Conversion checking of case blocks

This is a little bit of a hack, but is for the situation where a case
block arises from the same bit of source but with a different name,
which would happen when elaborating interfaces with cases in a method
signature. If it's the same function with the same scrutinee, it's
Fixes #191
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-02-13 18:24:12 +00:00
parent 6267231649
commit 3fe5c78f86
5 changed files with 68 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ mutual
Show (CaseTree vars) where
show (Case {name} idx prf ty alts)
= "case " ++ show name ++ " : " ++ show ty ++ " of { " ++
= "case " ++ show name ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "] : " ++ show ty ++ " of { " ++
showSep " | " (assert_total (map show alts)) ++ " }"
show (STerm tm) = show tm
show (Unmatched msg) = "Error: " ++ show msg

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@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ public export
data FC = MkFC FileName FilePos FilePos
| EmptyFC
Eq FC where
(==) (MkFC n s e) (MkFC n' s' e') = n == n' && s == s' && e == e'
(==) EmptyFC EmptyFC = True
(==) _ _ = False
file : FC -> FileName
file (MkFC fn _ _) = fn

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@ -178,3 +178,14 @@ nameEq (Resolved x) (Resolved y) with (decEq x y)
nameEq (Resolved x) (Resolved y) | (No contra) = Nothing
nameEq _ _ = Nothing
namesEq : (xs : List Name) -> (ys : List Name) -> Maybe (xs = ys)
namesEq [] [] = Just Refl
namesEq (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
= do p <- nameEq x y
ps <- namesEq xs ys
rewrite p
rewrite ps
Just Refl
namesEq _ _ = Nothing

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@ -645,6 +645,53 @@ mutual
= pure $ !(convGen q defs env x y) && !(allConv q defs env xs ys)
allConv q defs env _ _ = pure False
-- If two names are standing for case blocks, check the blocks originate
-- from the same place, and have the same scrutinee
chkConvCaseBlock : FC -> Ref QVar Int -> Defs -> Env Term vars ->
NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) -> Core Bool
chkConvCaseBlock fc q defs env (NRef _ n) nargs (NRef _ n') nargs'
= do NS _ (CaseBlock _ _) <- full (gamma defs) n
| _ => pure False
NS _ (CaseBlock _ _) <- full (gamma defs) n'
| _ => pure False
-- both case operators. Due to the way they're elaborated, two
-- blocks might be arise from the same source but have different
-- names. So we consider them the same if the scrutinees convert,
-- and the functions are defined at the same location. This is a
-- bit of a hack - and relies on the location being stored in the
-- term accurately - but otherwise it's a quick way to find out!
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure False
Just def' <- lookupCtxtExact n' (gamma defs)
| _ => pure False
let PMDef _ _ tree _ _ = definition def
| _ => pure False
let PMDef _ _ tree' _ _ = definition def'
| _ => pure False
let Just scpos = findArgPos tree
| Nothing => pure False
let Just scpos' = findArgPos tree'
| Nothing => pure False
let Just sc = getScrutinee scpos nargs
| Nothing => pure False
let Just sc' = getScrutinee scpos' nargs'
| Nothing => pure False
convGen q defs env sc sc'
pure (location def == location def')
-- Need to find the position of the scrutinee to see if they are the
-- same
findArgPos : CaseTree as -> Maybe Nat
findArgPos (Case idx p _ _) = Just idx
findArgPos _ = Nothing
getScrutinee : Nat -> List (Closure vs) -> Maybe (Closure vs)
getScrutinee Z (x :: xs) = Just x
getScrutinee (S k) (x :: xs) = getScrutinee k xs
getScrutinee _ _ = Nothing
chkConvCaseBlock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = pure False
chkConvHead : Ref QVar Int -> Defs -> Env Term vars ->
NHead vars -> NHead vars -> Core Bool
chkConvHead q defs env (NLocal _ idx _) (NLocal _ idx' _) = pure $ idx == idx'
@ -703,10 +750,10 @@ mutual
(Local fc Nothing _ First)))
convGen q defs env etax tmy
convGen q defs env (NApp _ val args) (NApp _ val' args')
convGen q defs env (NApp fc val args) (NApp _ val' args')
= if !(chkConvHead q defs env val val')
then allConv q defs env args args'
else pure False
else chkConvCaseBlock fc q defs env val args val' args'
convGen q defs env (NDCon _ nm tag _ args) (NDCon _ nm' tag' _ args')
= if tag == tag'

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ idrisTests
-- QTT and linearity related
"linear001", "linear002", "linear003", "linear004", "linear005",
"linear006", "linear007",
"linear006", "linear007", "linear008",
-- Parameters blocks
-- Performance: things which have been slow in the past, or which