parenthesize delayed types/terms in errors

This commit is contained in:
Alex Gryzlov 2019-10-08 00:12:31 +03:00
parent 85459814ef
commit 1ac7e08ad3

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@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ OpStr = Name
-- The full high level source language
-- This gets desugared to RawImp (TTImp.TTImp), then elaborated to
-- This gets desugared to RawImp (TTImp.TTImp), then elaborated to
-- Term (Core.TT)
public export
data PTerm : Type where
-- Direct (more or less) translations to RawImp
PRef : FC -> Name -> PTerm
PPi : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
PPi : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : PTerm) -> (retTy : PTerm) -> PTerm
PLam : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo -> PTerm ->
(argTy : PTerm) -> (scope : PTerm) -> PTerm
PLet : FC -> RigCount -> (pat : PTerm) ->
(nTy : PTerm) -> (nVal : PTerm) -> (scope : PTerm) ->
PLet : FC -> RigCount -> (pat : PTerm) ->
(nTy : PTerm) -> (nVal : PTerm) -> (scope : PTerm) ->
(alts : List PClause) -> PTerm
PCase : FC -> PTerm -> List PClause -> PTerm
PLocal : FC -> List PDecl -> (scope : PTerm) -> PTerm
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ mutual
PBracketed : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
-- Syntactic sugar
PDoBlock : FC -> List PDo -> PTerm
PList : FC -> List PTerm -> PTerm
PPair : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ mutual
-- A stream range [x,y..]
PRangeStream : FC -> PTerm -> Maybe PTerm -> PTerm
-- TODO: Ranges, idiom brackets (?),
-- TODO: Ranges, idiom brackets (?),
-- 'with' disambiguation
public export
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ mutual
public export
data PClause : Type where
MkPatClause : FC -> (lhs : PTerm) -> (rhs : PTerm) ->
MkPatClause : FC -> (lhs : PTerm) -> (rhs : PTerm) ->
(whereblock : List PDecl) -> PClause
MkWithClause : FC -> (lhs : PTerm) -> (wval : PTerm) ->
MkWithClause : FC -> (lhs : PTerm) -> (wval : PTerm) ->
List PClause -> PClause
MkImpossible : FC -> (lhs : PTerm) -> PClause
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ mutual
public export
data PField : Type where
MkField : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo -> Name -> (ty : PTerm) -> PField
-- For noting the pass we're in when desugaring a mutual block
-- TODO: Decide whether we want mutual blocks!
public export
@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ mutual
PData : FC -> Visibility -> PDataDecl -> PDecl
PParameters : FC -> List (Name, PTerm) -> List PDecl -> PDecl
PReflect : FC -> PTerm -> PDecl
PInterface : FC ->
Visibility ->
PInterface : FC ->
Visibility ->
(constraints : List (Maybe Name, PTerm)) ->
Name ->
(params : List (Name, PTerm)) ->
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ mutual
Maybe (List PDecl) ->
PRecord : FC ->
Visibility ->
Visibility ->
Name ->
(params : List (Name, PTerm)) ->
(conName : Maybe Name) ->
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ showCount : RigCount -> String
showCount Rig0 = "0 "
showCount Rig1 = "1 "
showCount RigW = ""
showAlt : PClause -> String
showAlt (MkPatClause _ lhs rhs _) = " | " ++ show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs ++ ";"
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ mutual
showDo : PDo -> String
showDo (DoExp _ tm) = show tm
showDo (DoBind _ n tm) = show n ++ " <- " ++ show tm
showDo (DoBindPat _ l tm alts)
showDo (DoBindPat _ l tm alts)
= show l ++ " <- " ++ show tm ++ concatMap showAlt alts
showDo (DoLet _ l rig tm) = "let " ++ show l ++ " = " ++ show tm
showDo (DoLetPat _ l tm alts)
showDo (DoLetPat _ l tm alts)
= "let " ++ show l ++ " = " ++ show tm ++ concatMap showAlt alts
showDo (DoLetLocal _ ds)
-- We'll never see this when displaying a normal form...
@ -330,95 +330,95 @@ mutual
Show PTerm where
show (PRef _ n) = show n
show (PPi _ rig Explicit Nothing arg ret)
= show arg ++ " -> " ++ show ret
show (PPi _ rig Explicit (Just n) arg ret)
= "(" ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " : " ++ show arg ++ ") -> " ++ show ret
show (PPi _ rig Implicit Nothing arg ret) -- shouldn't happen
= "{" ++ showCount rig ++ "_ : " ++ show arg ++ "} -> " ++ show ret
show (PPi _ rig Implicit (Just n) arg ret)
= "{" ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " : " ++ show arg ++ "} -> " ++ show ret
show (PPi _ RigW AutoImplicit Nothing arg ret)
= show arg ++ " => " ++ show ret
show (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit Nothing arg ret) -- shouldn't happen
= "{auto " ++ showCount rig ++ "_ : " ++ show arg ++ "} -> " ++ show ret
show (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit (Just n) arg ret)
= "{auto " ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " : " ++ show arg ++ "} -> " ++ show ret
show (PLam _ rig _ n (PImplicit _) sc)
= "\\" ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " => " ++ show sc
show (PLam _ rig _ n ty sc)
= "\\" ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " : " ++ show ty ++ " => " ++ show sc
show (PLet _ rig n (PImplicit _) val sc alts)
= "let " ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
show (PLet _ rig n ty val sc alts)
= "let " ++ showCount rig ++ show n ++ " : " ++ show ty ++ " = "
++ show val ++ concatMap showAlt alts ++
" in " ++ show sc
showPrec d (PRef _ n) = showPrec d n
showPrec d (PPi _ rig Explicit Nothing arg ret)
= showPrec d arg ++ " -> " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PPi _ rig Explicit (Just n) arg ret)
= "(" ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " : " ++ showPrec d arg ++ ") -> " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PPi _ rig Implicit Nothing arg ret) -- shouldn't happen
= "{" ++ showCount rig ++ "_ : " ++ showPrec d arg ++ "} -> " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PPi _ rig Implicit (Just n) arg ret)
= "{" ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " : " ++ showPrec d arg ++ "} -> " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PPi _ RigW AutoImplicit Nothing arg ret)
= showPrec d arg ++ " => " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit Nothing arg ret) -- shouldn't happen
= "{auto " ++ showCount rig ++ "_ : " ++ showPrec d arg ++ "} -> " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit (Just n) arg ret)
= "{auto " ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " : " ++ showPrec d arg ++ "} -> " ++ showPrec d ret
showPrec d (PLam _ rig _ n (PImplicit _) sc)
= "\\" ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " => " ++ showPrec d sc
showPrec d (PLam _ rig _ n ty sc)
= "\\" ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " : " ++ showPrec d ty ++ " => " ++ showPrec d sc
showPrec d (PLet _ rig n (PImplicit _) val sc alts)
= "let " ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " = " ++ showPrec d val ++ " in " ++ showPrec d sc
showPrec d (PLet _ rig n ty val sc alts)
= "let " ++ showCount rig ++ showPrec d n ++ " : " ++ showPrec d ty ++ " = "
++ showPrec d val ++ concatMap showAlt alts ++
" in " ++ showPrec d sc
showAlt : PClause -> String
showAlt (MkPatClause _ lhs rhs _) = " | " ++ show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs ++ ";"
showAlt (MkWithClause _ lhs rhs _) = " | <<with alts not possible>>"
showAlt (MkImpossible _ lhs) = " | " ++ show lhs ++ " impossible;"
show (PCase _ tm cs)
= "case " ++ show tm ++ " of { " ++
showPrec _ (PCase _ tm cs)
= "case " ++ show tm ++ " of { " ++
showSep " ; " (map showCase cs) ++ " }"
showCase : PClause -> String
showCase (MkPatClause _ lhs rhs _) = show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs
showCase (MkWithClause _ lhs rhs _) = " | <<with alts not possible>>"
showCase (MkImpossible _ lhs) = show lhs ++ " impossible"
show (PLocal _ ds sc) -- We'll never see this when displaying a normal form...
= "let { << definitions >> } in " ++ show sc
show (PUpdate _ fs)
showPrec d (PLocal _ ds sc) -- We'll never see this when displaying a normal form...
= "let { << definitions >> } in " ++ showPrec d sc
showPrec d (PUpdate _ fs)
= "record { " ++ showSep ", " (map showUpdate fs) ++ " }"
show (PApp _ f a) = show f ++ " " ++ show a
show (PWithApp _ f a) = show f ++ " | " ++ show a
show (PImplicitApp _ f Nothing a)
= show f ++ " @{" ++ show a ++ "}"
show (PDelayed _ LInf ty)
= "Inf " ++ show ty
show (PDelayed _ _ ty)
= "Lazy " ++ show ty
show (PDelay _ tm)
= "Delay " ++ show tm
show (PForce _ tm)
= "Force " ++ show tm
show (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) (PRef _ a))
showPrec d (PApp _ f a) = showPrec App f ++ " " ++ showPrec App a
showPrec d (PWithApp _ f a) = showPrec d f ++ " | " ++ showPrec d a
showPrec d (PImplicitApp _ f Nothing a)
= showPrec d f ++ " @{" ++ showPrec d a ++ "}"
showPrec d (PDelayed _ LInf ty)
= showCon d "Inf" $ showArg ty
showPrec d (PDelayed _ _ ty)
= showCon d "Lazy" $ showArg ty
showPrec d (PDelay _ tm)
= showCon d "Delay" $ showArg tm
showPrec d (PForce _ tm)
= showCon d "Force" $ showArg tm
showPrec d (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) (PRef _ a))
= if n == a
then show f ++ " {" ++ show n ++ "}"
else show f ++ " {" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show a ++ "}"
show (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) a)
= show f ++ " {" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show a ++ "}"
show (PSearch _ d) = "%search"
show (PQuote _ tm) = "`(" ++ show tm ++ ")"
show (PUnquote _ tm) = "~(" ++ show tm ++ ")"
show (PPrimVal _ c) = show c
show (PHole _ _ n) = "?" ++ n
show (PType _) = "Type"
show (PAs _ n p) = show n ++ "@" ++ show p
show (PDotted _ p) = "." ++ show p
show (PImplicit _) = "_"
show (PInfer _) = "?"
show (POp _ op x y) = show x ++ " " ++ show op ++ " " ++ show y
show (PPrefixOp _ op x) = show op ++ show x
show (PSectionL _ op x) = "(" ++ show op ++ " " ++ show x ++ ")"
show (PSectionR _ x op) = "(" ++ show x ++ " " ++ show op ++ ")"
show (PEq fc l r) = show l ++ " = " ++ show r
show (PBracketed _ tm) = "(" ++ show tm ++ ")"
show (PDoBlock _ ds)
then showPrec d f ++ " {" ++ showPrec d n ++ "}"
else showPrec d f ++ " {" ++ showPrec d n ++ " = " ++ showPrec d a ++ "}"
showPrec d (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) a)
= showPrec d f ++ " {" ++ showPrec d n ++ " = " ++ showPrec d a ++ "}"
showPrec _ (PSearch _ _) = "%search"
showPrec d (PQuote _ tm) = "`(" ++ showPrec d tm ++ ")"
showPrec d (PUnquote _ tm) = "~(" ++ showPrec d tm ++ ")"
showPrec d (PPrimVal _ c) = showPrec d c
showPrec _ (PHole _ _ n) = "?" ++ n
showPrec _ (PType _) = "Type"
showPrec d (PAs _ n p) = showPrec d n ++ "@" ++ showPrec d p
showPrec d (PDotted _ p) = "." ++ showPrec d p
showPrec _ (PImplicit _) = "_"
showPrec _ (PInfer _) = "?"
showPrec d (POp _ op x y) = showPrec d x ++ " " ++ showPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPrec d y
showPrec d (PPrefixOp _ op x) = showPrec d op ++ showPrec d x
showPrec d (PSectionL _ op x) = "(" ++ showPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPrec d x ++ ")"
showPrec d (PSectionR _ x op) = "(" ++ showPrec d x ++ " " ++ showPrec d op ++ ")"
showPrec d (PEq fc l r) = showPrec d l ++ " = " ++ showPrec d r
showPrec d (PBracketed _ tm) = "(" ++ showPrec d tm ++ ")"
showPrec d (PDoBlock _ ds)
= "do " ++ showSep " ; " (map showDo ds)
show (PList _ xs)
= "[" ++ showSep ", " (map show xs) ++ "]"
show (PPair _ l r) = "(" ++ show l ++ ", " ++ show r ++ ")"
show (PDPair _ l (PImplicit _) r) = "(" ++ show l ++ " ** " ++ show r ++ ")"
show (PDPair _ l ty r) = "(" ++ show l ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" ** " ++ show r ++ ")"
show (PUnit _) = "()"
show (PIfThenElse _ x t e) = "if " ++ show x ++ " then " ++ show t ++
" else " ++ show e
show (PComprehension _ ret es)
= "[" ++ show (dePure ret) ++ " | " ++
showPrec d (PList _ xs)
= "[" ++ showSep ", " (map (showPrec d) xs) ++ "]"
showPrec d (PPair _ l r) = "(" ++ showPrec d l ++ ", " ++ showPrec d r ++ ")"
showPrec d (PDPair _ l (PImplicit _) r) = "(" ++ showPrec d l ++ " ** " ++ showPrec d r ++ ")"
showPrec d (PDPair _ l ty r) = "(" ++ showPrec d l ++ " : " ++ showPrec d ty ++
" ** " ++ showPrec d r ++ ")"
showPrec _ (PUnit _) = "()"
showPrec d (PIfThenElse _ x t e) = "if " ++ showPrec d x ++ " then " ++ showPrec d t ++
" else " ++ showPrec d e
showPrec d (PComprehension _ ret es)
= "[" ++ showPrec d (dePure ret) ++ " | " ++
showSep ", " (map (showDo . deGuard) es) ++ "]"
dePure : PTerm -> PTerm
@ -430,16 +430,16 @@ mutual
deGuard tm@(DoExp fc (PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg))
= if dropNS n == UN "guard" then DoExp fc arg else tm
deGuard tm = tm
show (PRewrite _ rule tm)
= "rewrite " ++ show rule ++ " in " ++ show tm
show (PRange _ start Nothing end)
= "[" ++ show start ++ " .. " ++ show end ++ "]"
show (PRange _ start (Just next) end)
= "[" ++ show start ++ ", " ++ show next ++ " .. " ++ show end ++ "]"
show (PRangeStream _ start Nothing)
= "[" ++ show start ++ " .. ]"
show (PRangeStream _ start (Just next))
= "[" ++ show start ++ ", " ++ show next ++ " .. ]"
showPrec d (PRewrite _ rule tm)
= "rewrite " ++ showPrec d rule ++ " in " ++ showPrec d tm
showPrec d (PRange _ start Nothing end)
= "[" ++ showPrec d start ++ " .. " ++ showPrec d end ++ "]"
showPrec d (PRange _ start (Just next) end)
= "[" ++ showPrec d start ++ ", " ++ showPrec d next ++ " .. " ++ showPrec d end ++ "]"
showPrec d (PRangeStream _ start Nothing)
= "[" ++ showPrec d start ++ " .. ]"
showPrec d (PRangeStream _ start (Just next))
= "[" ++ showPrec d start ++ ", " ++ showPrec d next ++ " .. ]"
public export
record IFaceInfo where
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ record IFaceInfo where
iconstructor : Name
params : List Name
parents : List RawImp
methods : List (Name, RigCount, Bool, RawImp)
methods : List (Name, RigCount, Bool, RawImp)
-- ^ name, whether a data method, and desugared type (without constraint)
defaults : List (Name, List ImpClause)
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ TTC Fixity where
toBuf b Infix = tag 2
toBuf b Prefix = tag 3
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure InfixL
1 => pure InfixR
@ -499,20 +499,20 @@ TTC Fixity where
TTC SyntaxInfo where
toBuf b syn
toBuf b syn
= do toBuf b (toList (infixes syn))
toBuf b (toList (prefixes syn))
toBuf b (toList (ifaces syn))
toBuf b (bracketholes syn)
toBuf b (startExpr syn)
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= do inf <- fromBuf b
pre <- fromBuf b
ifs <- fromBuf b
bhs <- fromBuf b
start <- fromBuf b
pure (MkSyntax (fromList inf) (fromList pre) (fromList ifs)
pure (MkSyntax (fromList inf) (fromList pre) (fromList ifs)
bhs start)
HasNames IFaceInfo where
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ HasNames a => HasNames (ANameMap a) where
insertAll : ANameMap a -> List (Name, a) -> Core (ANameMap a)
insertAll ms [] = pure ms
insertAll ms ((k, v) :: ns)
= insertAll (addName !(full gam k) !(full gam v) ms) ns
= insertAll (addName !(full gam k) !(full gam v) ms) ns
resolved gam nmap
= insertAll empty (toList nmap)
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ HasNames a => HasNames (ANameMap a) where
insertAll : ANameMap a -> List (Name, a) -> Core (ANameMap a)
insertAll ms [] = pure ms
insertAll ms ((k, v) :: ns)
= insertAll (addName !(resolved gam k) !(resolved gam v) ms) ns
= insertAll (addName !(resolved gam k) !(resolved gam v) ms) ns
HasNames SyntaxInfo where
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ HasNames SyntaxInfo where
initSyntax : SyntaxInfo
= MkSyntax (insert "=" (Infix, 0) empty)
= MkSyntax (insert "=" (Infix, 0) empty)
(insert "-" 10 empty)