Merge pull request #75 from abailly/configurable-ide-mode-socket

Configurable ide-mode-socket REPL
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-09-13 13:13:02 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 4159d43432
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 246 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -40,4 +40,3 @@ Generates a pattern matching definition, if it can find one, for the function
declared with the given name, on the given line. It will only return the
first definition it finds, as a list of pattern clauses. This works via a
combination of case splitting and expression search.

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Idris.CommandLine
import Data.String
%default total
public export
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ data CLOpt
||| Whether or not to run in IdeMode (easily parsable for other tools)
IdeMode |
||| Whether or not to run IdeMode (using a socket instead of stdin/stdout)
IdeModeSocket |
IdeModeSocket String |
||| Run as a checker for the core language TTImp
Yaffle String |
Timing |
@ -82,9 +84,12 @@ options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
MkOpt ["--ide-mode"] [] [IdeMode]
(Just "Run the REPL with machine-readable syntax"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode-socket"] [] [IdeModeSocket]
(Just "Run the ide socket mode"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode-socket"] [] [IdeModeSocket "localhost:38398"]
(Just "Run the ide socket mode on default host and port (localhost:38398"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode-socket-with"] ["host:port"] (\hp => [IdeModeSocket hp])
(Just "Run the ide socket mode on given host and port"),
MkOpt ["--prefix"] [] [ShowPrefix]
(Just "Show installation prefix"),
@ -183,3 +188,18 @@ getCmdOpts = do (_ :: opts) <- getArgs
| pure (Left "Invalid command line")
pure $ getOpts opts
portPart : String -> Maybe String
portPart p with (not $ p == "") proof prf
portPart p | False = Nothing
portPart p | True = Just $ strTail' p (sym prf)
||| Extract the host and port to bind the IDE socket to
public export
ideSocketModeHostPort : List CLOpt -> (String, Int)
ideSocketModeHostPort [] = ("localhost", 38398)
ideSocketModeHostPort (IdeModeSocket hp :: _) =
let (h, p) = Strings.break (== ':') hp
port = fromMaybe 38398 (portPart p >>= parsePositive)
host = if h == "" then "localhost" else h
in (host, port)
ideSocketModeHostPort (_ :: rest) = ideSocketModeHostPort rest

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.Client
import Data.Primitives.Views
import System
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Idris.IDEMode.Parser
import Idris.Socket
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.Socket.Data
import Idris.IDEMode.REPL
import Parser.Support
hexDigit : Int -> Char
hexDigit 0 = '0'
hexDigit 1 = '1'
hexDigit 2 = '2'
hexDigit 3 = '3'
hexDigit 4 = '4'
hexDigit 5 = '5'
hexDigit 6 = '6'
hexDigit 7 = '7'
hexDigit 8 = '8'
hexDigit 9 = '9'
hexDigit 10 = 'a'
hexDigit 11 = 'b'
hexDigit 12 = 'c'
hexDigit 13 = 'd'
hexDigit 14 = 'e'
hexDigit 15 = 'f'
||| Convert a positive integer into a list of (lower case) hexadecimal characters
asHex : Int -> String
asHex n = pack $ asHex' n []
asHex' : Int -> List Char -> List Char
asHex' 0 hex = hex
asHex' n hex with (n `divides` 16)
asHex' (16 * div + rem) hex | DivBy {div} {rem} _ = asHex' div (hexDigit rem :: hex)
connectTo : String -> Int -> IO (Either String Socket)
connectTo host port = do
osock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
case osock of
Left fail => do
pure $ Left ("Failed to open client socket " ++ show fail)
Right sock => do
res <- connect sock (Hostname host) port
if res /= 0
then pure $ Left ("Failed to connect to :" ++ host ++ ":" ++ show port ++", " ++ show res)
else pure (Right sock)
||| Runs an ide-mode client to execute one command against a given server
serialize : IDECommand -> Maybe String
serialize cmd =
let scmd = show $ SExpList [ toSExp cmd, toSExp 1 ]
hexLen = asHex $ cast $ Strings.length scmd
len = case isLTE (length hexLen) 6 of
(Yes _) => Just $ cast (replicate (6 - length hexLen) '0') ++ hexLen
(No _) => Nothing
in (++) <$> len <*> Just scmd
readOutput : Socket -> IO (Either String SExp)
readOutput sock = do
Right (len, _) <- recv sock 6 | Left err => pure (Left $ "failed to read from socket, error: " ++ show err)
case toHex 1 (reverse $ cast len) of
Nothing => pure $ Left ("expected a length in six-digits hexadecimal, got " ++ len)
Just num => do
Right (msg, _) <- recv sock num | Left err => pure (Left $ "failed to read from socket, error: " ++ show err)
pure $ either (Left . show) Right $ parseSExp msg
data IDEResult : Type where
IDEReturn : List SExp -> IDEResult
NetworkError : String -> IDEResult
InputError : String -> IDEResult
OutputError : String -> IDEResult
implementation Show IDEResult where
show (IDEReturn exprs) = unlines $ map show exprs
show (NetworkError reason) = reason
show (InputError reason) = reason
show (OutputError reason) = reason
readResult: Socket -> List SExp -> IO IDEResult
readResult sock outputs = do
Right output <- readOutput sock | Left err => pure (OutputError err)
case output of
SExpList (SymbolAtom "return" :: rest) => pure (IDEReturn (SExpList rest :: outputs))
res => do
readResult sock (res :: outputs)
execute : Socket -> IDECommand -> IO IDEResult
execute cnx command = do
let cmdString = serialize command
case cmdString of
Just cmd => do
Right sent <- send cnx cmd
| Left err => pure (NetworkError ("Failed to send command, error: " ++ show err))
readResult cnx []
Nothing => pure $ InputError "Command is too long"
connect : String -> Int -> IO Socket
connect host port = do
Right sock <- connectTo host port
| Left fail => do
putStrLn $ "fail to connect to " ++ host ++ ":" ++ show port ++", error: " ++ fail
exit 1
pure sock
makeIDECommand : REPLCmd -> Either String IDECommand
makeIDECommand (Eval term) = Right $ Interpret (show term)
makeIDECommand (Check term) = Right $ TypeOf (show term) Nothing
makeIDECommand (Load file) = Right $ LoadFile file Nothing
makeIDECommand (Editing (TypeAt line col name)) = Right $ TypeOf (show name) (Just (cast line, cast col))
makeIDECommand other = Left "Don't know how to interpret command"
parseCommand : String -> Either String IDECommand
parseCommand = either (Left . show) makeIDECommand . parseRepl
repl : Socket -> IO ()
repl cnx
= do putStr prompt
Right input <- map parseCommand getLine
| Left err => do
putStrLn err
repl cnx
end <- fEOF stdin
if end
then putStrLn "Bye!"
else do
result <- execute cnx input
putStrLn $ show result
repl cnx
prompt : String
prompt = "λ> "
client : String -> Int -> IO ()
client host port = connect host port >>= repl

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ data IDECommand
| MakeLemma Integer String
| MakeCase Integer String
| MakeWith Integer String
readHints : List SExp -> Maybe (List String)
readHints [] = Just []
readHints (StringAtom s :: rest)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "type-of", StringAtom n])
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "type-of", StringAtom n,
IntegerAtom l, IntegerAtom c])
= Just $ TypeOf n (Just (l, c))
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom l, IntegerAtom c,
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom l, IntegerAtom c,
StringAtom n])
= Just $ CaseSplit l c n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
@ -76,6 +76,25 @@ getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-with", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ MakeWith l n
getIDECommand _ = Nothing
putIDECommand : IDECommand -> SExp
putIDECommand (Interpret cmd) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "interpret", StringAtom cmd])
putIDECommand (LoadFile fname Nothing) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "load-file", StringAtom fname])
putIDECommand (LoadFile fname (Just line)) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "load-file", StringAtom fname, IntegerAtom line])
putIDECommand (TypeOf cmd Nothing) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "type-of", StringAtom cmd])
putIDECommand (TypeOf cmd (Just (line, col))) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "type-of", StringAtom cmd, IntegerAtom line, IntegerAtom col])
putIDECommand (CaseSplit line col n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom line, IntegerAtom col, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (AddClause line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-clause", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (ExprSearch line n exprs mode) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n, SExpList $ map StringAtom exprs, getMode mode])
getMode : Bool -> SExp
getMode True = SymbolAtom "all"
getMode False = SymbolAtom "other"
putIDECommand (GenerateDef line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "generate-def", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (MakeLemma line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-lemma", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (MakeCase line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-case", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (MakeWith line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-with", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
getMsg : SExp -> Maybe (IDECommand, Integer)
getMsg (SExpList [cmdexp, IntegerAtom num])
@ -103,6 +122,10 @@ public export
interface SExpable a where
toSExp : a -> SExp
SExpable IDECommand where
toSExp = putIDECommand
SExpable SExp where
toSExp = id
@ -129,7 +152,7 @@ SExpable Name where
(SExpable a, SExpable b) => SExpable (a, b) where
toSExp (x, y)
toSExp (x, y)
= case toSExp y of
SExpList xs => SExpList (toSExp x :: xs)
y' => SExpList [toSExp x, y']
@ -151,7 +174,7 @@ hex : File -> Int -> IO ()
hex (FHandle h) num = foreign FFI_C "fprintf" (Ptr -> String -> Int -> IO ()) h "%06x" num
sendLine : File -> String -> IO ()
sendLine (FHandle h) st =
sendLine (FHandle h) st =
map (const ()) (prim_fwrite h st)

View File

@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ socketToFile (MkSocket f _ _ _) = do
if !(ferror file) then do
pure (Left "Failed to fdopen socket file descriptor")
else pure (Right file)
initIDESocketFile : Int -> IO (Either String File)
initIDESocketFile p = do
initIDESocketFile : String -> Int -> IO (Either String File)
initIDESocketFile h p = do
osock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
case osock of
Left fail => do
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ initIDESocketFile p = do
putStrLn "Failed to open socket"
exit 1
Right sock => do
res <- bind sock (Just (Hostname "localhost")) p
if res /= 0
res <- bind sock (Just (Hostname h)) p
if res /= 0
pure (Left ("Failed to bind socket with error: " ++ show res))
else do
res <- listen sock
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ initIDESocketFile p = do
else do
putStrLn (show p)
res <- accept sock
case res of
Left err =>
case res of
Left err =>
pure (Left ("Failed to accept on socket with error: " ++ show err))
Right (s, _) =>
socketToFile s
Right (s, _) =>
socketToFile s
getChar : File -> IO Char
getChar (FHandle h) = do
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ getChar (FHandle h) = do
putStrLn "Failed to read a character"
exit 1
else pure chr
getFLine : File -> IO String
getFLine (FHandle h) = do
str <- prim_fread h
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ getFLine (FHandle h) = do
getNChars : File -> Nat -> IO (List Char)
getNChars i Z = pure []
getNChars i (S k)
= do x <- getChar i
= do x <- getChar i
xs <- getNChars i k
pure (x :: xs)
@ -117,12 +117,14 @@ hex 'd' = Just 13
hex 'e' = Just 14
hex 'f' = Just 15
hex _ = Nothing
toHex : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toHex _ [] = Just 0
toHex m (d :: ds)
toHex m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(hex (toLower d)) * m + !(toHex (m*16) ds)
-- Read 6 characters. If they're a hex number, read that many characters.
-- Otherwise, just read to newline
getInput : File -> IO String
@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
process (Interpret cmd)
= do interpret cmd
printResult "Done"
process (LoadFile fname toline)
process (LoadFile fname toline)
= do opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { mainfile = Just fname } opts)
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ process (LoadFile fname toline)
case errs of
[] => printResult $ "Loaded " ++ fname
_ => printError $ "Failed to load " ++ fname
process (TypeOf n Nothing)
process (TypeOf n Nothing)
= do Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN n)))
pure ()
process (TypeOf n (Just (l, c)))
@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ process (AddClause l n)
= do Idris.REPL.process (Editing (AddClause (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
pure ()
process (ExprSearch l n hs all)
= do Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch (fromInteger l) (UN n)
= do Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch (fromInteger l) (UN n)
(map UN hs) all))
pure ()
process (GenerateDef l n)
@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ processCatch cmd
put ROpts o'
emitError err
printError "Command failed")
loop : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ loop : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core ()
= do res <- getOutput
= do res <- getOutput
case res of
REPL _ => printError "Running idemode but output isn't"
IDEMode _ inf outf => do
@ -226,11 +228,11 @@ loop
Right sexp =>
case getMsg sexp of
Just (cmd, i) =>
Just (cmd, i) =>
do updateOutput i
processCatch cmd
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do printError ("Unrecognised command: " ++ show sexp)
@ -254,4 +256,3 @@ replIDE
IDEMode _ inf outf => do
send outf (version 2 0)

View File

@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ stMain opts
setOutput (IDEMode 0 stdin stdout)
replIDE {c} {u} {m}
else do
f <- coreLift $ initIDESocketFile 38398
let (host, port) = ideSocketModeHostPort opts
f <- coreLift $ initIDESocketFile host port
case f of
Left err => do
coreLift $ putStrLn err

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ addPkgDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core ()
addPkgDir p
= do defs <- get Ctxt
addExtraDir (dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++
addExtraDir (dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++
"idris2" ++ dirSep ++ p)
-- Options to be processed before type checking
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ preOptions (SetCG e :: opts)
= case getCG e of
Just cg => do setCG cg
preOptions opts
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do coreLift $ putStrLn "No such code generator"
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Code generators available: " ++
showSep ", " (map fst availableCGs)
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ postOptions (OutputFile outfile :: rest)
= do compileExp (PRef (MkFC "(script)" (0, 0) (0, 0)) (UN "main")) outfile
postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (ExecFn str :: rest)
postOptions (ExecFn str :: rest)
= do execExp (PRef (MkFC "(script)" (0, 0) (0, 0)) (UN str))
postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (CheckOnly :: rest)
postOptions (CheckOnly :: rest)
= do postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (_ :: rest) = postOptions rest
@ -81,6 +81,5 @@ ideMode (_ :: xs) = ideMode xs
ideModeSocket : List CLOpt -> Bool
ideModeSocket [] = False
ideModeSocket (IdeModeSocket :: _) = True
ideModeSocket (IdeModeSocket _ :: _) = True
ideModeSocket (_ :: xs) = ideModeSocket xs

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@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ chezTests
= ["chez001", "chez002", "chez003", "chez004",
"chez005", "chez006", "chez007"]
ideModeTests : List String
= [ "ideMode001" ]
chdir : String -> IO Bool
chdir dir
= do ok <- foreign FFI_C "chdir" (String -> IO Int) dir
@ -136,7 +140,8 @@ main
let filteredNonCGTests =
filterTests $ concat [testPaths "ttimp" ttimpTests,
testPaths "idris2" idrisTests,
testPaths "typedd-book" typeddTests]
testPaths "typedd-book" typeddTests,
testPaths "ideMode" ideModeTests]
let filteredChezTests = filterTests (testPaths "chez" chezTests)
nonCGTestRes <- traverse (runTest idris2) filteredNonCGTests
chezTestRes <- if length filteredChezTests > 0

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z a
(::) : a -> Vect k a -> Vect (S k) a
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append [] ys = ys
append (x :: xs) ys = x :: append xs ys

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
000018(:protocol-version 2 0)
000038(:write-string "1/1: Building LocType (LocType.idr)" 1)
00002a(:return (:ok "Loaded LocType.idr" ()) 1)
Alas the file is done, aborting

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
00001e((:load-file "LocType.idr") 1)

tests/ideMode/ideMode001/run Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --ide-mode < input
rm -rf build