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module TTImp.ProcessDef
-- import Core.CaseBuilder
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Value
import Core.UnifyState
import TTImp.Elab
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.TTImp
-- Given a type checked LHS and its type, return the environment in which we
-- should check the RHS, the LHS and its type in that environment,
-- and a function which turns a checked RHS into a
-- pattern clause
extendEnv : Env Term vars ->
Term vars -> Term vars ->
Core (vars' ** (Env Term vars', Term vars', Term vars'))
extendEnv env (Bind _ n (PVar c tmty) sc) (Bind _ n' (PVTy _ _) tysc) with (nameEq n n')
extendEnv env (Bind _ n (PVar c tmty) sc) (Bind _ n' (PVTy _ _) tysc) | Nothing
= throw (InternalError "Can't happen: names don't match in pattern type")
extendEnv env (Bind _ n (PVar c tmty) sc) (Bind _ n (PVTy _ _) tysc) | (Just Refl)
= extendEnv (PVar c tmty :: env) sc tysc
extendEnv env tm ty
= pure (_ ** (env, tm, ty))
-- Find names which are applied to a function in a Rig1/Rig0 position,
-- so that we know how they should be bound on the right hand side of the
-- pattern.
-- 'bound' counts the number of variables locally bound; these are the
-- only ones we're checking linearity of (we may be shadowing names if this
-- is a local definition, so we need to leave the earlier ones alone)
findLinear : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Bool -> Nat -> RigCount -> Term vars ->
Core (List (Name, RigCount))
findLinear top bound rig (Bind fc n b sc)
= findLinear top (S bound) rig sc
findLinear top bound rig tm
= case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ _ n, []) => pure []
(Ref _ nt n, argsi)
=> do let args = map snd argsi
defs <- get Ctxt
Just nty <- lookupTyExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure []
findLinArg (accessible nt rig) !(nf defs [] nty) args
_ => pure []
accessible : NameType -> RigCount -> RigCount
accessible Func r = if top then r else Rig0
accessible _ r = r
findLinArg : RigCount -> NF [] -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (List (Name, RigCount))
findLinArg rig (NBind _ x (Pi c _ _) sc) (Local {name=a} fc _ idx prf :: as)
= if idx < bound
then do sc' <- sc (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Ref fc Bound x))
pure $ (a, rigMult c rig) ::
!(findLinArg rig sc' as)
else do sc' <- sc (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Ref fc Bound x))
findLinArg rig sc' as
findLinArg rig (NBind fc x (Pi c _ _) sc) (a :: as)
= pure $ !(findLinear False bound (rigMult c rig) a) ++
!(findLinArg rig !(sc (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Ref fc Bound x))) as)
findLinArg rig ty (a :: as)
= pure $ !(findLinear False bound rig a) ++ !(findLinArg rig ty as)
findLinArg _ _ [] = pure []
setLinear : List (Name, RigCount) -> Term vars -> Term vars
setLinear vs (Bind fc x (PVar c ty) sc)
= case lookup x vs of
Just c' => Bind fc x (PVar c' ty) (setLinear vs sc)
_ => Bind fc x (PVar c ty) (setLinear vs sc)
setLinear vs (Bind fc x (PVTy c ty) sc)
= case lookup x vs of
Just c' => Bind fc x (PVTy c' ty) (setLinear vs sc)
_ => Bind fc x (PVTy c ty) (setLinear vs sc)
setLinear vs tm = tm
-- Combining multiplicities on LHS:
-- Rig1 + Rig1/W not valid, since it means we have repeated use of name
-- Rig0 + RigW = RigW
-- Rig0 + Rig1 = Rig1
combineLinear : FC -> List (Name, RigCount) ->
Core (List (Name, RigCount))
combineLinear loc [] = pure []
combineLinear loc ((n, count) :: cs)
= case lookupAll n cs of
[] => pure $ (n, count) :: !(combineLinear loc cs)
counts => do count' <- combineAll count counts
pure $ (n, count') ::
!(combineLinear loc (filter notN cs))
notN : (Name, RigCount) -> Bool
notN (n', _) = n /= n'
lookupAll : Name -> List (Name, RigCount) -> List RigCount
lookupAll n [] = []
lookupAll n ((n', c) :: cs)
= if n == n' then c :: lookupAll n cs else lookupAll n cs
combine : RigCount -> RigCount -> Core RigCount
combine Rig1 Rig1 = throw (LinearUsed loc 2 n)
combine Rig1 RigW = throw (LinearUsed loc 2 n)
combine RigW Rig1 = throw (LinearUsed loc 2 n)
combine RigW RigW = pure RigW
combine Rig0 c = pure c
combine c Rig0 = pure c
combineAll : RigCount -> List RigCount -> Core RigCount
combineAll c [] = pure c
combineAll c (c' :: cs)
= do newc <- combine c c'
combineAll newc cs
-- Check a pattern clause, returning the component of the 'Case' expression it
-- represents, or Nothing if it's an impossible clause
checkClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
(mult : RigCount) -> (hashit : Bool) ->
Name -> Env Term vars ->
ImpClause -> Core (Maybe Clause)
checkClause mult hashit n env (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
= throw (InternalError "impossible not implemented yet")
checkClause mult hashit n env (PatClause fc lhs_in rhs)
= do lhs <- lhsInCurrentNS lhs_in
(lhstm, lhstyg) <- elabTerm n (InLHS mult) env
(IBindHere fc PATTERN lhs) Nothing
lhsty <- getTerm lhstyg
-- Normalise the LHS to get any functions or let bindings evaluated
-- (this might be allowed, e.g. for 'fromInteger')
defs <- get Ctxt
lhstm <- normalise defs (noLet env) lhstm
lhsty <- normaliseHoles defs env lhsty
linvars_in <- findLinear True 0 Rig1 lhstm
log 5 $ "Linearity of names in " ++ show n ++ ": " ++
show linvars_in
linvars <- combineLinear fc linvars_in
let lhstm_lin = setLinear linvars lhstm
let lhsty_lin = setLinear linvars lhsty
logTermNF 0 "LHS term" env lhstm_lin
logTermNF 0 "LHS type" env lhsty_lin
(vars' ** (env', lhstm', lhsty')) <-
extendEnv env lhstm_lin lhsty_lin
defs <- get Ctxt
rhstm <- checkTerm n InExpr env' rhs (gnf defs env' lhsty')
logTermNF 0 "RHS term" env' rhstm
pure (Just (MkClause env' lhstm' rhstm))
noLet : Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
noLet [] = []
noLet (Let c v t :: env) = Lam c Explicit t :: noLet env
noLet (b :: env) = b :: noLet env
processDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Env Term vars -> FC ->
Name -> List ImpClause -> Core ()
processDef {vars} env fc n_in cs_in
= do n <- inCurrentNS n_in
defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (NoDeclaration fc n)
let None = definition gdef
| _ => throw (AlreadyDefined fc n)
let ty = type gdef
let hashit = visibility gdef == Public
let mult = if multiplicity gdef == Rig0
then Rig0
else Rig1
cs <- traverse (checkClause mult hashit n env) cs_in
-- t <- getCaseTree env ty (mapMaybe id cs)
-- let def = abstractEnv fc env t
-- addDef n (record { definition = Fn def } gdef)
-- pure ()