Remove chicken back end

(Which was commented out anyway)
Three scheme back ends is enough to maintain, and Gambit does the same
job as chicken (fast startup of the interpreter, generating via C) but
seems to deal with the code Idris generates better.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-05-09 13:57:27 +01:00
parent e14f8e1ac9
commit 15c6a0d137
8 changed files with 0 additions and 267 deletions

View File

@ -141,11 +141,9 @@ install-fromc: all-fromc install-all
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/chez
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/chicken
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/racket
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/gambit
install support/chez/* ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/chez
install support/chicken/* ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/chicken
install support/racket/* ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/racket
install support/gambit/* ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/gambit

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ modules =
-- Compiler.Scheme.Chicken,

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
module Compiler.Scheme.Chicken
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.Scheme.Common
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Name
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Utils.Hex
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Vect
import System
import System.Info
%default covering
findCSI : IO String
findCSI =
do env <- getEnv "CHICKEN_CSI"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S csi" env
findCSC : IO String
findCSC =
do env <- getEnv "CHICKEN_CSC"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S csc" env
schHeader : List String -> String
schHeader ds
= "(use numbers)\n" ++ unlines ds ++ "\n" ++
"(let ()\n"
schFooter : String
schFooter = ")"
showChickenChar : Char -> String -> String
showChickenChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
showChickenChar c
= if c < chr 32 || c > chr 126
then (("\\u" ++ pad (asHex (cast c))) ++)
else strCons c
pad : String -> String
pad str
= case isLTE (length str) 4 of
Yes _ => cast (List.replicate (4 - length str) '0') ++ str
No _ => str
showChickenString : List Char -> String -> String
showChickenString [] = id
showChickenString ('"'::cs) = ("\\\"" ++) . showChickenString cs
showChickenString (c ::cs) = (showChickenChar c) . showChickenString cs
chickenString : String -> String
chickenString cs = strCons '"' (showChickenString (unpack cs) "\"")
chickenPrim : Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CExp vars) -> Core String
chickenPrim i vs CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile C FFI calls to Chicken Scheme yet"))
chickenPrim i vs SysCodegen []
= pure $ "\"chicken\""
chickenPrim i vs prim args
= schExtCommon chickenPrim chickenString i vs prim args
compileToSCM : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToSCM c tm outfile
= do ds <- getDirectives Chicken
(ns, tags) <- findUsedNames tm
defs <- get Ctxt
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme chickenPrim chickenString defs) ns
let code = concat compdefs
main <- schExp chickenPrim chickenString 0 [] !(compileExp tags tm)
support <- readDataFile "chicken/support.scm"
let scm = schHeader ds ++ support ++ code ++ main ++ schFooter
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift $ chmod outfile 0o755
pure ()
compileExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr c execDir tm outfile
= do tmp <- coreLift $ tmpName
let outn = tmp ++ ".scm"
compileToSCM c tm outn
csc <- coreLift findCSC
ok <- coreLift $ system (csc ++ " " ++ outn ++ " -o " ++ outfile)
if ok == 0
then pure (Just outfile)
else pure Nothing
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
executeExpr c execDir tm
= do tmp <- coreLift $ tmpName
let outn = tmp ++ ".scm"
compileToSCM c tm outn
csi <- coreLift findCSI
coreLift $ system (csi ++ " -s " ++ outn)
pure ()
codegenChicken : Codegen
codegenChicken = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr

View File

@ -33,14 +33,12 @@ toString (MkDirs wdir sdir bdir edir dfix edirs ldirs ddirs) =
public export
data CG = Chez
| Chicken
| Racket
| Gambit
Eq CG where
Chez == Chez = True
Chicken == Chicken = True
Racket == Racket = True
Gambit == Gambit = True
_ == _ = False
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ export
availableCGs : List (String, CG)
= [("chez", Chez),
("chicken", Chicken),
("racket", Racket),
("gambit", Gambit)]

View File

@ -716,14 +716,12 @@ TTC CDef where
TTC CG where
toBuf b Chez = tag 0
toBuf b Chicken = tag 1
toBuf b Racket = tag 2
toBuf b Gambit = tag 3
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure Chez
1 => pure Chicken
2 => pure Racket
3 => pure Gambit
_ => corrupt "CG"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.REPL
import Compiler.Scheme.Chez
-- import Compiler.Scheme.Chicken
import Compiler.Scheme.Racket
import Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.Common

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Idris.REPL
import Compiler.Scheme.Chez
-- import Compiler.Scheme.Chicken
import Compiler.Scheme.Racket
import Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.Common
@ -242,8 +241,6 @@ findCG
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case codegen (session (options defs)) of
Chez => pure codegenChez
Chicken => throw (InternalError "Chicken CG not available")
-- pure codegenChicken
Racket => pure codegenRacket
Gambit => pure codegenGambit

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
(define blodwen-read-args (lambda (desc)
(case (vector-ref desc 0)
((0) '())
((1) (cons (vector-ref desc 2)
(blodwen-read-args (vector-ref desc 3)))))))
(define b+ (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (+ x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b- (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (- x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b* (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (* x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b/ (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (exact-floor (/ x y)) (expt 2 bits))))
(define blodwen-shl (lambda (x y) (arithmetic-shift x y)))
(define blodwen-shr (lambda (x y) (arithmetic-shift x (- y))))
(define blodwen-and (lambda (x y) (bitwise-and x y)))
(define blodwen-or (lambda (x y) (bitwise-or x y)))
(define blodwen-xor (lambda (x y) (bitwise-xor x y)))
(define cast-num
(lambda (x)
(if (number? x) x 0)))
(define destroy-prefix
(lambda (x)
((equal? x "") "")
((equal? (string-ref x 0) #\#) "")
(else x))))
(define cast-string-int
(lambda (x)
(floor (cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x))))))
(define exact-floor
(lambda (x)
(inexact->exact (floor x))))
(define cast-string-double
(lambda (x)
(cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x)))))
(define string-cons (lambda (x y) (string-append (string x) y)))
(define get-tag (lambda (x) (vector-ref x 0)))
(define string-reverse (lambda (x)
(list->string (reverse (string->list x)))))
(define (string-substr off len s)
(let* ((l (string-length s))
(b (max 0 off))
(x (max 0 len))
(end (min l (+ b x))))
(substring s b end)))
(define either-left
(lambda (x)
(vector 0 #f #f x)))
(define either-right
(lambda (x)
(vector 1 #f #f x)))
(define blodwen-error-quit
(lambda (msg)
(display msg)
(exit 1)))
;; Files: Much of the following adapted from idris-chez, thanks to Niklas
;; Larsson
;; All the file operations are implemented as primitives which return
;; Either Int x, where the Int is an error code
;; If the file operation raises an error, catch it and return an appropriate
;; error code
(define (blodwen-file-op op)
(handle-exceptions exn
(begin (either-left 255)) ; TODO: Calculate proper code!
(either-right (op))))
(define (blodwen-get-n n p)
(if (input-port? p) (get-string-n p n) ""))
(define (blodwen-putstring p s)
(if (output-port? p) (put-string p s) void)
(define (blodwen-open file mode bin)
((string=? mode "r") (open-input-file file))
((string=? mode "w") (open-output-file file))
(else (abort "I haven't worked that one out yet, sorry..."))))
(define (blodwen-close-port p)
((input-port? p) (close-input-port p))
((output-port? p) (close-output-port p))))
(define (blodwen-get-line p)
(if (port? p)
(let ((str (read-line p)))
(if (eof-object? str)
(define (blodwen-get-char p)
(if (port? p)
(let ((chr (read-char p)))
(if (eof-object? chr)
(define (blodwen-eof p)
(if (eof-object? (peek-char p))
;; Threads
(define (blodwen-thread p)
(thread-start! (make-thread (lambda () (p (vector 0))))))
(define (blodwen-set-thread-data p)
(thread-specific-set! (current-thread) p))
(define (blodwen-get-thread-data)
(thread-specific (current-thread)))
(define (blodwen-mutex) (make-mutex))
(define (blodwen-lock m) (mutex-lock! m))
(define (blodwen-unlock m) (mutex-unlock! m))
(define (blodwen-thisthread) (current-thread))
(define (blodwen-condition) (make-condition-variable))
(define (blodwen-condition-wait c m)
(mutex-unlock! m c)
(mutex-lock! m)) ;; lock again, for consistency with other CGs
(define (blodwen-condition-wait-timeout c m t) (mutex-unlock! m c t))
(define (blodwen-condition-signal c) (condition-variable-signal! c))
(define (blodwen-condition-broadcast c) (condition-variable-broadcast! c))
(define (blodwen-sleep s) (sleep s))
(define (blodwen-args)
(define (blodwen-build-args args)
(if (null? args)
(vector 0 '())
(vector 1 '() (car args) (blodwen-build-args (cdr args)))))
(blodwen-build-args (argv)))