Add ! notation

In a small change from Idris 1, this lifts to the nearest binder or
block, so doesn't lift past an explicit "do" in particular. Blocks are:
- case branches
- if branches
- scope of local function definitions, or any binder
- do blocks
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-01-26 16:52:25 +00:00
parent 9cd040fcb4
commit 1da3af5b2a
9 changed files with 208 additions and 104 deletions

View File

@ -99,90 +99,107 @@ toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opn arg)
pure (Op fc opn (Prefix prec) :: rtoks)
toTokList t = pure [Expr t]
record BangData where
constructor MkBangData
nextName : Int
bangNames : List (Name, FC, RawImp)
initBangs : BangData
initBangs = MkBangData 0 []
bindBangs : List (Name, FC, RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindBangs [] tm = tm
bindBangs ((n, fc, btm) :: bs) tm
= bindBangs bs $ IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (UN ">>=")) btm)
(ILam fc RigW Explicit (Just n)
(Implicit fc False) tm)
data Bang : Type where
desugar : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
desugarB : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Side -> List Name -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
desugar side ps (PRef fc x) = pure $ IVar fc x
desugar side ps (PPi fc rig p mn argTy retTy)
desugarB side ps (PRef fc x) = pure $ IVar fc x
desugarB side ps (PPi fc rig p mn argTy retTy)
= let ps' = maybe ps (:: ps) mn in
pure $ IPi fc rig p mn !(desugar side ps argTy)
!(desugar side ps' retTy)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(UN _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugar side ps argTy)
pure $ IPi fc rig p mn !(desugarB side ps argTy)
!(desugarB side ps' retTy)
desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(UN _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugarB side ps argTy)
!(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(MN _ _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugar side ps argTy)
desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(MN _ _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugarB side ps argTy)
!(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PImplicit _) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p Nothing !(desugar side ps argTy)
desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p (PImplicit _) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p Nothing !(desugarB side ps argTy)
!(desugar side ps scope)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p pat argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just (MN "lamc" 0)) !(desugar side ps argTy) $
desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p pat argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just (MN "lamc" 0)) !(desugarB side ps argTy) $
ICase fc (IVar fc (MN "lamc" 0)) (Implicit fc False)
[!(desugarClause ps True (MkPatClause fc pat scope []))]
desugar side ps (PLet fc rig (PRef _ n) nTy nVal scope [])
= pure $ ILet fc rig n !(desugar side ps nTy) !(desugar side ps nVal)
desugarB side ps (PLet fc rig (PRef _ n) nTy nVal scope [])
= pure $ ILet fc rig n !(desugarB side ps nTy) !(desugarB side ps nVal)
!(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PLet fc rig pat nTy nVal scope alts)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps nVal) !(desugar side ps nTy)
desugarB side ps (PLet fc rig pat nTy nVal scope alts)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugarB side ps nVal) !(desugarB side ps nTy)
!(traverse (desugarClause ps True)
(MkPatClause fc pat scope [] :: alts))
desugar side ps (PCase fc x xs)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps x)
desugarB side ps (PCase fc x xs)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugarB side ps x)
(Implicit fc False)
!(traverse (desugarClause ps True) xs)
desugar side ps (PLocal fc xs scope)
desugarB side ps (PLocal fc xs scope)
= pure $ ILocal fc (concat !(traverse (desugarDecl ps) xs))
!(desugar side (definedIn xs ++ ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PApp pfc (PUpdate fc fs) rec)
desugarB side ps (PApp pfc (PUpdate fc fs) rec)
= pure $ IUpdate pfc !(traverse (desugarUpdate side ps) fs)
!(desugar side ps rec)
desugar side ps (PUpdate fc fs)
= desugar side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "rec" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
!(desugarB side ps rec)
desugarB side ps (PUpdate fc fs)
= desugarB side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "rec" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(PApp fc (PUpdate fc fs) (PRef fc (MN "rec" 0))))
desugar side ps (PApp fc x y)
= pure $ IApp fc !(desugar side ps x) !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PWithApp fc x y)
= pure $ IWithApp fc !(desugar side ps x) !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PImplicitApp fc x argn y)
= pure $ IImplicitApp fc !(desugar side ps x) argn !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PDelayed fc r ty)
= pure $ IDelayed fc r !(desugar side ps ty)
desugar side ps (PDelay fc tm)
= pure $ IDelay fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PForce fc tm)
= pure $ IForce fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PEq fc l r)
= do l' <- desugar side ps l
r' <- desugar side ps r
desugarB side ps (PApp fc x y)
= pure $ IApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) !(desugarB side ps y)
desugarB side ps (PWithApp fc x y)
= pure $ IWithApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) !(desugarB side ps y)
desugarB side ps (PImplicitApp fc x argn y)
= pure $ IImplicitApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) argn !(desugarB side ps y)
desugarB side ps (PDelayed fc r ty)
= pure $ IDelayed fc r !(desugarB side ps ty)
desugarB side ps (PDelay fc tm)
= pure $ IDelay fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PForce fc tm)
= pure $ IForce fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PEq fc l r)
= do l' <- desugarB side ps l
r' <- desugarB side ps r
pure $ IAlternative fc FirstSuccess
[apply (IVar fc (UN "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar fc (UN "~=~")) [l', r']]
desugar side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugar side ps e
desugar side ps (POp fc op l r)
desugarB side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugarB side ps e
desugarB side ps (POp fc op l r)
= do ts <- toTokList (POp fc op l r)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
desugar side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
= do ts <- toTokList (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
desugar side ps (PSectionL fc op arg)
desugarB side ps (PSectionL fc op arg)
= do syn <- get Syn
-- It might actually be a prefix argument rather than a section
-- so check that first, otherwise desugar as a lambda
case lookup (nameRoot op) (prefixes syn) of
Nothing =>
desugar side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
desugarB side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) arg))
Just prec => desugar side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
desugar side ps (PSectionR fc arg op)
= desugar side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
Just prec => desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
desugarB side ps (PSectionR fc arg op)
= desugarB side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc op arg (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))))
desugar side ps (PSearch fc depth) = pure $ ISearch fc depth
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc (BI x))
desugarB side ps (PSearch fc depth) = pure $ ISearch fc depth
desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (BI x))
= case !fromIntegerName of
Nothing =>
pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IPrimVal fc (BI x)))
@ -190,81 +207,89 @@ mutual
IPrimVal fc (I (fromInteger x))]
Just fi => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc fi)
(IPrimVal fc (BI x))
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc (Str x))
desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (Str x))
= case !fromStringName of
Nothing =>
pure $ IPrimVal fc (Str x)
Just f => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc f)
(IPrimVal fc (Str x))
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc (Ch x))
desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (Ch x))
= case !fromCharName of
Nothing =>
pure $ IPrimVal fc (Ch x)
Just f => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc f)
(IPrimVal fc (Ch x))
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc x) = pure $ IPrimVal fc x
desugar side ps (PQuote fc tm)
= pure $ IQuote fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PQuoteDecl fc x)
desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc x) = pure $ IPrimVal fc x
desugarB side ps (PQuote fc tm)
= pure $ IQuote fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PQuoteDecl fc x)
= do [x'] <- desugarDecl ps x
| _ => throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't quote this declaration")
pure $ IQuoteDecl fc x'
desugar side ps (PUnquote fc tm)
= pure $ IUnquote fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PRunElab fc tm)
= pure $ IRunElab fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PHole fc br holename)
desugarB side ps (PUnquote fc tm)
= pure $ IUnquote fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PRunElab fc tm)
= pure $ IRunElab fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PHole fc br holename)
= do when br $
do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { bracketholes $= ((UN holename) ::) } syn)
pure $ IHole fc holename
desugar side ps (PType fc) = pure $ IType fc
desugar side ps (PAs fc vname pattern)
= pure $ IAs fc UseRight vname !(desugar side ps pattern)
desugar side ps (PDotted fc x)
= pure $ IMustUnify fc UserDotted !(desugar side ps x)
desugar side ps (PImplicit fc) = pure $ Implicit fc True
desugar side ps (PInfer fc) = pure $ Implicit fc False
desugar side ps (PDoBlock fc block)
desugarB side ps (PType fc) = pure $ IType fc
desugarB side ps (PAs fc vname pattern)
= pure $ IAs fc UseRight vname !(desugarB side ps pattern)
desugarB side ps (PDotted fc x)
= pure $ IMustUnify fc UserDotted !(desugarB side ps x)
desugarB side ps (PImplicit fc) = pure $ Implicit fc True
desugarB side ps (PInfer fc) = pure $ Implicit fc False
desugarB side ps (PDoBlock fc block)
= expandDo side ps fc block
desugar side ps (PList fc args)
desugarB side ps (PBang fc term)
= do itm <- desugarB side ps term
bs <- get Bang
let bn = MN "bind" (nextName bs)
put Bang (record { nextName $= (+1),
bangNames $= ((bn, fc, itm) ::)
} bs)
pure (IVar fc bn)
desugarB side ps (PList fc args)
= expandList side ps fc args
desugar side ps (PPair fc l r)
= do l' <- desugar side ps l
r' <- desugar side ps r
desugarB side ps (PPair fc l r)
= do l' <- desugarB side ps l
r' <- desugarB side ps r
let pval = apply (IVar fc (UN "MkPair")) [l', r']
pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault pval)
[apply (IVar fc (UN "Pair")) [l', r'], pval]
desugar side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) (PImplicit _) r)
= do r' <- desugar side ps r
desugarB side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) (PImplicit _) r)
= do r' <- desugarB side ps r
let pval = apply (IVar fc (UN "MkDPair")) [IVar nfc (UN n), r']
pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault pval)
[apply (IVar fc (UN "DPair"))
[Implicit nfc False,
ILam nfc RigW Explicit (Just (UN n)) (Implicit nfc False) r'],
desugar side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) ty r)
= do ty' <- desugar side ps ty
r' <- desugar side ps r
desugarB side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) ty r)
= do ty' <- desugarB side ps ty
r' <- desugarB side ps r
pure $ apply (IVar fc (UN "DPair"))
ILam nfc RigW Explicit (Just (UN n)) ty' r']
desugar side ps (PDPair fc l (PImplicit _) r)
= do l' <- desugar side ps l
r' <- desugar side ps r
desugarB side ps (PDPair fc l (PImplicit _) r)
= do l' <- desugarB side ps l
r' <- desugarB side ps r
pure $ apply (IVar fc (UN "MkDPair")) [l', r']
desugar side ps (PDPair fc l ty r)
desugarB side ps (PDPair fc l ty r)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Invalid dependent pair type")
desugar side ps (PUnit fc)
desugarB side ps (PUnit fc)
= pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IVar fc (UN "MkUnit")))
[IVar fc (UN "Unit"),
IVar fc (UN "MkUnit")]
desugar side ps (PIfThenElse fc x t e)
desugarB side ps (PIfThenElse fc x t e)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps x) (Implicit fc False)
[PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN "True")) !(desugar side ps t),
PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN "False")) !(desugar side ps e)]
desugar side ps (PComprehension fc ret conds)
= desugar side ps (PDoBlock fc (map guard conds ++ [toPure ret]))
desugarB side ps (PComprehension fc ret conds)
= desugarB side ps (PDoBlock fc (map guard conds ++ [toPure ret]))
guard : PDo -> PDo
guard (DoExp fc tm) = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "guard")) tm)
@ -272,27 +297,27 @@ mutual
toPure : PTerm -> PDo
toPure tm = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "pure")) tm)
desugar side ps (PRewrite fc rule tm)
= pure $ IRewrite fc !(desugar side ps rule) !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PRange fc start next end)
desugarB side ps (PRewrite fc rule tm)
= pure $ IRewrite fc !(desugarB side ps rule) !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PRange fc start next end)
= case next of
Nothing =>
desugar side ps (PApp fc
desugarB side ps (PApp fc
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromTo"))
start) end)
Just n =>
desugar side ps (PApp fc
desugarB side ps (PApp fc
(PApp fc
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromThenTo"))
start) n) end)
desugar side ps (PRangeStream fc start next)
desugarB side ps (PRangeStream fc start next)
= case next of
Nothing =>
desugar side ps (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFrom")) start)
desugarB side ps (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFrom")) start)
Just n =>
desugar side ps (PApp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromThen")) start) n)
desugar side ps (PUnifyLog fc tm)
= pure $ IUnifyLog fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PApp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromThen")) start) n)
desugarB side ps (PUnifyLog fc tm)
= pure $ IUnifyLog fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarUpdate : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -375,6 +400,7 @@ mutual
pure $ IRewrite fc rule' rest'
desugarTree : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
@ -401,7 +427,7 @@ mutual
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc op arg)
= do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
pure (IApp loc (IVar loc op) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Leaf t) = desugar side ps t
desugarTree side ps (Leaf t) = desugarB side ps t
desugarType : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -683,3 +709,15 @@ mutual
Overloadable n => pure [IPragma (\c, nest, env => setNameFlag fc n Overloadable)]
Extension e => pure [IPragma (\c, nest, env => setExtension e)]
desugar : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Side -> List Name -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
desugar s ps tm
= do b <- newRef Bang initBangs
tm' <- desugarB s ps tm
bd <- get Bang
pure $ bindBangs (bangNames bd) tm'

View File

@ -345,6 +345,11 @@ mutual
<|> do start <- location
symbol "["
listExpr fname start indents
<|> do start <- location
symbol "!"
e <- simpleExpr fname indents
end <- location
pure (PBang (MkFC fname start end) e)
<|> do start <- location
symbol "%"; exactIdent "unifyLog"
e <- expr pdef fname indents

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ mutual
-- Syntactic sugar
PDoBlock : FC -> List PDo -> PTerm
PBang : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
PList : FC -> List PTerm -> PTerm
PPair : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
PDPair : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ mutual
-- Debugging
PUnifyLog : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
-- TODO: Ranges, idiom brackets (?),
-- TODO: Idiom brackets (?),
-- 'with' disambiguation
public export
@ -441,6 +442,7 @@ mutual
showPrec d (PBracketed _ tm) = "(" ++ showPrec d tm ++ ")"
showPrec d (PDoBlock _ ds)
= "do " ++ showSep " ; " (map showDo ds)
showPrec d (PBang _ tm) = "!" ++ showPrec d tm
showPrec d (PList _ xs)
= "[" ++ showSep ", " (map (showPrec d) xs) ++ "]"
showPrec d (PPair _ l r) = "(" ++ showPrec d l ++ ", " ++ showPrec d r ++ ")"

View File

@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ export
reservedSymbols : List String
= symbols ++
["%", "\\", ":", "=", "|", "|||", "<-", "->", "=>", "?", "&", "**", ".."]
["%", "\\", ":", "=", "|", "|||", "<-", "->", "=>", "?", "!",
"&", "**", ".."]
symbolChar : Char -> Bool
symbolChar c = c `elem` unpack opChars

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ typeddTests
chezTests : List String
= ["chez001", "chez002", "chez003", "chez004", "chez005", "chez006",
"chez007", "chez008", "chez009", "chez010"]
"chez007", "chez008", "chez009", "chez010", "chez011"]
ideModeTests : List String

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
add : Int -> Int -> Int
add = (+)
-- lift to nearest binder
addm1 : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addm1 x y = let z = x in pure (add !z !y)
-- lift to nearest binder
addm2 : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addm2 = \x, y => pure (!x + !y)
getLen : String -> IO Nat
getLen str = pure (length str)
fakeGetLine : String -> IO String
fakeGetLine str = pure str
-- lift out innermost first
printThing1 : IO ()
printThing1 = printLn !(getLen !(fakeGetLine "line1"))
-- lift out leftmost first
printThing2 : IO ()
printThing2 = printLn (!(fakeGetLine "1") ++ !(fakeGetLine "2"))
-- don't lift out of if
printBool : Bool -> IO ()
printBool x
= if x
then putStrLn !(fakeGetLine "True")
else putStrLn !(fakeGetLine "False")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
____ __ _ ___
/ _/___/ /____(_)____ |__ \
/ // __ / ___/ / ___/ __/ / Version 0.0.0-9cd040fcb
_/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) / __/
/___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ /____/
Welcome to Idris 2. Enjoy yourself!
1/1: Building bangs (bangs.idr)
Main> Just 7
Main> Just 7
Main> Main> Main> Main> Main> Bye for now!

tests/chez/chez011/input Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
addm1 (Just 3) (Just 4)
addm2 (Just 3) (Just 4)
:exec printThing1
:exec printThing2
:exec printBool True
:exec printBool False

tests/chez/chez011/run Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 bangs.idr < input
rm -rf build