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2019-06-13 15:23:21 +03:00
module Builtin
-- The most primitive data types; things which are used by desugaring
-- Totality assertions
public export
assert_total : {0 a : _} -> a -> a
assert_total x = x
public export
assert_smaller : {0 a, b : _} -> (x : a) -> (y : b) -> b
assert_smaller x y = y
-- Unit type and pairs
public export
data Unit = MkUnit
public export
data Pair : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkPair : {0 a, b : Type} -> (1 x : a) -> (1 y : b) -> Pair a b
public export
fst : {0 a, b : Type} -> (a, b) -> a
fst (x, y) = x
public export
snd : {0 a, b : Type} -> (a, b) -> b
snd (x, y) = y
-- This directive tells auto implicit search what to use to look inside pairs
%pair Pair fst snd
namespace DPair
public export
data DPair : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type where
MkDPair : {0 a : Type} -> {0 p : a -> Type} ->
(1 x : a) -> (1 y : p x)-> DPair a p
public export
fst : DPair a p -> a
fst (MkDPair x y) = x
public export
snd : (x : DPair a p) -> p (fst x)
snd (MkDPair x y) = y
-- The empty type
public export
data Void : Type where
-- Equality
public export
data Equal : forall a, b . a -> b -> Type where
Refl : {0 x : a} -> Equal x x
%name Equal prf
public export
rewrite__impl : {0 x, y : a} -> (0 p : _) ->
(0 rule : x = y) -> (1 val : p y) -> p x
rewrite__impl p Refl prf = prf
%rewrite Equal rewrite__impl
public export
replace : forall x, y, p . (0 rule : x = y) -> p x -> p y
replace Refl prf = prf
public export
sym : (0 rule : x = y) -> y = x
sym Refl = Refl
public export
trans : forall a, b, c . (0 l : a = b) -> (0 r : b = c) -> a = c
trans Refl Refl = Refl
public export
believe_me : a -> b
believe_me = prim__believe_me _ _