGraph>::vertex_descriptor
copy_component(IncidenceGraph& g_in,
typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor src,
MutableGraph& g_out)
std::vector<typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor>
return detail::copy_component_impl
(g_in, src, g_out,
make_vertex_copier(g_in, g_out),
make_edge_copier(g_in, g_out),
get(vertex_index, g_in), orig2copy[0]),
bgl_named_params<char,char>('x') // dummy param object
} // namespace boost