Add package files

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-06-07 11:14:45 +01:00
parent b9e67db95d
commit 2afad1f13c
4 changed files with 541 additions and 0 deletions

src/Idris/CommandLine.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
module Idris.CommandLine
%default total
public export
data PkgCommand
= Build
| Install
Show PkgCommand where
show Build = "--build"
show Install = "--install"
show REPL = "--repl"
||| CLOpt - possible command line options
public export
data CLOpt
||| Only typecheck the given file
CheckOnly |
||| Execute a given function after checking the source file
ExecFn String |
||| Use a specific code generator (default chez)
SetCG String |
||| Don't implicitly import Prelude
NoPrelude |
||| Show the installation prefix
ShowPrefix |
||| Display blodwen version
Version |
||| Display help text
Help |
||| Run Blodwen in quiet mode
Quiet |
||| Add a package as a dependency
PkgPath String |
||| Build or install a given package, depending on PkgCommand
Package PkgCommand String |
||| The input Blodwen file
InputFile String |
||| Whether or not to run in IdeMode (easily parsable for other tools)
IdeMode |
||| Whether or not to run IdeMode (using a socket instead of stdin/stdout)
IdeModeSocket |
ActType : List String -> Type
ActType [] = List CLOpt
ActType (a :: as) = String -> ActType as
record OptDesc where
constructor MkOpt
flags : List String
argdescs : List String
action : ActType argdescs
help : Maybe String
options : List OptDesc
options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
(Just "Exit after checking source file"),
MkOpt ["--exec", "-x"] ["name"] (\f => [ExecFn f, Quiet])
(Just "Execute function after checking source file"),
MkOpt ["--no-prelude"] [] [NoPrelude]
(Just "Don't implicitly import Prelude"),
MkOpt ["--codegen", "--cg"] ["backend"] (\f => [SetCG f])
(Just "Set code generator (default chez)"),
MkOpt ["--package", "-p"] ["package"] (\f => [PkgPath f])
(Just "Add a package as a dependency"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode"] [] [IdeMode]
(Just "Run the REPL with machine-readable syntax"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode-socket"] [] [IdeModeSocket]
(Just "Run the ide socket mode"),
MkOpt ["--prefix"] [] [ShowPrefix]
(Just "Show installation prefix"),
MkOpt ["--paths"] [] [BlodwenPaths]
(Just "Show paths"),
MkOpt ["--build"] ["package file"] (\f => [Package Build f])
(Just "Build modules/executable for the given package"),
MkOpt ["--install"] ["package file"] (\f => [Package Install f])
(Just "Install the given package"),
MkOpt ["--quiet", "-q"] [] [Quiet]
(Just "Quiet mode; display fewer messages"),
MkOpt ["--version", "-v"] [] [Version]
(Just "Display version string"),
MkOpt ["--help", "-h", "-?"] [] [Help]
(Just "Display help text")
optUsage : OptDesc -> String
optUsage d
= maybe "" -- Don't show anything if there's no help string (that means
-- it's an internal option)
(\h =>
let optshow = showSep "," (flags d) ++ " " ++
showSep " " (map (\x => "<" ++ x ++ ">") (argdescs d)) in
optshow ++ pack (List.replicate (minus 26 (length optshow)) ' ')
++ h ++ "\n") (help d)
showSep : String -> List String -> String
showSep sep [] = ""
showSep sep [x] = x
showSep sep (x :: xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs
version : String
version = "0.1"
versionMsg : String
versionMsg = "Blodwen, a prototype successor to Idris, version " ++ version
usage : String
usage = versionMsg ++ "\n" ++
"Usage: blodwen [options] [input file]\n\n" ++
"Available options:\n" ++
concatMap (\u => " " ++ optUsage u) options
processArgs : String -> (args : List String) -> List String -> ActType args ->
Either String (List CLOpt, List String)
processArgs flag [] xs f = Right (f, xs)
processArgs flag (a :: as) [] f
= Left $ "Missing argument <" ++ a ++ "> for flag " ++ flag
processArgs flag (a :: as) (x :: xs) f
= processArgs flag as xs (f x)
matchFlag : (d : OptDesc) -> List String ->
Either String (Maybe (List CLOpt, List String))
matchFlag d [] = Right Nothing -- Nothing left to match
matchFlag d (x :: xs)
= if x `elem` flags d
then do args <- processArgs x (argdescs d) xs (action d)
Right (Just args)
else Right Nothing
findMatch : List OptDesc -> List String ->
Either String (List CLOpt, List String)
findMatch [] [] = Right ([], [])
findMatch [] (f :: args) = Right ([InputFile f], args)
findMatch (d :: ds) args
= case !(matchFlag d args) of
Nothing => findMatch ds args
Just res => Right res
parseOpts : List OptDesc -> List String -> Either String (List CLOpt)
parseOpts opts [] = Right []
parseOpts opts args
= do (cl, rest) <- findMatch opts args
cls <- assert_total (parseOpts opts rest) -- 'rest' smaller than 'args'
pure (cl ++ cls)
getOpts : List String -> Either String (List CLOpt)
getOpts opts = parseOpts options opts
export covering
getCmdOpts : IO (Either String (List CLOpt))
getCmdOpts = do (_ :: opts) <- getArgs
| pure (Left "Invalid command line")
pure $ getOpts opts

src/Idris/Package.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
module Idris.Package
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Directory
import Core.Options
import Core.Unify
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.ProcessIdr
import Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.SetOptions
import Idris.Syntax
import Parser.Lexer
import Parser.Support
import Utils.Binary
import System
import Text.Parser
%default covering
record PkgDesc where
constructor MkPkgDesc
name : String
version : String
authors : String
depends : List String -- packages to add to search path
modules : List (List String, String) -- modules to install (namespace, filename)
mainmod : Maybe (List String, String) -- main file (i.e. file to load at REPL)
executable : Maybe String -- name of executable
options : Maybe (FC, String)
prebuild : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run before building
postbuild : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after building
preinstall : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after building, before installing
postinstall : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after installing
Show PkgDesc where
show pkg = "Package: " ++ name pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Version: " ++ version pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Authors: " ++ authors pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Depends: " ++ show (depends pkg) ++ "\n" ++
"Modules: " ++ show (map snd (modules pkg)) ++ "\n" ++
maybe "" (\m => "Main: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (mainmod pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Exec: " ++ m ++ "\n") (executable pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Opts: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (options pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Prebuild: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (prebuild pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Postbuild: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (postbuild pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Preinstall: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (preinstall pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Postinstall: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (postinstall pkg)
initPkgDesc : String -> PkgDesc
initPkgDesc pname
= MkPkgDesc pname "0" "Anonymous" [] []
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data DescField : Type where
PVersion : FC -> String -> DescField
PAuthors : FC -> String -> DescField
PDepends : List String -> DescField
PModules : List (FC, List String) -> DescField
PMainMod : FC -> List String -> DescField
PExec : String -> DescField
POpts : FC -> String -> DescField
PPrebuild : FC -> String -> DescField
PPostbuild : FC -> String -> DescField
PPreinstall : FC -> String -> DescField
PPostinstall : FC -> String -> DescField
field : String -> Rule DescField
field fname
= strField PVersion "version"
<|> strField PAuthors "authors"
<|> strField POpts "options"
<|> strField POpts "opts"
<|> strField PPrebuild "prebuild"
<|> strField PPostbuild "postbuild"
<|> strField PPreinstall "preinstall"
<|> strField PPostinstall "postinstall"
<|> do exactIdent "depends"; symbol "="
ds <- sepBy1 (symbol ",") unqualifiedName
pure (PDepends ds)
<|> do exactIdent "modules"; symbol "="
ms <- sepBy1 (symbol ",")
(do start <- location
ns <- namespace_
end <- location
pure (MkFC fname start end, ns))
pure (PModules ms)
<|> do exactIdent "main"; symbol "="
start <- location
m <- namespace_
end <- location
pure (PMainMod (MkFC fname start end) m)
<|> do exactIdent "executable"; symbol "="
e <- unqualifiedName
pure (PExec e)
getStr : (FC -> String -> DescField) -> FC ->
String -> Constant -> EmptyRule DescField
getStr p fc fld (Str s) = pure (p fc s)
getStr p fc fld _ = fail $ fld ++ " field must be a string"
strField : (FC -> String -> DescField) -> String -> Rule DescField
strField p f
= do start <- location
exactIdent f
symbol "="
c <- constant
end <- location
getStr p (MkFC fname start end) f c
parsePkgDesc : String -> Rule (String, List DescField)
parsePkgDesc fname
= do exactIdent "package"
name <- unqualifiedName
fields <- many (field fname)
pure (name, fields)
addField : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
DescField -> PkgDesc -> Core PkgDesc
addField (PVersion fc n) pkg = pure (record { version = n } pkg)
addField (PAuthors fc a) pkg = pure (record { authors = a } pkg)
addField (PDepends ds) pkg = pure (record { depends = ds } pkg)
addField (PModules ms) pkg
= pure (record { modules = !(traverse toSource ms) } pkg)
toSource : (FC, List String) -> Core (List String, String)
toSource (loc, ns) = pure (ns, !(nsToSource loc ns))
addField (PMainMod loc n) pkg
= pure (record { mainmod = Just (n, !(nsToSource loc n)) } pkg)
addField (PExec e) pkg = pure (record { executable = Just e } pkg)
addField (POpts fc e) pkg = pure (record { options = Just (fc, e) } pkg)
addField (PPrebuild fc e) pkg = pure (record { prebuild = Just (fc, e) } pkg)
addField (PPostbuild fc e) pkg = pure (record { postbuild = Just (fc, e) } pkg)
addField (PPreinstall fc e) pkg = pure (record { preinstall = Just (fc, e) } pkg)
addField (PPostinstall fc e) pkg = pure (record { postinstall = Just (fc, e) } pkg)
addFields : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List DescField -> PkgDesc -> Core PkgDesc
addFields [] desc = pure desc
addFields (x :: xs) desc = addFields xs !(addField x desc)
runScript : Maybe (FC, String) -> Core ()
runScript Nothing = pure ()
runScript (Just (fc, s))
= do res <- coreLift $ system s
when (res /= 0) $
throw (GenericMsg fc "Script failed")
addDeps : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
addDeps pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
traverse addPkgDir (depends pkg)
pure ()
processOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Maybe (FC, String) -> Core ()
processOptions Nothing = pure ()
processOptions (Just (fc, opts))
= do let Right clopts = getOpts (words opts)
| Left err => throw (GenericMsg fc err)
preOptions clopts
build : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core (List Error)
build pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
addDeps pkg
processOptions (options pkg)
runScript (prebuild pkg)
let toBuild = maybe (map snd (modules pkg))
(\m => snd m :: map snd (modules pkg))
(mainmod pkg)
[] <- buildAll toBuild
| errs => pure errs
runScript (postbuild pkg)
pure []
copyFile : String -> String -> IO (Either FileError ())
copyFile src dest
= do Right buf <- readFromFile src
| Left err => pure (Left err)
writeToFile dest buf
installFrom : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> String -> List String -> Core ()
installFrom _ _ _ [] = pure ()
installFrom pname builddir destdir ns@(m :: dns)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let modname = showSep "." (reverse ns)
let ttcfile = showSep "/" (reverse ns)
let ttcPath = builddir ++ dirSep ++ ttcfile ++ ".ttc"
let destPath = destdir ++ dirSep ++ showSep "/" (reverse dns)
let destFile = destdir ++ dirSep ++ ttcfile ++ ".ttc"
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs (reverse dns)
| Left err => throw (FileErr pname err)
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Installing " ++ ttcPath ++ " to " ++ destPath
Right _ <- coreLift $ copyFile ttcPath destFile
| Left err => throw (FileErr pname err)
pure ()
-- Install all the built modules in prefix/package/
-- We've already built and checked for success, so if any don't exist that's
-- an internal error.
install : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
install pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let build = build_dir (dirs (options defs))
runScript (preinstall pkg)
let toInstall = maybe (map fst (modules pkg))
(\m => fst m :: map fst (modules pkg))
(mainmod pkg)
srcdir <- coreLift currentDir
-- Make the package installation directory
let installPrefix = dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++ "blodwen"
True <- coreLift $ changeDir installPrefix
| False => throw (FileErr (name pkg) FileReadError)
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs [name pkg]
| Left err => throw (FileErr (name pkg) err)
True <- coreLift $ changeDir (name pkg)
| False => throw (FileErr (name pkg) FileReadError)
-- We're in that directory now, so copy the files from
-- srcdir/build into it
traverse (installFrom (name pkg)
(srcdir ++ dirSep ++ build)
(installPrefix ++ dirSep ++ name pkg)) toInstall
coreLift $ changeDir srcdir
runScript (postinstall pkg)
-- Just load the 'Main' module, if it exists, which will involve building
-- it if necessary
runRepl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
runRepl pkg
= do addDeps pkg
processOptions (options pkg)
throw (InternalError "Not implemented")
processPackage : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgCommand -> String -> Core ()
processPackage cmd file
= do Right (pname, fs) <- coreLift $ parseFile file
(do desc <- parsePkgDesc file
pure desc)
| Left err => throw (ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc file err) err)
pkg <- addFields fs (initPkgDesc pname)
case cmd of
Build => do [] <- build pkg
| errs => coreLift (exit 1)
pure ()
Install => do [] <- build pkg
| errs => coreLift (exit 1)
install pkg
REPL => runRepl pkg
rejectPackageOpts : List CLOpt -> Core Bool
rejectPackageOpts (Package cmd f :: _)
= do coreLift $ putStrLn ("Package commands (--build, --install --repl) must be the only option given")
pure True -- Done, quit here
rejectPackageOpts (_ :: xs) = rejectPackageOpts xs
rejectPackageOpts [] = pure False
-- If there's a package option, it must be the only option, so reject if
-- it's not
processPackageOpts : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List CLOpt -> Core Bool
processPackageOpts [Package cmd f]
= do processPackage cmd f
pure True
processPackageOpts opts = rejectPackageOpts opts

src/Idris/SetOptions.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module Idris.SetOptions
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Options
import Core.Unify
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.Syntax
import System
-- TODO: Version numbers on dependencies
addPkgDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core ()
addPkgDir p
= do defs <- get Ctxt
addExtraDir (dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++
"blodwen" ++ dirSep ++ p)
-- Options to be processed before type checking
preOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List CLOpt -> Core ()
preOptions [] = pure ()
preOptions (Quiet :: opts)
= do setOutput (REPL True)
preOptions opts
preOptions (NoPrelude :: opts)
= do setSession (record { noprelude = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (SetCG e :: opts)
= case getCG e of
Just cg => do setCG cg
preOptions opts
Nothing =>
do coreLift $ putStrLn "No such code generator"
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Code generators available: " ++
showSep ", " (map fst availableCGs)
coreLift $ exit 1
preOptions (PkgPath p :: opts)
= do addPkgDir p
preOptions opts
preOptions (_ :: opts) = preOptions opts
-- Options to be processed after type checking. Returns whether execution
-- should continue (i.e., whether to start a REPL)
postOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
List CLOpt -> Core Bool
postOptions [] = pure True
postOptions (ExecFn str :: rest)
= do execExp (PRef (MkFC "(script)" (0, 0) (0, 0)) (UN str))
postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (CheckOnly :: rest)
= do postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (_ :: rest) = postOptions rest
ideMode : List CLOpt -> Bool
ideMode [] = False
ideMode (IdeMode :: _) = True
ideMode (_ :: xs) = ideMode xs
ideModeSocket : List CLOpt -> Bool
ideModeSocket [] = False
ideModeSocket (IdeModeSocket :: _) = True
ideModeSocket (_ :: xs) = ideModeSocket xs

View File

@ -43,7 +43,10 @@ modules =
Data.NameMap, Data.NameMap,
Data.StringMap, Data.StringMap,
Idris.Desugar, Idris.Desugar,
Idris.Error, Idris.Error,
Idris.IDEMode.CaseSplit, Idris.IDEMode.CaseSplit,
Idris.IDEMode.Commands, Idris.IDEMode.Commands,
@ -51,12 +54,14 @@ modules =
Idris.IDEMode.Parser, Idris.IDEMode.Parser,
Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine, Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine,
Idris.ModTree, Idris.ModTree,
Idris.Parser, Idris.Parser,
Idris.ProcessIdr, Idris.ProcessIdr,
Idris.REPL, Idris.REPL,
Idris.REPLCommon, Idris.REPLCommon,
Idris.REPLOpts, Idris.REPLOpts,
Idris.Resugar, Idris.Resugar,
Idris.Socket, Idris.Socket,
Idris.Socket.Data, Idris.Socket.Data,
Idris.Socket.Raw, Idris.Socket.Raw,